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Everything posted by simmo39

  1. Wow, that looks so good. just loving the detail.
  2. thank you I had looked at that and agree, I will do a propper crop of the widefield tomorrow after work. thanks for the pointer.
  3. Thank you, I wouldnt go that far but thanks.
  4. Thank you, Im sure it could be pushed but Im not keen on the painting effect that happens when i do push it.
  5. V nice, I have just put up my go at the tadpoles but have to say yours looks so much cleaner.
  6. Hi all, This was to be my winter project but with weather, life and tech issues it turned into a bit of a trudge! I only got half the data I wanted and some of that should have been dumped but as its been such a fight to get anything I throw it into the pot just to see what it would do. Im now calling it done for this target as it has nearly passed into the trees and cant do much else with it this year. Taken over several nights between clouds rain and fog, it consists of 65 x 240s Ha 57 x 240s Oiii and 27 x 240s Sii. All taken with my ASI1600 mm through my trusty but soon to be replaced SW 72 ED. And a little crop. Hints, tips and pointers most welcome. Thanks for looking.
  7. V nice, always like to see the crab!
  8. Thank you, it could do with a lot more subs and work.
  9. Hi all, Well with the the little gaps in the cloud we have had over the past week I thought I would go and try and sort out my spacing problems and at the same time see what I could image. I think Im going in the right direction with the spacing and only need to do a few more adjustments then its onto the tilt/ droop problem. Anyway here is a quich H(HO)O image of the flaming Star Neb. 2 hours on each of Ha and Oiii. Could do with a lot more and then some Sii but it is what it is. Hints and tips welcome Thanks for looking.
  10. For that one image that says it all! im still trying and failing due to weather but one day! lol
  11. Hi Bill, thanks for the reply. I will increase as you recomend. I just dont understand how I got it right before and now cant sort it, Must be an age thing or gremlins!
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