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Status Updates posted by emadmoussa

  1. Gosh, I hate my red torch...why am I still using it?!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JB80


      I wouldn't be without my little red LED keychain, at first I didn't think much of it but it's one of the most useful accessories I have these days.

    3. emadmoussa


      I nudged it the other night and it stopped working...for the 5th time. So I'm replacing it...it was a free gift with a scope I bought a year ago...so. yeah!

    4. Naemeth


      Get a new one. It's one of the most useful purchases I've ever made, this way I can see my pocket atlas no matter how much light is around.

  2. 5 new faint galaxies...and all Messier objects finally ticked...voila!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. crashtestdummy


      surely the Herschel 400 is a calling now!!!

    3. Pig


      Well done Emad :-)

    4. emadmoussa


      I've been going through NGCs and Herschel objects for a while..only recently did I have the chance to tick the last M objects - which most of them are boring by the way. :)

  3. Did anybody manage to bag NGC 7635 (Bubble Neb.) with a 6" refractor?!!

    1. Daniel-K


      i didnt even get in my 10" from a very dark site

    2. YKSE


      Seems to be difficult even for 8" or 10" according to Wiki, will give it a shot tomorrow with C8.

    3. emadmoussa


      I tried both a 10" and 6" with and without filters...Nothing!! Ah...I'm thinking 16" dob in coming year.. :D

  4. ES 11mm 82-degree or 9mm 100-degree...mmm?!

    1. Daniel-K
    2. emadmoussa


      Yep - if I had the cash...it's Xmas dude!! :)

  5. Laminator ordered...time to make my A3 star atlas...

  6. seriously.. Dr Who banner!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      I prefer cooking celebrities. A slow roasting is best, I find

    3. Optical Dob

      Optical Dob

      I like it, just seems like a bit of fun to me.

    4. RobH


      I think the worst sort of sci fi is elitist sci fi.

  7. yeah, very clear that I can't see even the moon...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naemeth


      Have you got the lens cap on :P?

    3. Amra


      Same, blumming clouds. The moon was looking great at 4PM. :/

    4. Daniel-K


      super here :)

  8. Here we go again...moon up and shiny and visibility is pathetic!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pig


      I will Imad I just have one small issue with the calibration and I have just realised is my fault.

      It puts the object bang in the middle of the FOV so I am quite impressed

      I didn't read the manual properly so I need to try again when it is clear tomorrow.

    3. emadmoussa


      You read the manuals..?!!!! Impressive!

    4. Pig


      Exactly, I didn't read it properly and that's the problem. silly me

  9. I gotta sort out the dew shields before tomorrow...two clear nights over the weekend...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pig


      Will this be your first outing with the Dob ?

    3. emadmoussa


      I never saw Andromeda as vivid - I managed to spot its two other satellite galaxies.

    4. Pig


      That's a great sign of things to come then Imad :)

  10. IN GSO dob, which is the mirror locking knobs, the white or the black ones??

    1. Daniel-K


      Just have a look under the mirror the collimation knobs will have the springs

    2. emadmoussa


      Oh, thanks! I was wondering about that actually..managed to get the collimation perfect without knowing which one is which :)

  11. Don't understand why black yoga mats are more expensive than other silly colours...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Qualia


      I guess it's quite expensive to create something where no wavelengths are emitted or absorbed ;-))) Also you're paying for cool factor. I mean, I don't know about you but Yoga on a tickle me pink mat just don't seem right :-)

    3. emadmoussa


      I don't do Yoga...I'm just interested in the light absorbing capabilities of ''cool'' black mats :)

    4. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      They must know we use them for dew shields...

  12. Aahh...my dob base is calling for mods...it's irresistable...somebody stop me please!!

    1. Crebles


      You're in good company - I just heard that the BBC have recommissioned The Sky at Night slot, replacing it with "Pimp My Scope" with Chris Lintott and Frankie Boyle.

