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Hi from South Sweden


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Dear all,

first of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all contributors of this great forum: that´s about 2 month I am spending some time reading posts (about every days!) and I would say it has been the best place I could find to get input and answers to all my questions (no experience in astronomy at all), just reading existing posts. So I finally decided to join and start contribute.... as I finally took my decision to buy my 1st telescope which I received last Monday and I got the great chance to see Jupiter and its moons directly from unpacking (only 10 minutes, it was very cloudy). Awesome! So my turn to start to contribute also and share my experience and hopefully starting to get into also own questions!

So I will start soon contributing on the various topics of beginners (I will share my reasonning for choosing the scope I bought -thanks for all the ones on this topics who shared their view and experience, it was very helpful for my own decision and I hope my explanations will help others in same situation/aspirations as me), my first imaging (hopefully I can start this week end, the sky shall be clear this time -although cold -2 or -3 ;-)) and any other topics I hope I can contribute to.

So see you soon and great thanks again to all of you and looking forward contributing also to this great community!!

Here is my gear:

- Skymax 102 goto synscan

- EOS 1100d for prime focus (controlled from PC with EOS utility)

- HTC mobile phone (I have some experience with that phone on binocular and works great to take daylight picture and videos -I made my own adaptor for eyepiece -I cut a piece of polystyrene foam to fit my phone and a big hole to fit the eyepiece, sahll work on the telescope too-

- bench of software (registrax, DSS, iris, GIMP) and skyorb 3D/goskywatcher on ipad+Stellarium on PC (shall connect on skymax, not tried yet)

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Welcome to SGL. You've come to a good place to increase your experience, there's lots of people willing to help.

Jupiter is a great sight isn't it? Although you're right, it has been very cloudy here in Skane recently with lots of fog! Hope you get the chance to use your new telescope more. I have the same one and love it!

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Hi Erquy and welcome to SGL, very soon you will be able to edit your signature setting in your profile, this way your equipment will display under each post you make, hope this helps, enjoy.


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Hi and welcome to the forum. Glad you have found the forum useful so far and its impossible to know it all as it keeps changing so I suppose we're all beginners really. Look forward to reading your contributions and don't forget to keep asking questions when they arise.

Clear skies


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