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Status Updates posted by emadmoussa

  1. House offer accepted...fingers crossed I won't get gazumped for the third time... :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. emadmoussa


      They should, it's incredibly an unethical and honestly disgusting.

    3. Mr TamiyaCowboy

      Mr TamiyaCowboy

      good luck and hope it flys through, Yes gazzumping is a down right dirty move you got my fingers crossed. and scopes to

    4. emadmoussa


      Thanks mate!

  2. That's it...if the house hunt fails again...I'm forgetting about the whole damn idea and getting a 14 inch scope...!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. emadmoussa


      That's one option :)

    3. Mr TamiyaCowboy

      Mr TamiyaCowboy

      go glamping style two 8x10 sheds, one is the living quarters the other a observatory, a small half acre land on some mountain top = win and profit

    4. emadmoussa


      Another option... :)

  3. Having reduced my kit to the maximum limit started to realize you really don't need more than 3-4 good eyepieces to do everything you want....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Don't like the sun :D I prefer the Daily Mail :)

    3. Pig


      Ah yes I remember, Spain did you in with the heat :-)

    4. emadmoussa


      Yep...doesn't matter how British you are, if you were born and raised in a Med country, you'll find sun worshiping a bit retarded...to say the least. But yes, I'd like to have a lunt scope though...I'm still interested in solar astronomy....as long as I don't have to sunbathe :)

  4. Great!! Now I'm almost out of astro gear to fund house purchase, and got my first mortgage rejected. I'm over the moon...the dark side of the moon more like it :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marki


      Thats a nghtmare - hope you get it sorted soon!

    3. Pig


      You didn't submit that toy hand grenade with the application did you ?

    4. emadmoussa


      I did submit the hand grendate, Shaun.

      Dan, I think..yes...my bank is a better option.

  5. Great!! Now I'm almost out of astro gear and get first mortgage applicatoin rejected...fascinating!!! I'm besides myself!!

    1. Pig


      Did it cost you to apply ?

  6. ...mmm..I think I'm going nuts!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Green Umpa Lumpa...

    3. Mike73


      lol I thought they were green! had to Google it and they are orange!! Well that makes two of us nuts! :)

    4. emadmoussa


      There's the red Hulk...as close as it gets to orange. .

  7. 4 Eyepieces to sell....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Only for now...I'll replenish once i've bought a property! It's quite painful to do, but what can I do?! :)

    3. Pig


      At least you have your priorities in the correct order Imad :-)

    4. emadmoussa
  8. I wonder if anybody bought an Explore Scientific dob....barely no information out there. ....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. emadmoussa


      mmm...ah well, we all know they suck at customer service.

    3. Pig


      I was going to buy the Lunt 60mm from them but by the time they answered my e-mail (2 weeks) I had already bought one from somewhere else!!!

    4. emadmoussa


      I can be an authority on how sucky their service is. The products on the other hand are top notch!!

  9. House offer accepted...still freaking out and thinking house prices are ridiculous...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ant


      There really is no looking back once you've done it.

      Although "100 years" down the road is a rather long wait lol

    3. emadmoussa


      yeah...I can't believe by the time your mortgage has been paid you're too old already :)

    4. SnakeyJ


      Congratulations Imad - a scary adventure starting off, but ultimately a much more secure future with your own tenure. Sorry to see the kit up, though sure you will be able to get a few bits together in the not too distant.

      Any chance of getting an observatory in at the new house?

  10. Downsizing to the high end basics :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Indeed sir!! :)

    3. Pig


      I didn't realise you could down size to high end :-)

    4. emadmoussa


      I don't even have a clue what I'm doing...

  11. So, I received my Cheshire collimator...so far I really really hate it!! I think I might just invest in a high quality laser collimator..

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. michaeldurban


      it is true..

      a cheshire needs some familiarity and practice..

      I find laser collis hopelessly overrated..and inaccurate.

      (apart from the barlowed method..and even then..)

      I also thought the laser was the 'must have'..even got a self centering adapter..

      But..the cheshire beats it every time...collimation spot on..

      OK..it takes some tweaking and going backwards and forwards..

      But the results (I feel..) are better (repeatabl...

    3. michaeldurban


      did my text get cut off?

    4. Pig


      What's wrong with it Imad ?

