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Hi all, been star gazing on and off for a while but work commitments have now eased off, i have a £700 budget for a new scope and have been looking at the CELESTRON SKYPRODIGY 130, any thoughts on this or any other recomendations please, would prefer a goto, thankyou

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Hi Indonuk and welcome to SGL, as I am not a fan of GOTO I will let others make their suggestions, posting in the Equipment Help and Advise section may bring more information on the Skyprodigy as I believe there has been the odd glitch, but there again you can get this with any new scope. :)


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Welcome to SGL

I have to agree with those who've said they'd spend £700 another way, I must admit. I don't personally think the Skyprodigy is very good value for money when compared with what else is out there.


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A warm welcome to SGL you can buy a bigger scope for that money mine was only just over £300 and that's a 150mm id shop around and take your time before jumping in. You want to get the scope that is going to be used and that you are going to get the most enjoyment and not think oh i wish i hadn't bought that now have a good think about it first.

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Welcome aboard from me too :)

I have to say, as enticing as the Skyprodigy series do look, if I had £700 personally, I would be going for something optically better (not necessarily bigger) and spending the money on good quality eyepieces. I have no idea what storage space you have, but you could pick any number of good instruments, be they Dobsonian, Maksutov, Refractor of Reflector. You could still purchase a GO-TO or similar and still learn the sky as this is very rewarding.

Have a think, but good luck with whatever you decide. You pays ya money as they say :):)

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Hi LindonUK,

Welcome to the lounge and good luck - like others I suspect the SP130 may not be the best bang for buck at this budget, but much will depend on what you want to see, how portable you need to be and an idea of which directions you intend to take. My advice is don't rush to blow the cash and feel welcome to ask lots of questions - you will got lots of very good advice within this forum will help get you started and take you as far as you want to progress!

Enjoy the ride and clear skies - Jake

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Hello and welcome from me too. My scope is a straightforward 130 (no goto) & it gives good views, but like others, I would have thought you could get more aperture for your money. Lots of advice on the forums here to help you choose :smiley:

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Hi and welcome to the forum. I would agree that your budget can certainly offer you better value for money than your present choice. The key thing is to take your time over this as the stars aren't going anywhere and attend a couple of public observation sessions that are typically organised by your local astro club. When you've got your eye on some different scopes of different sizes, you will feel better informed to judge what you want.

Clear skies


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The celestrons are fine equipment, but depending on what you want to do with it, there might be other alternatives. Take your time, ask questions and research before you put down so much money on a piece of kit.

Best of luck and welcome aboard!

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Hi, welcome to SGL

Hold onto the cash at the moment and come to Rosliston as suggested by Nick previously for our Stargazing Live event.... I'll be helping with one of the presentations and will have the 10" Dob with me - if it's clear afterwards we'll be doing some observing.


For £700 I'd be looking at a decent second hand 8-12" dob, a nice eyepiece or two and perhaps a decent pair of binoculars - all things that will last you a lifetime of observing.....

Not sure why(?), come along and we can discuss, etc, etc...!


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