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Hello all, I thought it might be time to introduce myself, having signed up about a month ago and having "lurked" on the forum since then. I signed up after all the Google searches I did researching my telescope purchased seemed to bring me here, so I figured this must be the place to be!

My interest in astronomy began, as with many of my era, through inspiration by the NASA Apollo missions which were going on while I was very young. I was almost 6 years old the day Apollo 11 landed on the moon, for example. Since then my interest has waxed and waned variously over the years but it hasn't really been until now that I have had time and resources available to start investing and developing my interest in the hobby.

My first purchase has been a Skywatcher Skyliner 250PX. From the little I have had the chance to use it so far, using only the standard EPs, it seems to be delivering the sort of results my pre-purchase research suggested it would.

I have a vast amount still to learn, being very much a beginner in any real sense and, unfortunately, living in Southern Finland, we are about to enter a period where very little viewing will be possible given the long light days and short nights of summer, but I will be keen to see what I can, when I can.

My next task, as funds permit, will be to dive into the vast and confusing sea of EPs to find some good items to match to the 'scope and complement or replace the two that came with it. The more opinions and advice I read on this subject, the less certain I become of what I will want to buy. My initial thoughts are for a longer focal length EP in the 28-30mm range, probably with a fairly wide AFoV, for attempting to see DSOs and at least one in the shorter range for viewing planets.

Anyhow, I look forward to spending time on the forum and learning a great deal from the combined expertise of all of you and in time perhaps, to contributing in some small way myself.

Clear skies!


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Hi Andy and welcome to SGL, there is a wealth of knowledge among the membership that could possibly help with a choice of EP that will suit your particular scope, just post any inquiry into the relevant section, enjoy your Astronomy :)


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Nice first post & welcome to SGL.

EP's are a bit confusing & there isn't always agreement on here to which ones are best.

I just worked out from the ones I got with my scope which would be the best, a few sessions with the scope makes the choice easier.

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Hi Andy,

Welcome to the SGL community and forum - by the sound of it you've already had a good look around, and as a recipient of much good advice and counsel over the last 6 months, I can testify to it being a fantastic and very friendly place to develop and learn.

The skyliner 250px is a great piece of kit and will deliver some stunning planetary and deep views - at F5 you need to be a little careful with the selection of EPs, but I'll leave this area for some of the more experienced dob owners with longer experience and knowledge of the sweet spots for this scope.

Enjoy and Clear Skies - Jake

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Hi, Andy, and welcome to SGL! That is a very capable scope you have there. If you ask five astronomers the best eyepieces to use you will find at least seven different opinions! I personally use the BST range of eyepieces on my 250 and have had no problems with them (great eye relief, too). These have a good reputation on SGL as does Alan who sells them from 'Skys the limit' on e-bay. If you haven't already got one I would also recommend a collimation tool (either laser or 'Cheshire'). Your scope will need collimation fairly frequently. Enjoy your new scope!


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Thank you all for this very warm welcome. I was quite taken aback to find so many replies had been posted so quickly.

I definitely appreciate that the scope I have chosen is going to cause me some challenges with EPs (mainly price-related :smiley:) and I am already trying to find the path to tread between obtaining decent quality and breaking the bank! The other problem I need to overcome is my impatience to get the best out of this scope and am trying to resist spending too much money too soon rather than waiting to be sure of my choices.

Bargains are hard to find in Finland so my shopping is mostly done online with stores in the UK or Germany. This is as true of most other purchases as it is with items related to astronomy, so it has become something of a practised art!

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Hi Andy, tervetuloa SGL. Sinä voit varmasti etsi kaikki hyödyllinen ja paljon onnea päättäminen. Kadehdin teitä elävät Suomessa, minulla on kaksi ystäviä, jotka elää eteläisen Finland-Turku ja Helsingin pohjoisen (tämän vuoksi käytän translator! ). Yksi ystäväni on saanut minut aivan kateellinen yli kuinka monta kertaa hän on mielestäni auroras. Toivon, että tämä käännös lukee ok.



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If price is an issue as far as eyepieces are concerned then I think the Baader Classic Orthos are worth considering, although the eye relief can be a bit of a nuisance for some. I can't imagine there are too many available on the second hand market yet, but I'd say they're good value new. The other option that springs to mind is second hand TeleVue Plossls. In the UK I think these go for about £50 or so.


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Hi Andy, tervetuloa SGL. Sinä voit varmasti etsi kaikki hyödyllinen ja paljon onnea päättäminen. Kadehdin teitä elävät Suomessa, minulla on kaksi ystäviä, jotka elää eteläisen Finland-Turku ja Helsingin pohjoisen (tämän vuoksi käytän translator! ). Yksi ystäväni on saanut minut aivan kateellinen yli kuinka monta kertaa hän on mielestäni auroras. Toivon, että tämä käännös lukee ok.



Moi Steve ja kiitoksia. Minun pitää sanoa että olen täysin englantilainen. Siis englannin kieli sopii ihan täydelisesti minulle!.

Hi Steve and thanks. I should point out that I am completely English. So, the English language works perfectly for me!

Also, just so you don't feel jealous, I can tell you I have lived here almost ten years now and never seen the northern lights :sad:

Anyhow, once again, thanks for the welcome!

All the best, Andy

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On the subject of EPs (and they do seem to be a VERY popular topic, for obvious reasons!), I think my approach is going to be to try to aim for quality rather than quantity, at least in the short to medium term and buy decent items as and when I can afford them.

Currently, finding the price of new Televues likely to be a bit rich for my blood, I have been wondering about ranges such as Meade 5000 UWA/HD-60 and Explore Scientific EPs to select from although I am still far from decided.

On a slightly different tack, I wonder what kind of experience people might have had with pairing a Skywatcher Aero ED SWA 30mm with the 250PX?

I realise, as others have pointed out, that opinions on EPs are as many and varied as the number of people asked and that there is an element of personal taste involved but in the absence of an opportunity to try the EPs myself, listening to what those who have used them have to say seems a wise alternative.

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Hi and welcome to SGL Andy. Is there an astro group near you, If so join up and go observing with them ,you'll probably find most folk will let you try their eyepieces in your scope to compare the differences

Clear skies :laugh:

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