  12. I don't understand how Charles Messier catalogued M66 and M65 and yet failed to spot NGC 3628...while a bit fainter, but it's obviousl!! And...my eyes are hurting from galaxy hunting last night...getting old!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pig


      I guess LP was less of an issue back then

    3. YKSE


      Maybe it's the thread-hole object for his scope then? I could only see M65 and M66 with 130P

    4. emadmoussa


      NGC3628 I think is visible through a 150mm scope ad s min...I stand corrected.

  13. I'm really considering settling for one single scope...humm

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Qualia


      Move to Spain :-) Bear in mind, it's still winter and in the last 52 days & 51 nights, we've had about 10 overcast days and about twice that at night.

    3. emadmoussa


      Yeah, I know the Med area. I lived there for about 15 years. Not quite fond of the summer heat though... :)

    4. Pig


      I think I could be coerced :-)

  14. Excuse my poor my memory, but hwere is the other supernova?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pig


      No comment :-)

    3. emadmoussa
    4. Pig


      Right young Imad I am off to vaporize myself again ahhhhhh relaxing times

  15. I've had it with this stupid wind...too much already!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. emadmoussa


      too much sprouts?! :D

    3. AlexB67


      I must admit after my nice curry last and a couple of cans I am suffering from a fair amount of flatulence today.

    4. emadmoussa
  16. To flock or not to flock...is it really worth it?!

    1. tingting44


      ive heard people rave about flocking on here, never tried myself tho, id probably mess it up

    2. emadmoussa


      I've got all the materials, but still in two minds about it.

    3. tingting44


      let us know how u get on, fingers crossed for you buddy

  17. Made my own light shroud - result better than expected. Time to put it to the test.

    1. YKSE


      Nice dude!

    2. Pig
    3. emadmoussa


      Sure, will do photos. :)

  18. So British Gas sent me an email asking for a review of their service...LOL ! Come to daddy!!! A very happy daddy!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emadmoussa


      It was a follow up on my latest inquiry. I gave them a nice review that they'll enjoy ..NOT

    3. Pig


      LoL, I had my first acceptable outcome in a long time just this month with British Gas :-)

    4. emadmoussa


      I told them was nice to have some honesty and less cheating once in a while..and obviously they are incapable of doing so. They asked if thevanswer to my last inquiry was helpful. I said it was easier talking to walls... :D they asked to evaluate their service on scale from 1 to 10... I gave them -100..I think I was generous :D

  19. I don't know why every time I see a photo of binoculars I get dizzy :D

    1. Pig


      That is very strange Imad, Am I missing something ?

    2. emadmoussa


      I think it's a psychological thing. My last bins always gave me a headache whenever I looked through them. They were probably not well collimated, but also I might need to check my eyesight.

  20. I wonder if a 12" dob will show noriceable extra details over a 10"...hummm

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Pig


      Are you not 1mpressed with the 10" Imad ?

    3. emadmoussa


      It's a pretty good scope, but currently hit by aperture fever. There are some targets that require this...little bit of aperture to see :D

    4. Pig


      lol okies :-)

  21. ES 100-deg 14mm truely is a spaceship window. I think I'm in love :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. emadmoussa


      That was a sort of first light glimpse report. Waiting for the moon to go away...

    3. Pig


      I am surprised the moon is still there :-)

    4. emadmoussa


      Indeed. All the negotiations..it won't go away...time to bribe!

  22. ES 14mm 100-deg and Delos 10mm are landing tomorrow....I think... :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ronin


      With this weather and wind you will have to collect from Oslo.

    3. emadmoussa


      The eyepieces are in the UK now. Unfortunately the person who's coming over got stuck in the floods and he's coming down on Friday...so fingers crossed.

    4. Pig


      Well at least the weather is Rubbish until then :-)

  23. Wonderful night last night..unfortunately I almost fell asleep over the eyepiece....well, I had a long observing session the night before :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pig


      I have his boots are made by R.M Williams :)

    3. emadmoussa


      LOL - so it was you then.

    4. Pig
  24. And that's what I call sucky visibility...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Indeed...I jinxed it for all of you.

    3. leelee970


      you need an Obsy, takes me less than 10 mins to be up and running. Truely the best investment.

    4. emadmoussa


      First thing to do once I bought a house in the next 100 years...

  25. I really need a new red torch that I can happily drop and get wet without having to replace it :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Petzl Tikka 3 brightness settings, waterproof, red lens cover £24 had mine 4 years now

    3. Naemeth


      Just get a bike light or head torch. Save yourself money which can go on more expensive accessories.

    4. crashtestdummy


      I considered a tikka but the energiser one is much cheaper,even from argos

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