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Status Updates posted by emadmoussa

  1. Hi there...I hope all well with you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Shaun, yep, got myself a 6" Bresser frac...no mount yet though :)

    3. Pig


      Excellent news... I have missed your happenings :-)

    4. AstroAdam


      He's alive! ;) Good to see you back....

  2. Yo! Just dropping by to say hello!! Hope all is going well with all of you...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. brantuk


      Hi Emad - LTNS good to see you - hope all is well :)

    3. Tinker1947


      Welcome back....drop in more often....

    4. cotterless45


      Missing those posts, come back soon !

  3. Great! My large delivery was at the neighbour's who decided to go on holiday without bothering to drop my stuff in before heading off. So inconsiderate!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tingting44


      i dont know why they would take it knowing they are going on hols? a red card would have been better, at least you could have got it tomorrow :( i hope they have not gone travelling around the world for 6 months :(

    3. faulksy


      smash the back doors in

    4. emadmoussa


      They came back 3 days later... They were computer equipment that I was desperately waiting for, for my work.

  4. Keeping my scope for now...I can always use it when I'm around :)

  5. selling my gear .... unexpected :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Nah, I'm just keeping all my eyepieces...they're technically more expensive than the scope. So, when I'm back I'll just get another scope :)

    3. SnakeyJ


      Good luck in your travels Imad and will look forward to the next instalment of 'Buying a new scope' on your return ;)

    4. emadmoussa
  6. OK...I'm going to the GB Exopolitics Conference, all booked and ready to have a financial drainage.

  7. If I'm to upgrade my 4-year-old Vaio to a desktop PC that fulfills my needs, I'll have to do some striptease to make the money...Jeez, high performance PC are expensive!!

    1. faulksy


      dont do a striptease you might end up in debt lol

    2. emadmoussa


      I did consider that, that's why I'm thinking about organ selling now :)

  8. If I upgrade my 4-year-old machien to the desktop I want, I'll have to do some striptease to make the money...Jeez, high performance PC are expensive!!

  9. My cheap laser collimator is 100% spot on!! What're the odds?!!

  10. Doh! I received a RACI corrected finder with my scope...who would've thought that?! :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. faulksy


      why not, whats wrong now

    3. emadmoussa


      Nothing wrong...Just no time to observe at the moment.

    4. faulksy


      given clear for tomorrow night, how lucky are you to recieve a raci finder

  11. I've just lost 5 of my relatives in airstrike. The dad, the mum, the dad's sister and her two little children...

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Andy 5312

      Andy 5312

      We are part of some strange plan. Why the slaughter of the brotherhood of man ?

      Revenge is living in the past............. Time to look into a new millennium....

      Free their souls and let them fly...........

    3. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Very sorry to hear this Emad. Horrible news

    4. emadmoussa


      Thank you guys for your kind words!

  12. Just got Revelation 20x80 binoculars for quick grab and go... :)

    1. Pig


      You have just got to get used to lying on your back now then Imad

    2. YKSE


      Not dizzy with Bino any more?

    3. emadmoussa


      I think the previous ones were not collimated properly. I checked other ones and I felt OK.

  13. Because of a deposit greedy landlady I think I'll have to settle for a 12" Dob...Taking her to court despite all.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Myopicus


      Sounds like 'fair wear and tear' to me. Have you talked to the C.A.B. about this?

    3. moriniboy


      Has your deposit been held under the Deposit Protection Service? If it has then they should arbitrate this matter.

    4. emadmoussa


      She said she would give most of it back. That after I threatened to take her to court.. I think her problem she mixed ''nice'' with ''weak'' ...

  14. One week in the new house and the boiler breaks down..oh Joy!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. m.tweedy


      at least you got a week. we got a day. was not amused with the surveyor at all.

    3. RT65CB-SWL


      That is all you need after all the bad luck you have been having this year. At least it is not the middle of winter in the northern hemisphere.

    4. emadmoussa


      Got the engineer to cap the boilerand allow gas flow to cooker and eelectric heating to tank. Don't care much about central heading..rarely use it anyway...

  15. Finally...house moving has been confimed!!

  16. Here we go again.. summer is here and topless losers everywehre. It's not that hot, mate. Cover up!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ronin


      It's summer, that is what happens.

    3. faulksy


      i think all women should be topless

    4. emadmoussa
  17. Finally got my hands on Jacques Vallee's last book of the trilogy....

  18. Got Telrad with shield for my birthday! LOL...should come handy !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. YKSE


      Many happy returns Emad. You must have made a very strong impression when you wished Telrad for the first time

    3. emadmoussa


      I just randomly mentioned to the wife the other day that while the Rigel was nice, but didn't feel like the right one and I missed the Telrad. She got the message :)

    4. Daniel-K


      As good as a chocolate fire guard

  19. ...

    1. AlexB67


      I'll add to the mystery :D

      while i < n


      pick a number from the sequence


      I = I + 1


      what is n when all is said and done ?

  20. I thinking ES 5.5mm 100-deg eyepiece...

    1. Daniel-K


      you need a scope first

    2. Daniel-K


      you need a scope first

    3. emadmoussa


      yes, that's the package with the scope. I already have eyepieces, but not a high power one.

  21. Ouch!!

    1. Marki


      Hope your back gets better! Had a recurring back problem for years, so feel your pain!

    2. emadmoussa
  22. I might just get back the 12" and exhaust it's potential before joing the 14"/16" club...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AlexB67


      That's impressive Mike. I had to look up the car to check, do you fold the seat for that ? can you still carry a passenger, suitcases tents and extra stuff ? I was more thinking along the lines ( far in future ) when I do get a big Dob, which I would use a lot less it would be a truss design, 16 inch or so, and the 10 inch or a new 12 inch at some point as the most often used weapon at home, & some shorter local trips. Current car is a 90s Ford KA, tiny thing :) Couple of years I...

    3. AlexB67


      .. can get something slightly bigger.

    4. emadmoussa


      With my 12" the scope once collapsed was very manageable, it's the base that's big actually. With the 14", it's probably a similar story with the tube, but the difference you can take the yet bigger base apart and put it back together in no time. So, haven't made up my mind completely...still subject to my observing position and finances.

  23. Galaxy Note 3 rocks...Iphone users look away!! :D

    1. Daniel-K


      rock on ANDROID!

  24. Having used Moonlite focuser, every other focuser seems rubbish now... :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Pig


      You could mount a Television camera in the Baader Steeltrack and it wouldn't slip :)

    3. emadmoussa


      The focuser that came with my GSO 10" was fantastic...but still, the Moonlite is better. It's just very solid. And like Dan says, collimation is easier with it as well. I use heavy eyepieces and it rolls as if nothing is not the focuser...if I get my 12" back, or go 14" I'm certainly going Moonlite again.

      lOL @ Delos in Steeltrack :D

    4. AlexB67


      Of course the day I get a moonlight I'll be saying same no doubt :D

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