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Complete Novice


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Hi all,

As you can see from the title I am a complete novice and willing to be guided.

My name is Craig and I have a keen interest in astronomy but am a late starter, (wrong side of 40).

I am looking to buy my first scope and as always there is a beginners budget set by she who must be obeyed!

I am looking to spend around £150.00 on a beginners scope but am old and wise enough to know that kind of money wont buy a lot where quality optics are concerned, so am willing to wait and explore the second hand market to try and get the best I can for the money.

Ther are lots of confusing terms out ther such as Dobsonian, Newtonian etc. so I was hoping for some advice for an outright novice.


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Hi Craig and welcome :D

The term "Dobsonian" refers to a dobson mount. Named after it's inventor it's simply a rocker box on a turntable so you can position the scope up/down and left/right to point anywhere in the sky.

"Newtonian" refers to the actual telescope - a tube with a parabolic mirror at the bottom which focuses the light back up the tube to a 45 degree diagonal mirror that deflects it through the side to a focuser tube and eyepiece.

Newtonians scopes can also be mounted on Equatorial mounts, which need to first be pointed at the pole star, and stand on top of a tripod. Dobs are cheaper to construct and slightly easier for a beginner to operate. Hope that helps :)

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Hello and welcome. Don't worry about posting plenty of questions in the forum. There is a great section for beginners where you can ask about anything to do with telescopes, mounts etc. Good luck in your search for a 'scope.

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From a newbie to a newbie, HI!

From the advice I've gleaned the best bang for buck is always a Dobsonian scope. If you look at newtonians for the asme price with a Dob you can usually get the "next size up" for the same price or only a tiny bit more.

Best of luck with it and enjoy your time here :D

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