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Status Updates posted by emadmoussa

  1. Yeah, finally fixed

  2. My NEQ6 has arrived...Won't be able to play with it till the weekend :(

    1. tingting44


      you must be buzzing!!! ;)

    2. nephilim


      Nice one mate, i'd ring in sick at work & have it out straight away!!!

  3. Clear skies tonight in Hampshire...and guess what? I don't have a mount..

  4. Voyager: the Final Frontier, on BBC4 at 8pm today.

  5. Nicolaus Copernicus' 540th Birthday...

  6. This weekend...baby sitting, PhD studying and SLG...all at once! My wires are going zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

  7. So apparently there's some clear skies after 8pm tonight ...will see.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nephilim


      Its now forecast 99% cloud with snow.......I rest my case :(

    3. Mezolitik


      Still got 1%! Get your binoculars out.

    4. crashtestdummy


      If i were as bad at my job as the weather guy i know i would be looking for another job!!!

  8. OK, clear skies - set up my scope, erected some sheets to block the nearby street light and ready to observe,. Oh yeah, baby!!!

  9. clear skies tonight. Anybody from a different country will think we're a bunch of weirdos making a fuss of a day of clear sky...duh!

  10. Apparently, clear nigh skies tomorrow in Hampshire and Surrey...let's see if that persists.

    1. tingting44


      ahhhh lets hope buddy!!!! :D i have every part of my body crossed lool :D

  11. Clear skies tonight in Hampshire...why on Sunday night?!! Whly?!!!

  12. Clear skies now - clouds expected at night. Typica!!

    1. Bendeavour


      same here, tomorrows meant to be good though!

  13. waiting for the weekend to set up my st80 and modify webcam for guide scope...loads of DIY

    1. nephilim


      Good luck mate :)

  14. snow and low clouds last night enhanced by street lights made the night as bright as early dusk...

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