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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Very nice Ibbo, looks like some monster proms at 2 and 5.
  2. Nice details on the craters, well done.
  3. Very nice, some good details coming through.
  4. USB2 has greater range than USB3 but USB3 is faster. Getting longer range with USB3 means you have to link up powered cables and they don't always work for astrophotography. I used to use a powered 20m USB2 hub but it didn't like the USB3 guide Cam being plugged in at the same time so had to plug that in to the laptop separately and sit outside by the scope for it all to work.
  5. I quite like it. Only thing would be lack of colour in the stars.
  6. I've sorted mine out with a Raspberry Pi and 20m ethernet cable, not sure how I would go about connecting an AZ-GTI or Star Adventurer to the RPi.
  7. Definitely would help, there is a slight softness to the image but I thought it might just be seeing quality.
  8. Very nice, bit more data might bring up the blue halo a bit more.
  9. Really good so far, hope you get the chance soon for more data.
  10. I just couldn't be bothered to source a short cable and mount the Pi around the scope so used the Pi PSU. It also means with the Pi on the extension column I can connect my 250P=DS and DSLR if I wanted to. The Pegasus is a permanent fixture on my Altair 115 set up.
  11. Does the camera work using commands in terminal or python ? Guide here: https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/getting-started-with-picamera If it does you can probably just save the video clips to do planetary.
  12. For the Pi I also use the RPi's psu. Pi is mounted on the extension column. Only 2 cables moving around on the mount, one side is the power cable to the Pegasus, the other side is the USB to the Pi. The Pi can be powered from the Pegasus variable voltage output but you have to make sure it's set to 5.1v and you will almost certainly have to make up your own cable. I believe it can also work with power from one of the Pegasus USB3 ports.
  13. Sounds like a similar set up to mine. I have everything plugged into a Peg UPB V2, output to RPi, Lan cable to MacBook. I use this one from Dew Control https://www.dewcontrol.com/Mains_Power_Supply_Unit_-_12V_10A/p3099125_19688635.aspx You can get the power pole connector version but I stuck with the cigarette socket as the cable from the brick is a little short.
  14. Really nice image, details look good.
  15. Looks good, plenty of height to play with there.
  16. Very good so far, maybe a bit more data and some processing tweaks to make them really pop.
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