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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Oh my, yes. Here in the USA we don't have the incredible old buildings you have. We have old, but you have ancient!
  2. Great start, but your friend has that "please tell me that's not for me" look. I had a young man who had just recently bought a C14 tell me any observatory is a blessing, when I told him I had an 8" reflector in my observatory! Good luck with your build!
  3. That was a good one. Am I correct, it seemed to flash right as it disappeared behind the building?
  4. I just read a report on a link (which I couldn't figure out how to copy) from American Space. It was very interesting discussing all the if buts or ands they deal with. The volume of LOX and LH2 made my head spin! They also discussed the SRB having a life span for use which surprised me. Still dealing with the extension of the flight termination system batteries being up to date. One thing that did surprise me was the comment the trips from and back to the VAB stress the vehicle and they don't want to do it much. The main comment was the cost of a failure is much more than a scrubbed launch. One of the proposed dates and time would be just around sunrise which would be spectacular! Just might be another mad dash in my near future!
  5. Excellent images! It might just be me, but I think Mars could give Jupiter a run for the money, if it was just a bit bigger! Mars has so much to look at, but it is a difficult target.
  6. Very nice image of the big one! I'm happy when it's good enough to see it close to what you've imaged!
  7. You can't help but like someone who is so fond and energised by their profession!
  8. In time it will not be the younger generation. Remember Scotty sitting down at the computer on the movie "the voyage home" about to trade the formula for transparent aluminum for plexiglass. "Computer. Computer! The keyboard, how quaint!"
  9. Would have loved to actually witnessed something so special, but it was not to be. Though I know it never crossed her mind, my maternal grandmother was one if those who was born at the right time and lived long enough to have seen it twice!
  10. Still saying they want to repair it on the pad. No way to test it in the VAB. Other issues too though. They have a certification that is only good for 25 days at a time then must have recertification. If I'm understanding correctly, it has to do with flight termination.
  11. I find it amazing all the friends I have who don't have telescopes but still enjoy seeing and learning about the things above us.
  12. Enjoy these massive rockets while you can. Soon the Flux Capacitor will really be made and these rockets will be obsolete!
  13. Thanks for the video Paul M! I was only fourteen but will never forgot watching that! Even from several miles away you could feel the vibrations in your body!
  14. That was the same thing I had seen quite some time back. Mind fails me to just what it was I was watching. To think they made those engines without all the computer controlled equipment we have today. With today's lathes, mills and welders you would think it would be easier, but it still goes back to the man gently slipping one part into another.
  15. Do you think the ancient Astronomers were looked upon as some one special? With that time being still hunting and gathering would they have been relied on for when and where to focus their attempts at finding food. Regardless, it is astonishing how so much of mankind's past was spent looking into the night skies.
  16. That is definitely beautiful. Did you get out of the sand? Or are you still stuck?
  17. I saw that most likely it will be rolled back to the garage! From what I understood, when this funding was divided up, the Boeing group got 3 or 4 to 1 compared to E. Musk. Doesn't seem to be working out. The delays of the STS and now SLS makes me wonder how I got lucky. With my Uncle I went to watch Apollo 7, it launched on time. With a very dear friend and her children, it was Apollo 11. Again, it launched on time. Lately I've made 3 trips for 1 launch. Get it right, but get it going!
  18. I'm at work and relying on the word coming from the Cape via internet. Seems the hydrogen quick release fitting is still leaking. They admitted they are not certain they can get things working to launch today.
  19. Once again, excellent images with a difficult target. Just remember, if you happen to see a Klingon bird of prey, ignore it. They are coming back to take me home.
  20. I just read a link that says they have 480 mission critical items to deal with during a launch. They have decided the #3 engine was getting the required hydrogen flow, so they are going to ignore the sensor which must be faulty. They plan on starting the precooling earlier during tank fueling, then flush more through the system as the tanks pressurize!
  21. I'm scheduled to work, so will watch it livestream. I still think it will be 50/50, but hope it goes. Boeing I'm my opinion is hanging on a thread. If this gets put off for long, he who I shall not name will get his monstrosity in orbit first!
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