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What type of telescope gives the easiest/best viewing positions

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I don't think this has been asked before. I'd like to know what you think to the question which telescope gives the easiest viewing position (Whilst Standing). That is the most comfortable with no bending or twisting etc. I know its an almost impossible question as its all subjective. But if there is one you had to name what would it be. Thanks

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Not speaking from major experience but I would say probably a refractor, a mak or a dob. The mak an refractor would probably be more comfortable with a 90 degree eyepiece adaptor an the dob may need to be raised up on a table or something to make it a bit taller. Sure someone will give you better advice

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I suspect that you can make any telescope uncomfortable ;-)

My experience with reflectors on eq mounts is than you have to be prepared to spin the tube in the mount to avoid twisting. I've never tried a dob, but I'd guess a large scope presents the eye piece at a more comfortable height, as long as it's not too large.

For viewing whilst standing, refractors have the disadvantage of having the eye piece at the lowest point, but you could sit down, which might be nice.

On the other hand sticking a camera on the scope and viewing from indoors, in the warm, might be the most comfortable option, but it does compromise on atmosphere.

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I find my 114/900 Skywatcher quite good. With fully retracted legs and OTA loose in the rings so that it can rotate, I can sit on a garden chair while observing, even at the zenith. I just rotate the tube so that the EP is comfortably where I want it. Although I suspect larger scopes might be too tall for that to achieve:confused:

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im going to say somthing like the 102slt or 102st on a altaz mount.... with a long enough dovetail bar (may need to drill an extra hole though) but that should be very confortable....

one other thing to consider........ a small scope like the above..... a CCTV video camera and a little 12v 7-9" screen..... you can watch it sitting in a chair as well then

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I don't think standing is comfortable at the eyepiece. For me the best is sitting behind an Sct on adjustable stool, with binoviewers and "winged" eyeguards on the eyepieces :(

Other way around for me Kim - I prefer standing - perhaps that's because I used to sit down all day when I was working :)

I guess it's a matter of personal preference at the end of the day :)

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A large dob probably is the easiest to observe while standing. Anyway I would join the others in saying you should sit instead. My sessions usually take about 1:30 to 2 hours which can be a bit too much time to stand. While sitting you can use your lap to hold a skyatlas or a pad to sketch and take notes.

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If in the fantasy league then it's easy; a coude focus instrument in which the light is directed via plane mirrors down the polar axis to an EP which never changes height. Incredibly enough a friend had one of these, an early sixties research Carl Zeiss.

In more mundane circles I think it's hard to beat an alt-az fork SCT in which the EP changes height only a little. If the EP doesn't chane height much then you can organize your observing position relative to the mount to suite your stature. For a dwarfish soul like myself that means nice and low!!!


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A large dob probably is the easiest to observe while standing..

Only when near the zenith. Then you go into a bit of no mans land in between standing and sitting, before sitting down at lower altitudes.

This is the area where a good adjustable seat pays dividends.

There is a huge difference in eyepiece height when using a larger Dob.

With my larger Dob I am sometimes almost sitting on the ground for low objects then standing bolt upright for others.

The smaller Dobs are sitting down in total comfort all night.:)

Regards Steve

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Sabana - you specify standing and don't specify aperture, but for very large aperture I would guess the most comfortable design is the Nasmyth telescope: a Newtonian with extra mirror arangement so that the eyepiece is permanently horizontal and at a fixed height, set into the trunnion of the altitude bearing. Nasmyth added a geared platform with seat for extra comfort and convenience. His telescope (which has since has been painted white and had its optics removed) is on display in the London Science Museum.

Nasmyth reflecting telescope in Cosmos & Culture | Flickr - Photo Sharing!


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for me I only ever feel comfortable using a dob. with fracs I get neck ache.

I have a home made chair which goes from about 12" off the ground to about 36" off the ground with infinite steps in between. this is excellent for any scope.

when the 16" is at or near the zenith I stand, other than that I sit.

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I struggled with the comfort factor after purchasing my Skywatcher Mak 127 - the supplied right angle finderscope got into some prteey awkward positions!!

After much work I think I have found the answer (for me at least):-

I am finding the Mak127 a great little scope and have now fitted it with Orion 144mm tube rings which allow me to rotate the tube to keep the ugraded Right Angle Correct Image 9x50 finderscope and red dot Multireticule finder to the top of the tube for comfortable viewing of all parts of the sky.

The two finderscopes are now really beginning to help me find objects with the help of star maps.

I also slackened off the RACI finderscope eyepiece very slightly which enables me to keep the eyepiece verticle for extra viewing comfort when I rotate the tube.

The tripod is set so that the finderscope is approximately at eye level for my typical or planned viewing.

The red dot finder does mean a little bit of gymnastics but nothing like what it was like before!! - and it is only for a short time anyway!

But for added comfort I have bought an "ironing perch" for assisted seating as well as a robust adjustable music stand to hold my maps at a convenient height.

It seems to work for me - good luck with your quest!!

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You hear all sorts of things. I've heard that SCTs are good because you can sit, yet Alan says he likes them because you can stand. So you can make any scope work how you want. I find I can sit quite happily with a Newt. You just need the right chair and all is golden.

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