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Red light torches

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Does anyone know where I can get a reasonable sized Red light torch for a low price, searching on amazon I can only find little key ring sized ones which cost about £5.00 not including Postage and packing which seems a extortionate price to me.

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One small caveat regarding the purchase of alternative red lights. Most of them including the head torches are still too bright and although clearly not as bad as a white torch light, they will still interfere with your night vision. What is preferred is a red light source that you can dim and the cheapest that I have seen is the Skywatcher version which you can view here and costs £15.00. I know that this is well over the amount you wish to pay but the difference you get by being able to really dim that light down is really worth the expense in my opinion. Lastly one other reason I went for this option is because I do not have my own supply of nail varnish! :grin: :grin: :grin:

Clear skies


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I have an Energizer white/red LED head torch and i was at a star party a few weeks ago and i had it on my head. The red light from it was so dim that me in my wheelchair hit a few potholes and nearly went head first out of the wheelchair. But in my garden for reading star charts etc.............it is fine.

The red light filter on my powerpack is much better.. Much brighter.

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It's true, the headlights are bright. I covered mine with 5 coats of nail varnish, 2 layers of red tape, and shorted one of the three AAA battery sites in order to reduce the voltage. I still got a complaint at a star party that it was too bright. There were two problems. Firstly, you need to work hard to dim/diffuse the bright centre spot. Secondly, a head-mounted torch ends up needing to be brighter than a hand-held one. The reason is that you can hold the hand-held light near your star chart so it can be very dim yet still work well. If you set the head torch to that brightness then you won't be able to read the chart easily because your head is much further than your hand was (so the light is dimmer at the chart). You therefore end up with a brighter head torch that can annoy other people as it may shine at them when you talk, etc. Also, the white/red lights are a menace unless you REALLY tape/paint over the white LEDs. Once you do that, though, it can work ok. I once observed with a guy who kept hitting the white LED switch on his head light. He did that all night...

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