    2. emadmoussa
  13. No sign of UPS so far...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      Excellent news young Imad - tinker away

    3. emadmoussa


      Gosh, everything about the dob is about tinkering..it's an invitation for messing about :D

    4. YKSE


      looking forward to your First light Imad :). my BCO 18 should be waiting me home tonight too :)

  14. Excellent visibility tonight...just finished session and going to sleep satisfied :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. YKSE


      Just hoping that we get the same night after getting your storm...

    3. emadmoussa


      Most of my targets where at the zenith or around it, I had to crouch to see through the finder...hence the contortionist act.

    4. Pig


      I now fully extend my tripod so I don't have to bend down so much and I have a step to stand on should the required object be near the horizon.

  15. Dob has left Germany...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Naemeth


      Imad, you will soon be part of the Dob Mob :D.

    3. emadmoussa


      Sure thing. Dob mob, and yet still affiliated with the frac pack! :)

    4. emadmoussa


      I'm also excited for you you exited for me :D :D

  16. GSO 10" Dobsonian is on the way next week...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. emadmoussa


      LOL - there's nothing wrong to be excited for other people's scopes...I do that...quite a lot. :) It's the joy of seeing the mail man...not the one who wants to charge you £30 import tax.. :D

    3. Pig


      Cheeky blighters aren't they !!!

    4. emadmoussa


      LOL..they are.

  17. D = 1/D = Unit pc ** m - n =-2.5 log Fm/Fn = unit..pla pla pla...!!!

  18. I've got a £100 voucher to use on astro stuff...not sure what though!! :)

    1. foundaplanet


      What's the rush, hang on to it until you do..

    2. emadmoussa


      It'll probably come handy when I get a Dob

  19. 102Ed is here, can't wait to finish work and crack down on the sealed boxes...I'm a total child it seems!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Oooo and oooo...

    3. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      Is your free mount still in transit ?

    4. emadmoussa


      It's not free, I'm just holding on to the refund until I've seen it the mount in flesh. I don't really believe them. Wednesday is the dead line I gave them.

  20. Can Skytee II handle Celestron C11??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emadmoussa


      I finally got a refund from ES, so enough fund to get a Skytee instead :D

    3. foundaplanet


      Pleased you got sorted with that.

    4. emadmoussa


      I've been advised against that...apparently Skytee can't handle C11..

  21. Still struggling with Explore Scientific...no sign of getting my mount back any time soon...the end of the week and I will officially ask for a refund..damn it!#

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. foundaplanet


      If you try for refund what happens to pier extension. They're not very good are they really.

    3. emadmoussa


      I have the tripod still :)

    4. Pig


      I thought it was you that broke it :-)

  22. How is the service of Altair Astro?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. emadmoussa


      I'm just asking simply to save on the shipping if I include the diagonal with the refractor

    3. Pig


      It depends if they have both in stock !!!

    4. emadmoussa


      For some reason even though the scope is free shipping they still want to charge me for shipping the diagonal...

  23. So I put the telescope outside, went back inside to bring the dew shield, came back and the corrector mirror was completed fogged up -- exactly 12 minutes I was gone :(

    1. Daniel-K


      That sucks if you dont have a heater you could use a travel hairdryer?

    2. emadmoussa


      Yes..I think I do. I had to call off my session before it even started...

  24. Long session tonight hunting for galaxies....frac or SCT,? That's the question..#

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Qualia


      I'd go for the 20mm and if skies hold, wack on up :-)

    3. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      I use my SCT with 17 and 22mm Nagler on galaxies, but the 31 also comes in handy, depending on sky darkness

    4. emadmoussa


      I guess it'll be a good chance to extensively test the Maxvision 20mm...I only used few times with smaller telescopes.

  25. And the trophy for ''worst most rubbish customer service'' goes to ...EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pig


      Its not good enough

    3. emadmoussa


      And because of that I'm going to Astro camp tomorrow without any equipment...

    4. Pig


      Thats not good at all esp as you have been looking forward to it

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