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Everything posted by simmo39

  1. Ok thanks, I have been thinking on the same lines as your focuser but couldn't see a way of fitting a cog to the focus knob. My I ask what happens if the OTA is verticle?
  2. Neat, can I ask what belt drive cog are you using on the 127?
  3. Realy nice! I can see all sorts of animals in there!
  4. Good start, looking forward to doing this target my self when my back lets me.
  5. That looks so good, added to my to do list once im fit again.
  6. Great start, I need to try this target too.
  7. Nice, not seen this one before/ Added to my list of targets.
  8. Looks great, nice image!
  9. Looks so good! One for my list in the future.
  10. Know that feeling well! the gods put up clear nights when I have to get up early but this time they have realy had it in for me. I have had a bad back and sciatica for the past month and I have been teased with several clear nights! I need to make a sacrifce to the gods!
  11. ALways good to see Brian, oh i mean Orion!
  12. Very nice! Like that a lot.
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