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Everything posted by callisto

  1. I'm tired just reading this 🤣
  2. Some nice crisp images there... thanks for sharing Mark.
  3. Is the Mas 26 on your list now Jeremy 😁
  4. I'll throw a spanner in the works and give a big thumbs up for the 10"'. Mine is on a EQ platform and tracks very good, Also as above I've added Bob's knobs primary springs and secondary screws to my Orion Dob. Planetary wise, it gives me excellent views when used with the EQ platform for around an hour
  5. It does, but it's the satellite galaxy M32 😉
  6. I'm stuck in the middle...tecci skill's of a clown and eyes like Mr Magoo 🤪
  7. Don't beat yourself up about it Grant... great image Mark.
  8. If you threw that it would come back to you 🤣
  9. Some nice gear there My doggies have that same doughnut beside your door... sorry, just had to tell you 🤣
  10. Hmm, I was going to suggest the Horizon 8115 as that's what I used for my SGP, solid as a rock...FLO have one for £71. Your gonna be hard pressed finding something around £30 TBH 😏
  11. Great image... amazing what those little Taks can achieve 😃 Mark.
  12. I've got a 'VIntage' Vixen 2x Barlow...pin sharp 👍
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