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A Thoroghly Immodest Announcement

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A great tour :grin:... yet to try M63 the Sunflower galaxy in my bins, never even thought of that :shocked: Will i see it with my 12x50 binoculars?

Depends on your skies. I've seen all the objects in the tour with my 10x42; the Sunflower needed averted vision on all but one, very transparent, night.

One of the problems with doing a tour like that is that it needs to be accessible to anyone willing to put a bit of effort into it, but needs to allow for different observing experience and different quality of kit (especially given that a lot of budget 10x50s and 15x70s are actually internally stopped down to something smaller). My "rule" is that if I can see it consistently with direct vision in a 10x42, then it can be classed as a 10x50 object and if it consistently needs averted vision it is a 15x70 object. (Next month's one will include a very pretty double star that is splittable quite easily with a 10x42 but, unless the 10x50 can be held really steadily, will probably need mounting,)

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Thanks, just a small step in light gathering between the 10x42s and my 12x50s so i am hopeful :grin: although mine are a little on the cheaper side. I can see M51 pretty well in my bins so not a bad sky, when it's clear, so will enjoy trying to find this one :smiley:

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Will look forward to reading it...troub;e is by the time the latest UK issue hits the newstands here it is 1-2 months out of date... :sad:

Won't be much good to you in WA, I'm afraid -- most of the objects in the April tour and all of the ones in the May tour are below your horizon. You should be OK with the June stuff, though... :grin:
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Well done Steve - and also a good initiative from S@N. We all love bins and sometimes just cannot be bothered to get the scope out if weather is wobbly. Look forward to this column greatly.

So how with this bins column work? Just a blitz of whats on offer each month or a deep dive into an area of sky?

Well done again, Steve

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Just checked again... yep :laugh: and... two satellites criss crossed my view :laugh: Hand held too i wonder if that jigging around view made this fuzzy more distinct from the space around it? Checked the two Globs and then M94... that was easier the M51 :laugh:

Done em all .. took me a few nights :grin:

Thank you Stephen :grin:

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M63 has made my night tho :grin: Four stars near by creating a arrow head shape pointed straight to it. I'll use that again :grin:

p.s didn't use my scope tonight (that has't seen M63).. I just hopped in & out the back yard with the binoculars :grin:

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Woohoo! just got M63 :grin: just! in me 12x50s. Started with M51 to get my eye in (Is that easier?)
Yes, I find M51 to be easier, but I think each month needs a "challenge" :grin: -- when you get it, it gives you that nice warm glow that seems to lie behind your posts on this.. :smiley:
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congrats steve i love your bino tours and i think bins needs to be the first thing astronomers buy before a telescope. soooo much to see and so rewarding when learning the sky! i wouldnt be able to findhalf the stuff i can without your guides!!

if we ever meet i owe you a pint!

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Congratulations Steve! May I join others and say that the Binocular Tour should definitely be a regular feature (are you listening, Chris!)

It was a fantastic guide for me after buying my first serious pair of binoculars, and I'm glad to say I found every object! Having the insight on how you rate each object for aperture is very useful, thanks for that. I now I hope to find all of them with my 50mm pair, albeit using averted vision.

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Thanks again for the kind comments, folks -- I really do appreciate it!

if we ever meet i owe you a pint!
Tempted to come your way to take advantage of that offer -- must be nearly 30 years since I've experienced the childish delight of sniggering inside while asking for "a pint of Brains, please"! :grin:
May I join others and say that the Binocular Tour should definitely be a regular feature (are you listening, Chris!)
Tell him! :smiley:
Having the insight on how you rate each object for aperture is very useful, thanks for that. I now I hope to find all of them with my 50mm pair, albeit using averted vision.
If your binocs and skies are reasonably decent , that shouldn't prove to be too much of a problem. :smiley:
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