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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Best place for a melt down Daz 👍 Confirms we all have brain fail moments and just cannot see what's wrong, this makes me feel far better and in good company.
  2. Indeed it is, now going ahhh, dats wot it iz!.
  3. In this wind, probably best use for it today.
  4. Hermes person has been and gone. I now have a used riser to join the one I cut down to 9" a few years ago, so have flexibility with mount heights. Thanks @Grumpy Martian.
  5. If I had a clue what one of those was and did, I would not be posting this line. Give us a clue? Thanks
  6. 22 degrees is enough to encourage me over the pond. Always interesting seeing familiar sights from different places.
  7. Is this because of the scope alone John or because its new and the moon is about at present? Not said as a put down on this fine scope, I rather like them. It's on my christmas list, but after the AZ100 and tripod.
  8. It says in stock on the Facebook page, you may have a valid point. So do you think as an existing user that this is as or more solid than a tripod?
  9. Yes it is, was discussed on another thread after the IAS. It is that they are now in the UK under the branding of Altair and available. China made or Taiwan made? May make a difference perhaps? I believe more solid, no riser needed as inbuilt for keeping rig lower, probably more advantages for the imagers than us observers.
  10. Well seen at the IAS, now available at £325 from Altair EQ5 sized 1m tall, interesting?
  11. Very much a tourist when it comes to my astronomy and enjoy myself enormously being so. The real challenge for me is the motivation to get outside when it's cold, this is mainly driven by my knees and back which challenge me now when colder.
  12. The seller with Barbera at Astrofest was Tim Duke of Dew Control https://www.dewcontrol.com/
  13. @Dave Lloydrant accepted, the reason they are run as businesses is because they have been defunded by central government. This has forced them to think in a commercial way to survive to serve those in the community they serve. I speak from experience.
  14. Not always, it depends from authority to authority and team to team. Most are very hard working but at breaking point due to the defunding from Austerity, one person often doing 3 peoples jobs!
  15. Plan B sounds a good plan, just make sure you buy the surrounding 8 miles of land. That way you can control all the lights!
  16. Only 14 lights pointed at you, really you have it easy 😉 I have a very similar issue but lights from 3 directions, East, West and North, thank goodness I have a big open field in front with only 6 led street lights on it! Getting your EHO engaged is a big moment, my local authority didn't care one iota.
  17. Only if it meets exact criteria, just trespass by light = no action of any kind I know this all too well.
  18. That's a step along the road and should be commended. As someone personally blighted by light pollution at a very local level with no further recourse legally, it's not a day too soon.
  19. Fully commend that remark. The majority of my Astronomy is with Binoculars, many short grab and looks done each week, far less scope time invested. I run 10x50's at present but the 70mm objectives have a siren call, but so does a certain AZ100 mount and that calls louder for 2020.
  20. John, all these images just make that scope tastier by the minute. I must keep saving for myu AZ100, I must keep saving for my AZ100 he repeats to himself.
  21. Rigel Starlite, i have had many, this is the one other than a head-torch I have kept. I did a review on here: Purchased from as FLO did not stock them. https://www.365astronomy.com/Rigel-StarLite-RED-Water-Resistant-Flashlight-with-Brightness-Control.html
  22. Hello and welcome to SGL. Many here have returned to Astronomy after a break, the sky waits. Enjoy your adventure and new scope.
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