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Everything posted by callisto

  1. Some lovely spirals in there... thanks for sharing πŸ‘
  2. Nice and crisp... thanks for sharing πŸ‘ Mark.
  3. Snap!...I had the same as a kid and used them for birdwatching...as you say,. tack Sharp
  4. Ooh, I like that Neil πŸ‘ Mark.
  5. Never a wrong/right time to post astro photos, Love it πŸ‘ Mark.
  6. I'll have to give that one a go... thanks for sharing
  7. Tack Sharp... well done πŸ‘ Mark.
  8. Was gonna say you could meet up but your quite far apart πŸ€”
  9. Great idea... looks like the pier is getting beamed up to the Enterprise
  10. Very nice indeed πŸ‘ Mark.
  11. Those are seriously good captures Neil πŸ‘ Mark.
  12. Watching with interest as I'm doing something similar this week
  13. So not just the bee's in my garden who have been busy 😁..... very nice indeed Jeremy
  14. Mine is even easier...a pair of Vortex 8x42 HD binos... nice and simple πŸ˜‰
  15. Enjoyed that report Stu... thanks for sharing Mark.
  16. Is that a storm above the GRS to the left?
  17. Great report... can't wait to observe Jupiter in the coming months Mark
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