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Everything posted by simmo39

  1. All down loaded. Just got to work out how to use it with my asi EAF. Will have to wait for the return of winter skies for that though.🙄
  2. Nice one Tim. not seen you on here in a while.
  3. Hi all, well this is my second light with my new scope. As Im not one for doing allnighters ( getting to old for that kind of thing ) I did this M3 over 2 nights before and after the full moon. As we are losing the night this will be my last image before the new season starts for me. The image is RGB 30 x 60s for each. I had to crop the image a little due to some poor framing. taken with my ASI 1600 mm at -20 with gain set at 76. Here is a close crop. Hints and tips most welcome. Thanks for looking.
  4. Thank you, Im not really a solar man it just gives me something to do in the summer months.
  5. With the end of the DSO season in sight I dusted off my Solar scout and tried to remember how to use it. With a bit of luck and a clear day I have managed this. It wont win any prizes but its a good start for me. Hints and tips most welcome. Thanks for looking.
  6. Nice shots, I have only managed to get one target done so far and that was the whale and hocky stick ( see dso section ) Im hoping to get one more target before the season closes for me, think that may be M3. Just hope i can do it justice, your shot of M3 is brilliant.
  7. Thank you for the comments. The gradients were a real problem, in the end i went for the least offensive to my eyes. I need to get my head around getting rid of them using PI, I seem to get rid of one colour only to get another.
  8. A stretch to within a inch of its life!
  9. Nice, just done those 2 myself but not managed to get the colour as good as yours.
  10. Hi all, well this is my first light with my new Askar FRA400. Not realy the target for the scope and im not really a gallaxy man prefering Nebula but as this is probably the last chance Ill get to test the scope before I swtch to solar stuff for the summer it will do. It is a quick rough and ready LRGB shot with a quick stir in PI. I could have done with double the data to really get the detail out but work and life cut short each session. So here is the details: Taken with my ASI 1600mm through my Askar 400 L 47 x 120 s, R 30 x 60s, G 30 x 60 s and B 28 x 60s. The blue data was very poor and I should have dumped it but i was deperate to get a test shot sorted. So here it is: Cropped image And a cropped image of a crop! Hints and tips most welcome.
  11. Well my scope has come! hopefully will give it a quick first loght tonight. I agree this is a nice scope, seems well made and looks good. Just hope that it performs ( Im sure it will ).
  12. Hi all, It must be over 12 months since i did any Moon stuff. As the weather wasnt playing for DSO stuff and I wanted to do something I dusted off my old SW 127 mak and dug out an old ASI 120c to see what i could get. So here are 3 of the better takes, will have to work on the others and see whats in them. Hints and tips most welcome.
  13. Yep you are right. Ill have another play later. Thank you Paul.
  14. As suggested by Gorann here is a slight tweak and re crop. Not sure if the re proccess was any good but the crop does look better.
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