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European Astrofest 2013 in London


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Anyone going to Kensington Town Hall for the Astrofest next month.... and with their credit card? I've been going since they started awhile back but missed last year's but will be there this time on the Friday. Time for another vid on my Youtube Nytecam Channel of the event - check out my old stuff!

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That's my first weekend off after I finish with asda so I'll be there on the Saturday! *fingers crossed* gonna book my train/bus ticket Monday. The tickets for the talks I wanted have sold out :(. What happens if ticket holders don't show?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk please ignore any spelling typo thingys

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I was aiming to do both days....but left it to late with booking tickets for the Saturday conference sessions, why I didn't book earlier I don't know...just kicking myself now.

Any way I've got tickets for both of the Friday sessions, and will be bringing my credit card along. Looking to get an Astrotrac or possibly a Vixen Polarie (can't make up my mind yet!!).


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For those who have been before.

Are there usually reasonable discounts to be had with the traders?

I'm trying to way up the cost of a train ticket versus discounts on offer.

Looking at an Atik314L+ and filter wheel, so a 10 to 15% would make it worthwhile.

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If you mean, do tickets have seat numbers, then no, if you have a ticket you are let into the hall and then it's a free for all.

Hall is cleared between ticket sessions but not between lectures within a session.

At least, that was how it ran last time I went.

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For those who have been before.

Are there usually reasonable discounts to be had with the traders?

I'm trying to way up the cost of a train ticket versus discounts on offer.

Looking at an Atik314L+ and filter wheel, so a 10 to 15% would make it worthwhile.


Looking at an Atik + filter wheel and filters, so hoping for a deal if I went.

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It can be hit and miss to be honest, last year there was a sw equinox and sw ed frac reduced by reasonable amount, apart from that didn't see too much other kit at great discount, Internet trading appears to have had an effect in general on bargains at fairs like this

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I'll be there on Saturday. Apart from the lectures, which are excellent, the trade stands are really useful as you can pick up odds and ends at slightly reduced prices. I've not looked at the discounts on the more expensive stuff though.

More importantly, you have a chance to inspect stuff before you buy and to ask the experts, and drool over some of the stuff you can't afford.

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It can be hit and miss to be honest, last year there was a sw equinox and sw ed frac reduced by reasonable amount, apart from that didn't see too much other kit at great discount, Internet trading appears to have had an effect in general on bargains at fairs like this

There are loads of bargains hidden away if you know where to look and you act quickly. Two year ago picked up a 66 apo + SM40 Ha filter and BF10 blocking filter for just £500. Last year Ian King had 70mm APOs for £150 and I picked up a Celestron f6.3 focal reducer for just £99.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be going on the Saturday so would love to hear a report from anyone tomorrow night who goes on Friday as to what good deals are on, I'm particularly interested to see if Astrotrac's new mount makes an appearance :)


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I'll be going on the Saturday so would love to hear a report from anyone tomorrow night who goes on Friday as to what good deals are on, I'm particularly interested to see if Astrotrac's new mount makes an appearance :)


New mount? they have a new mount out? or are we talking about the TT320X-AG?

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Hopefully it's the Equatorial with built in guider they showed 2 years ago but I've heard other rumours it might be an Alt Az also suitable for timelapse stuff. (Altair Astro Ad on Astrobuysell ends with - Finally, we will be taking orders for a mystery Alt Az telescope mount at an introductory price... but 2+2 might not =4)


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I remember seeing the gleaming brushed metalwork of that Equatorial mount a couple of years back but guessed they couldn't bring it to the market at a price that would attract anyone away from Synta kit.

I'll be visiting the Alan of AWR and Richard at Skylight. Oh, and trying to resist buying a CLS clip filter for my 1000D.

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