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Well everyone , came home a happy man , popped in the pier and other things , rotated the dome roof ,and bang off it came, straight off the rollars ,. humped it back on again , but it looks carp one side touching, the other over an inch away ,

called pulsar optical , and said i,m at breaking point , he said oh i never realised it was effecting you like that , well it is i said , i cant take anymore , COME TAKE IT AWAY AND I WILL HAVE MY MONEY BACK, ok ok he said , please can i have one more go at it, with new Brackets , u can try i said but it wont work , ok he said if it does,nt then we will take it away , or if you want a new Dome .

Im in a fix guys , cus i cant continue with my back humping this stuff around anymore , so it may be good bye to you all and take up another hobby, but before that , we will see how it works out with this Pulsar lark .

bye for now, a very upset and fed up Rog


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Chin up Rog remember the old saying:-

If at first you don`t suceed

or maybe:-

It`s always darkest before the dawn

(oops we like it dark)

Anyway persevere man where`s your true british grit

Stiff upper lip and all that

Seriously though keep at it rog we`ed all miss you on here.

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Hang in there Rog...it would be a shame for you to pack it all in when you are so close. Give them a final chance, within an agreed time frame before you through everything away! I for one would miss your fantastic pictures.


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Have a good shout and rant Rog, normally does me a power of good. Don't give up though matey, you'll just be swapping one load of frustrations for another. Anyway, you don't have any choice cos I'll keep hounding you mwhahahaaa!!!! :wink:

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thanks for your kind words huys , i,m really touched , who would have thought a big loaf like me could get like this , on a low i guess, ok stiff upper lip , shoulders back , lets see what happens next week , if not money back and i go elsewhere , more time wasted i know , but it has to be done or pack it in,and i seriously dont want that , perish the thought Martin hounding me heheheheheh .



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Hi Rog

Fancy a game of Golf ????...........

No ,i thought not,so you have to stay Astro imaging for all our sakes.

IF and i repeat IF the dome has to go back would a Roll off Roof Obs cause you any problems ?

Anyway the gnomes look settled now it would be a shame to evict them.



I was looking for a astro gnome today for you but the best i could find was a nightlight one :wink::cool::lol:

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crikey Rog and I thought i'd got myself in a rut. It's damn annoying when things don't work as planned, especially when you splash the cash. And those Pulsar domes aren't cheap! Gary Walker is a good chap though and I'm pretty sure he'll sort it. Fingers crossed all goes well :wink:


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I was going to ask if it was Bob The Builder doing the job, but as it is Pulsar, I really am amazed that this job is giving them a headache, and you a nervous breakdown Rog. You have got to almost demented over this, and you were so upbeat when you announced the project was underway. We have all eagerly awaited the day when you could clout it with a bottle of Champers, but after the latest debacle, you had better refrain from that ceremony just in case the skins fly off.

All joking aside, it would be a pity to terminate the whole project for a hiccup or two. They will get it right Rog.

Then you can ask for a good rebate for causing you so much aggro. Not sure you would get it mind you.

I am on holiday in London In August, so if you want I should come down to Basildon to fix it for you, (Assuming they haven't by then)

I will. Keep the old chin up Rog. British Bulldog and all that you know. Remember old Winston. He built a wall you know. :wink:

Ron. :cool:

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Cheer up Rog, It's a pain in the backside when things like that go wrong - trust me I'm cursed with it.

Things will work out in the end mate. Just don't let it get to you as you will end up making yourself ill!

It's really not worth getting intoa state over a hobby, there ment to be fun!

Chin up mate, won't be long before you will be showing us all your ace images - and anyway atm there more sodding clouds about anyway, even if the dome was right you probably couldn't do anything with it :wink:

Take care mate.


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It'll come good Rog,

And we'll all be the better for it when the images start rolling out.

Not a great advertisement for Pulsar though? Problems do happen, butit is how you manage it that can win or lose future custom.


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Oh bl**dy hell Rog, what a rollercoaster, but this is one ride you need to get off, and fast, especially when you feel the way you do. It's easy to say, it's not worth getting upset over something like this, but I can understand your frustration, because it means a lot to you. You would think they would, at the very least, assemble the dome prior to setting it up at yours, just to make sure everything is just so, especially when they ba**sed it up the first time. Don't they quality check stuff like this??

Next time your on the phone, tell them, your in the process of writing the next best seller on 'Astrophotgraphy', and your losing valuable time and money, as you have a dealine to meet!


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Just found this thread :shock:

Really sorry to hear of your troubles Rog'. Hang in there, no doubt you will soon have a working dome and can look forward to the winter months imaging under cover :wink:

:stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars:

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Keep going , mate. No point stopping now. I always thought Pulsar were good firm , they must have installed several of these domes. Astronomy seems to be beset with things that are designed to cause aggravation. Last night my computer would not recognise my SXV camera , It took ages this morning to find the problem. At one stage I could have smashed the laptop with a hammer. ( turned out to be a USB phone connection that was causing the problem)

You will sort it.


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Don't give up Rog, it will be well worth it in the end, hope they are offering you some form of compensation for all the grief that they have caused.


ps I am still waiting for a catalogue from them, ordered about 1998, I have given up on it. :wink:

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Roger stick with it...

The benefits will outweigh all the hassles once it's up and running.

Crack open a beer and imagine yourself sitting in your own dome...


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