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Status Updates posted by emadmoussa

  1. 6 galaxies, 2 doubles, 1 nebula, 1 globular cluster...then going to bed happily

    1. Pig


      Excellent Imad, I am staying up until the clouds drive me inside

    2. SnakeyJ


      Wimp - retiring so early, who needs sleep when the skies this good! Seriously though good haul ;)

    3. emadmoussa


      I was so tried even non-fuzzy blobs seemed fuzzy. To be honest, the main reason was testing the new Skywatcher EP. I'll write a short review soon.

  2. I don't believe it - I had pay £30 import tax for the pier extension bought from the US....totally crossed!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nephilim


      Me too......trying not to laugh that is ;0)

    3. emadmoussa


      I knew there was some sort of tax, but not £30 for a product that cost me £65.. tax and shipping was more dxpensive than the actual item...buggar!

    4. crashtestdummy


      always pays to do the research before you commit to buy.atleast it sounds as though you weren't hammered by royal mail for sorting customs out

  3. Typical Explore Scientific -- they never ship when they say they would...I love their products, but hate their delivery system.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      what does it do ?

    3. emadmoussa


      Everything you want - make tea, coffee massage... :D

      It's a manual heavy duty mount that allows you use two scopes at the same time and can act as a grab and go.

    4. Pig


      Sounds great

  4. I think I was insane to think about selling my C11 -- change of heart today :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. emadmoussa


      I'd like to keep the C11 - but would like a big ED refractor which costs a fortune literally...one of those days I'll get a Skywatcher Espirt 150mm - then the wife will throw me out on the street :D

    3. Pig


      lol - buy a lighthouse then you can have the top floor as an observatory

    4. emadmoussa
  5. Downsizing until I've had an observatory

    1. SnakeyJ


      I noticed - though a real wrench to part with the C11. Have you got a build planned?

    2. emadmoussa


      Not until I have managed to buy a property - probably 2-3 years if I@m llucky

  6. Do extensions for EQ3 mounts exist? Can't find any...

    1. ronin


      Do you means a sort of pillar/tube to add to the mount to give extra height? I have an EQ3 mount that has an extension of about 15-18 inches on, the top is made to hold an ETX scope. Came from Scope and Skies and was I suspect made by Astro Engineering. No idea if they do, or did, an extension to hold the EQ3 head but cannot see why not.

    2. emadmoussa


      Yes, that's what I mean. Do you have a picture and or a link?

  7. Skytee or Explore Scientific Giro III???

    1. RT65CB-SWL


      Go with the Giro lll

    2. stevepeverall


      I'd only go with the Skytee if slo-mo controls are important to you.

  8. rubbish visibility...Im going back in...what a waste of time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      I think that's it until Monday now :-)

    3. emadmoussa


      yes, that does it...do you get upset the next morning after a screwed up night? :D

    4. Pig


      LOL not really, but it is very disappointing :-)

  9. sitting here waiting for the sky to clear..

  10. the Milky Way was stunning last night...inredibly vivid

    1. Zuben Elgenubi

      Zuben Elgenubi

      It was even very faintly visible from my light polluted garden - a rare treat indeed!

  11. How good is the Mak 127 for deep sky??

    1. Qualia


      can't really compete with an average sized - 8"-10" - Dob

    2. emadmoussa


      I've got a C11, it can't comfortably compete :) But I really have portability in mind.

    3. emadmoussa


      Sorry, can compete

  12. I'm almost certain there's a cone error...mmm

  13. I watched Daredevil last night - I think Ben Affleck has a knack for stripping things of their exciting essence.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rowan46


      Him and Matt damon were great in Dogma

    3. emadmoussa


      Dogma is a good film.

    4. nephilim


      Blue & nakeds good!! :D

  14. EQ3 ordered....finally some portability and hopefully less accidents :)

    1. YKSE


      Congratulations, and the bonus of extra trainings of moving the whole setup :)

    2. emadmoussa



      Hopefully it'll allow me to get out more often rather than being put off by the effort involved in taking the big rig out.

  15. Phew!! Not sure which portable mount to get...SW Allview or just an EQ3-2...??

  16. Yet again pondering about an astro video camera? Mintron with full kit? Anybody has an experience with such a cam?

  17. I kinda miss the clouds!!

    1. Pig


      lol you do make me laugh :-)

  18. What's the best targets tonight at the zenith and near-zenith? In summer I've got loads of trees around blocking my view...

    1. Daniel-K


      you have the north american the veil m57 theres m39 qutie a few in cygnus are you visual?

    2. emadmoussa


      Yes, visual for tonight.

    3. ronin


      Cygnus is about the best, whatever is in that should be more or less straight up. Well it was last night at mid-night.

  19. where can you find a straight through finder with corrected image orientation?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RT65CB-SWL


      I think on my Mak & SCT the image for for left and right reversed when I use a diagnonal.

    3. haitch


      Meade ETX scopes have a rather small correct orientation straight through finder but I've never seen anything larger.

    4. haitch


      That uses a prism btw

  20. leather here...time to design a little jacket for telescope :)

    1. Pig


      Post a pic when your done :-)

    2. emadmoussa


      I'm done, will do that tomorrow .

  21. Since I received my Explore Scientific EPs, I hereby declare it CLOUDY until further notice!!1

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pig


      That sounds interesting, I think my ASI cam can do that

    3. gazza63


      would you all stop buying stuff for at least a week!.. ha

    4. emadmoussa


      I didnt buy anything for a month. Plus, I learnt I can achieve sky timelapse with my DSLR, so...no video camera. :)

  22. Very uncomfortable weather, clear the deck for the topless losers..

  23. Hoo...hoo..hoo...booked for AstroCamp on the 7th of September in Wales. Anybody coming?

  24. OK, boring as it might seem...I changed my profile image, the brand is still the same, only the packaging is different :D :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pig


      Ive managed to keep the same picture for ages

    3. Qualia


      change mine as almost-often I do my underpants...

    4. emadmoussa


      That's a nice thought, Qualia :D

  25. 10 days since I placed my order for EPs from Explore Scientific, and they haven't been dispatched yet. What a service!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      I got my Maxivision 34mm in 6 days

    3. nephilim


      Finally got the 20 & 24 after 12days mate so hang in there.

    4. emadmoussa


      OK, ,fingers crossed.

      Now I have the big project of opening my damn SCT and take the rogue nut out ... feaking out already

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