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Everything posted by jkwhinfrey

  1. April Fool perhaps, but it turned up on CN on 30 March. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/612994-unusual-vixen-100mm-eyepiece/#entry8490661 New Vixen eyepieces have gone from 3.4mm to 100mm in a few days and missed out everything inbetween. I think they’ve got a plan James
  2. I take it back the Met Office got it oh so wrong again last night :-(

    1. jake_wright


      I don't take notice of what they say, I just look out the window

    2. PhotoGav


      What a pain - the promise of an all nighter... I had packed up by 12.30am. It was good before that though!

  3. Where'd the clouds go? How can the Met Office be so RIGHT?

  4. Managed to do some lunar observing without being killed by fireworks even once ;-)

  5. A pair of Pentax 10x50 PCF WPII for regular use, and some Helios Apollo 15x70s for special occasions :-)
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