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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Yes excellent animation. Seeing what this asteriod looks like here makes me remember a series of wide field I did for meteors. I captured an object moving through many 10 sec images. I'll have to look for them again. I have them saved.
  2. Excellent image and write up! Comparing it's wall details with the old smooth craters nearby, you can see how they start off so beautiful then gradually fade away over time.
  3. Put it on my calendar, I'm off that day. SpaceX has been pretty good about keeping on schedule, what do you think the odds are it will go off on time? I would really like to watch it launch up close. I'd be willing to get a motel to stay over night if it was delayed to the next day.
  4. Once again, you here at the SGL have left me with a smile on my face. But sometimes you do have me questioning the mental stability of very intelligent people. 😁
  5. They just might surprise you and ask, What's a woman?
  6. Last night I watched an hour and a half program, an old program, on the Apollo mission. Unlike most shows where they do a lot of music making it hard for me to hear and understand the voices, this was just footage from then along with film footage of the missions. Everything was either the actual engineers, astronauts, their wives or news people doing the speaking. It was very interesting seeing all they're efforts to overcome their obstacles. One of the images that was so unbelievable was the command module of Apollo 13 after they separated. Seeing the damage for the first time. They were very lucky. Gave me a good break from the noise of the grandkids agsin
  7. I agree. Just wonder regardless of what they are like, do they still have the typical problems we have??🤔
  8. Excellent images! I remember walking into work one morning and there being 4 in the early morning sky. It would have been after 2011. One of the assistant managers was out taking a smoke break, I pointed them out to him. He could believe he was looking at 4 of the planets. I told him to look at his feet. When he did, I said now you've seen 5 of the 9!
  9. Very nice and yes. Venus with the Pleiades is wonderful.
  10. Second of three nights in a row the Hubble Space Telescope passes directly overhead my location. Last night I was a little better prepared, but just a little I had been playing with my camera and it was still set on a big F stop. Luckily for me, the Hubble flared and I got that moment. Hopefully tonight will be cloud free, but each pass has been about 10 minutes earlier, so twilight will still be just setting in.
  11. This morning had thin fast moving clouds coming and going. In between the Moon was looking good. When I first began looking at it, the terminator was perfect on the Apollo 11 landing area. It's amazing how quickly the terminator moves across the surface when you spend a little time watching one area.
  12. I'm pretty sure I see Jabba the Hutt in this image from mine! How appropriate!
  13. Getting ready for bed, my phone alerted me that the Hubble Space Telescope was about to make a pass almost directly over my location. Heavens above showed the pass to be mag 0.8 and very near Venus, so I hurried outside. I had no time for my eyes to adjust so from Venus down to the horizon all I could see was the light glow from town. Finally I caught it moving just a bit past Venus. It was very faint, I question the mag 0.8 claim. I was able to watch it till about 30° above the Eastern horizon. It wasn't close to being as spectacular as the ISS, but it is now another I've done it on my list.
  14. I still struggle with focusing, sometimes what I'm seeing through the camera isn't what comes out in the image. Doesn't help I wear bifocals!! Keep at it and most of all enjoy what you are doing. There are so many opportunities just waiting for you and your camera.
  15. Thinking back, I was just a know nothing kid, 14 and a half. With Apollo 11, I sat glued to the chair, watching a snowy image on the television thinking, this is so incredible. Are you superstitious or would you have gotten on a craft numbered 13? Worked with a large farmer who had nothing with that number! As a group here on the SGL, we know there isn't anything easy when it comes to space exploration. But the way E. Musk is working the general population will quickly get once again thinking it's just a walk in the park!
  16. I'm just thinking of the time and what they dealt with. So much of our history was captured on film, not to even think of the astronomers before us who dealt with film.
  17. Welcome to the forum. What Canon are you using. I have a SL1 and use the 18mm 55mm. Without a tracking mount you will be limited on what you can image, but that doesn't mean you still cant have lots of fun. I've used mine a lot doing widefield for meteors with an interval timer to shoot images all night. I also use mine with an 8" reflector telescope.
  18. You have to really play with the ISO and shutter speed, but you will get it. Nice images. What will really try your patience is getting a good image with Earth glow showing.
  19. 👍👍I really enjoy sharp images of Luna like these.
  20. After seeing a video of the ISS zooming across the moon I'd have to say these move too slow for satellites. But yes, what's up with going in and out of focus so much? When it's clear, I do enjoy the video.
  21. I'm always impressed by your incredible images. The reports you give with those images are very informative. This one on Titan very eye opening. Liquid lakes on another world! Amazing!
  22. Way past my bed time, but I couldnt resist another Super Moon. And Venus was there crying look at me.
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