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Fireworks... Grrrr!


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Having been unable to get the scopes out for he best part of 2 years now and finally getting the chance I'm not a happy bunny with the whizz, pops, bangs and smoke drifting over.:D

(she finds nearest wall to bang head on)


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Having been unable to get the scopes out for he best part of 2 years now and finally getting the chance I'm not a happy bunny with the whizz, pops, bangs and smoke drifting over.:D

(she finds nearest wall to bang head on)


Two years? You must have the patience of a saint.

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Chinese lanterns!! Don't get me going on those things.

I keep finding them in the vineyard. Damn nuisance

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk.

Skywatcher 130. 9mm 12mm 15mm 20mm 32mm revelation eps. Meade 10 x 50 bins.

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Damned nuisance.

They are never used sensibly by many, and the historical event they are supposed to celebrate is unknown to the vast majority.

They cause more injuries year on year, and some are tantamount to being miniature grenades. Their use starts way before the Date of Nov. 5th. and continues long after.

The Organised displays up and down the country are fine, and should remain, but their haphazard, and often dangerous use should be stopped.


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i recon the use of fireworks SHOULD be licenced the same as a car, or a bike. the organised events (carephilly castle, blackwood RFC to name a few near me) are fantastic shows, but are done after a lenthy riggious (cant remember what its called... safty form?) has been done and completed. iv known fireworks to be stood up straight and then fall over and fire into where people are standing.

im not looking forward to working during 5th nov this year. last year some kid in mountain ash let one off near the van directing it towards its back door (we used to use "backloaders" with 3 compartments (from cab, freezer, fridge, and ambiant.) luckly the van i was on had a problem with the fridge door to ambiant always closed well i was in the freezer he let it off and it exploded in the ambiant section. i was very lucky. with the new "side loaders" which has shutters on the outsideside i might not be so.

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I have to have a COER3 to hold a small quantity of Black Powder (UN0027/0028), have an inspection my the Plod Explosives Officer yet any tom [removed word] or harry of any age seems to be able to buy fireworks from any shop (including Bakeries, Petrol Stations,Supermarkets and clothes shops) and in large quanties and then let them all off where ever and when ever they fell like it especially after the 11pm nightly deadline and the Plod just don't care. Too much trouble.

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When we were kids the police used to take the use of fireworks quite seriously but it seems from the posts on here it's no longer of importance, or is it I have just turned into a grumpy old man.

Well if anyone who complains about fireworks today, but enjoyed them as a kid, then thats grumpy old man syndrome.

Even 30 years ago they went off through nearly all of October,whenevre,wherever,,could be bought in newsagents,cafes,bakers etc so their use and frequency of use hasnt changed,they still go bang,whoosh and light up the sky like they did years ago.

Now 20-30 plus years on and those of us who are into astronomy think that others shouldnt be allowed to light up the night sky as so many of us did when we were kids.

That is definitely GOMS.;)

Grabs pack of skyrockets and runs for cover :D

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To be fair, when I were a lad thirty odd years ago, fireworks were mainly at organised displays and seemed to consist of a few rockets and a catherine wheel which normally failed to go round or fell off after a few turns :-). Nowadays, it's heavy mortars all the time, or stuff going off right next door.

I do love fireworks, doesn't stop me getting grumpy about them if wakes the kids up at 11pm....


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Nov 5th is supposed to be a celebration of the prevention of a terrorist act which as a topic, is something that is still high on the political agenda. The problem I have though is that I find myself questioning whether we should be celebrating the survival of parliament given the disclosures on cash for questions, expenses scandal, deregulation of the banks, and Mr Fox et al. Perhaps instead, we should be having a three minute silence in commiseration of the failed attempt. :D:D


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When I think about the firework mischief my friends and I used to get up to as kids, it amazes me that nobody ever boxed our ears in! It would be dishonest to say we didn't have huge fun with the damn things, but how and why anyone put up with it I may never know. Certainly, I hate the damn things, now that I have my own family, and especially when I'm trying to sleep after a long night observing run, with more to follow. Still, fireworks and the sale of fireworks have become quite restricted in NZ over the last couple of decades.

But I'm not a hypocrite. (And get off my lawn.)


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I heard or read that Lewes bonfire predate the gunpowder plot by decades, if not centuries. I know of it's religious connotations, but I think it goes back further. More like a end of autumn festival

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk.

Skywatcher 130. 9mm 12mm 15mm 20mm 32mm revelation eps. Meade 10 x 50 bins.

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Sorry. I like them too. Anyone remember 'mischievous night' ? And where I come from we used to burn effigies of the current unpopular political leader on our bonfires. Kids with explosives......we've all been there.

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