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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Watched on replay just now, as much fun as watched live. I think we would all love a ride in one.
  2. Merry Christmas to you all. Thanks for the help in 2019 and this fine site.
  3. UPS person delivered a big box earlier. Nice new padded bag for the OOUK OD150 f5 scope. Stock picture from the supplier. Bag is well fitted and well padded and cheaper that the Geoptik one I had before and reviewed on here. I hope the black one will offend Mrs W less than the red one did. Another review to come I think and this one does not get stopped by rain and wind.
  4. There you go, box now the correct size 🤣 In reality, the box was making space for the enclosed cloud.
  5. I have owned a full set of SLV and rather enjoyed them. Only replaced as I got TeleVue fever. I still have a 6mm LV, which is the earlier version of the SLV and enjoy it a lot. At shorter FL then the 50 degrees works for me, longer FL, then I like 60 degrees plus. But I use all underiven push long mounts.
  6. You have found the art of observing, this is the step beyond sneaking a peak. Sounding like you are already a step along the astro journey, keep looking up.
  7. I agree on all but the slow motions. A smaller encoder fitted mount from Rowan would be great.
  8. I tried other 32mm Plossl but then came back to the TeleVue 32mm. Used either without extender and with or without glasses, but also have the DiopTrx for my astigmatism.
  9. Amazon delivery person delivered yesterday. As recommended on another thread. Bright White, Spread White, Red. All adjustable to bright to dim. Memory of last setting and colour on switch on. Impressed with a walk about outside late last night.
  10. So far in the 53 years I have looked up nothing has been a Hobby Killer, but many things have been Hobby Challengers.... Lack of Money, Kit too Expensive, Kit Not up to the Job, Money available and kit available but work stops play, Children through the ages etc. But I have always looked up, even with just the MK1 eyeballs and been entranced. The one thing I have stuck to is much like John, by keeping it simple and uncomplicated.
  11. The eye relief was a problem for me first time around and what undid the 32mm for me, however, The exact opposite now applies, I thrive on longer eye relief and just really enjoy it. Something has changed about me not the EP.
  12. Interesting use of Dexion type material. Watching with interest. I take it this is for imaging.
  13. I saw the BAA bulletin before coming on here, nice one Nigella, nice image, very well deserved publication.
  14. You should have said that to all who mentioned other eyepieces more than 40 times in this thread, and to yourself, 13 times Ben, I sense you are offended, if that is the case sorry that you are. I rejuvenated a thread from 2016 about not liking the 32mm TV Plossl. Other options were indeed discussed and I went off in another direction at that spot on the dial. Roll forward to October 2019, bought another 32mm TV Plossl to see if anything had changed. It had, I liked it and still do, very light, very sharp, very nice. I updated this thread quite clearly and was not looking to restart an options available, it was already done in this thread previously.
  15. And both are not the TV Plossl that I am writing about. This is a re-post about not liking and then in time liking the same one. I started this in 2016 ans did not get along with them. NOw in NOv 2019, things have changed. Yes the 68 degrees is nice, a Panoptic 24mm does the same, but with a Dioptrx unit the extended Eye relief on the 32mm does not reduce the field visible, it does in the wider eyepieces, notably as they are much shorter eye relief.
  16. The 32mm got used again tonight and again I loved using it. Funny how these things work out.
  17. Agree nice kit. I really like my Lunt Herschel Wedge too. You may in time get the 'urge' to buy a Solar Continuum filter, when active shows more detail and all in a fetching Green hue.
  18. I wear a pair of thin silk glove liners for dexterous moves, Over these I wear a thick thinsulate pair of fingerless gloves. If it get very cold the fingerless ones swap for a pair with an over mitten bit on the finger tips.
  19. That was stunning, even my wife thought so too and she is very much a non Astronomer. Has set me wondering about the imaging side of things and that is quite something to achieve.
  20. I thought I should update this old thread of my making. I have bought another 32mm TV Plossl for use with my OOUK OD150 f5 Newtonian. It has had several uses now and I have come to a different conclusion. The EP is great, you just need to be more experienced with not mashing your eye into the eyecup. Very pleased with this now, just wish the original one had worked out at the time, but water under the bridge now. Funny how these things work through over time.
  21. Does this look familiar? Two height of 800mm and 100mm will be available. Infor from FB page of William Optics as posted by William Yang himself.
  22. Jonathan, Yes it does seem to have been worse weather over the last few years, but still observable. I have managed a good number of observing sessions even though I have had serious light incursion and notable ill health to deal with and it too has given me less Astro Mojo. As you say Solar Minimum does not help as nothing much in daylight either. In reality, I think we will have Astro ups and downs and its a case of go with the flow. Wish you well with getting out, as starlight is rather therapeutic.
  23. I went with chums to our darker observing site. 4 of us from CPAC (Castle Point Astronomy Club) had cabin fever and needed starlight, so I arranged access to the site and we all had a fine time. All prepared at home for the start of my 4" Refractor v 6" Reflector series I have promised to do. Mount all set up for dual scope use and brackets altered so they could both be used. Off to dark site with all* the kit and setting up talking to a fellow member when ......where is my diagonal*? After a full search of the car realisation struck......... Darn it, it's on the Dining Room Table where I put it as a got loaded up So I was down to the OOUK OD150 f5, no harm in that t all. Reset the tripod and mount to seated only height and had a great evening. Walked between my 150 and a fellow OD250 set up. We used comparable Televue EP and looked at the same targets. I can report that the 150 held its head high and was punching well for it's size. Fellow observer commented, you could live with one of those couldn't you. I had one of the best if not the best view of the Orion Nebula, it was outstandingly detailed,the trapezium was great, E star was observed and with averted imagination I am sure I saw the F star as well. The seeing went to pants just after this, so it could not be confirmed by others sadly. So watch this space and I may just get both scopes out together with all the right bits and start. But as for my memory, well as per the thread title..... What a chump am I!
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