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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Excellent! I've always liked see the Earth glow on the dark side!
  2. That's is amazing and beautiful! Thanks for posting it.
  3. Daytime okay? My daughter asked, Dad is that filter made with a cake pan? Uh, yeah! It works!
  4. Finally got home so I could download the images off the SIM card. Left 3am 12-10-2023, got to San Antonio 13-10-2023 7pm. Left San Antonio 14-10-2023 1pm, back home 16-10-2023. Almost 2750 miles round trip. For at least 10 or 15 minutes the clouds obscured it, then it cleared again. Once it touched the edge leaving, we packed up for the long drive home. 10pm stopped for a second night in a motel.
  5. I call that an excellent image. What ever you image, enjoy it and do it for your pleasure!
  6. I really want to see a Falcon Heavy launch up close. Not meant to be with this one. This will be another interesting mission.
  7. I'm at my daughter's planning on leaving at 3am in the morning to do a 1000 mile mad dash. Google says 15 hours. Weather is going to be really close with the cloud line right in the area. But I'm thinking is going to be fine. Faith in the force one must have!!
  8. Never fails to amaze me how the galaxies go on forever. Excellent image, thanks!
  9. I'm hoping to view this. Have to take it month by month. It will fall on days I'm scheduled to work, but the come to understand I'm a Lunatic. I'll plan on driving to the Texas area, then adjust to any possible clouds. Did the same in 2017 to South Carolina and got perfect skies!. I haven't done a search, will this be the last American eclipse in the foreseeable future? At almost 68 now, time is not guaranteed.
  10. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Do the same for me and perhaps the force will work to our advantage!
  11. I needed to make a filter for a second camera. I bought the Bader 8"×11" sheet thinking I could use what was left over for simple glasses. Reading the paper work, it said it shouldn't be used for visual. So, just what is the difference?
  12. Congratulations! It is very well deserved. The time involved, imagining and processing had to be incredible.
  13. Oh, to have such talent! Wonderful!
  14. Beautiful scopes! That F16 is definitely a star cannon!
  15. A quick look a Jupiter and the four big moons. Just killing time for another of E. Musk's space junk, I mean Starlink launches. Now I'm in the drive, watching the Moon rise amongst 5 billion mosquitoes, waiting out another delay! With the Moon rising in the perfect place, I'll wait this delay out, but that's it.
  16. Once again, you skill with these difficult images is amazing! I have also just been reading about this monster. We have several passes showing on Heavens-above!
  17. I have already put in time off and plan to be in the San Antonio area. From my daughters home, it's 15 hours of driving. Looks to be SWMBO, my oldest daughter and myself. I just hope the weather cooperates! I don't know if timing will allow for it, but I would love to run another 4 hours south after the eclipse, to Boca Chica for a glimpse of E. Musk's big toy.
  18. Thanks for posting! I'm certain those who that witnessed that took a while to calm down!
  19. Excellent image. Again, seeing the gas giant like this is incredible on its own merit. But actually seeing one of the moons looking like a small planet!
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