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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Last night was one of the best skies I've seen for a while. A crescent moon with Venus right there below it. My skysafari app said Neptune was right there as well! Orion was rising looking quite spectacular and inviting. Taurus, Cassiopeia and the Pleiades were stretched out to the zenith. With me still feeling the cold I came down with and the mosquitos swarming I didnt stay out as long as I would have liked. Still, it was refreshing. I just wish you all could have one sky a week like last night.
  2. Yep, that area of clouds over Florida stops about five miles North of my house!😖
  3. I have to agree with everything said so far. I do think that even though the "space race" of the 60's was political, it had its benefits. The weapons knowledge that was acquired by both sides to a certain extent has kept us, semi-safe, since then. The fear of mutual mass destruction has kept what conflicts, much smaller than they could have been. I'm not certain if we will ever see as much determination to accomplish what we did during those years as long as there are no science focused minds in the political system. We have and will continue to waste so much money that we could have already had men on both Mars and the Moon. Even with the technology we had. But there is no cutting age science that will not have serious risks. I mourn the losses we have suffered, but if you think of all the airforce pilots that were lost taking us to the point we could get into space, the astronauts are a small number. As much as I hate to admit it, we will lose more astronauts, unless we leave man on the ground. And that would be just as sad.
  4. Like always, I'm in awe at the talents the members have here imaging. I wont live long enough to acquire such ability.
  5. The first time I turned a small cheap reflector, probably by accident, on Saturn, also back in the late 60's I was hooked. Just knowing I'm actually looking at these objects, most of them things the masters (Newton, Hubble, Galileo, you know the masters) viewed makes everything I see special.
  6. I was going through some old letters I had written SWMBO while I was away and found several stamps with the planets and voyager. I'll have to look for them again. Bought 2 full sheets for the Apollo 11 50th.
  7. Drink whiskey, chill outside and howl at the moon!! It drives my neighbors crazy!🙂
  8. Yes, welcome to a great forum with an incredible group of people. Lots of help here. There is a thread here on the forum about what you will see compared to what you see in the professional images. One of the more knowledgeable members might link it here, I'm not sure how to do it. All I can say for certain is enjoy what you see with your own eyes and take a moment to think of all the history you follow as you do. I get excited every time I view Saturn or Jupiter. I still like viewing the moon as it goes through its phases. It's a big sky above our heads. Enjoy it and also enjoy what the members here show you too!
  9. I've been wanting to grind a mirror but right now even a 12" is not in the budget. Have you researched any clubs near you that grind mirrors? Could be you might find one with a lot of experience to give you a helping hand. We have one near me that even has their own testing equipment. They have made some large telescopes. They do recommend your first to be 8 or 10 inch. That would not be much of a jump with me having an 8 already.
  10. Thanks to all for the images. Let's me get to see it thru your camera's eye.
  11. Amazing image! Thanks for the effort and post. I have yet to see or image Uranus. It is another of the true wonders of this incredible solar system we call home.
  12. Amazing! Thanks for the image.
  13. Went off right on schedule. Nice, but not as good as the ones early am when the Sun is below the horizon illuminating the contrail. I watch from my driveway, a neighbors tree blocks it for a few seconds. By the time it climbs above the tree it is doing 2 times the speed of sound! I am still so amazed to stand there trying to image it, with my phone behind me on the hood of the car streaming it live! Things have really changed since my childhood days and seem to be at the point where the changes are really coming faster now. Will I really live long enough to see another human stand on Mars? I sure hope so!
  14. I believe you are 4 hours ahead of me here in Florida.
  15. Looks like another 60 of the dreaded satellites are going up around 9pm EST. Hope to see it but I work tomorrow and would normally be in bed by 7pm.
  16. Incredible work! See sketches like this make me wonder what I did in a past life to be totally un artisic!?
  17. I tried Venus two evenings ago and had a lot of difficulty as well. Low on the horizon and unbelievably brilliant. I have only some basic filters. What would be the best when trying to image Venus? Everything I've done so far is very poor.
  18. Very sad! I hope there is a good outcome, with those responsible being caught and the scope returned.
  19. Excellent images. Starting to see a growing group here in Florida.
  20. I haven't flown in a long time, but love the feeling you get from it. Was well into the process for my PPL then started building a home for SWMBO and the young request givers. Only lacked about 10 more hours to finish. That was in a Cessna 150. I actually got started flying an phantom ultralight. Less than 250 pounds weight, less than 100mph and only holds 5 gal gasoline. 440cc 2 stroke engine, 52 inch prop. 28ft wingspan, 20 ft long. Would take off at 28mph. Took three hours of training in the cessna. One hour basic flying, one hour of stalls, one hour takeoff and landings. Woke up feeling confident. Solo'd the ultralight with only that 3 hours training. SWMBO claims my "I can do that" mentality will get me killed, but I think it will be her!
  21. I'm certain I'll be woken up at the exact moment tonight. Our neighbors shoot off fireworks. Happy New Year to everyone, may 2020 bring more clear nights than cloudy.
  22. Venus is quite bright being so close to the Sun. With my 8" reflector a bright orb is usually all I get, until like the moon you begin to see it wax or wan. Seeing it as a crescent is nice.
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