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Everything posted by Merlin66

  1. Michael, Not really. The clip in filter allows manual focusing of EF lenses, the autofocus is still out of focus.
  2. I just replied to a similar thread: To maintain autofocus either the original sensor filter needs to be replaced with a similar clear or UV/IR filter, or the position of the sensor needs to be changed. Adding a clip in filter allows standard EF lenses to be manually focused. I use an Astronomik CLS clip in filter on my FULL modded (both filters removed) 1000D to allow me to use standard lenses for spectroscopy.
  3. The Swan bands in the green are becoming more obvious, the yellow sodium emission is reducing.
  4. To maintain autofocus either the original sensor filter needs to be replaced with a similar clear or UV/IR filter, or the position of the sensor needs to be chnaged. Adding a clip in filter allows standard EF lenses to be focused. I use an Astronomik CLS clip in filter on my FULL modded (both filters removed) 1000D to allow me to use standard lenses for spectroscopy.
  5. Between heavy/ light cloud managed to image the new AR 2767. Genesis 100/500, Baader solar wedge, Baader x2.25 barlow, ASI 1600. I'm sure it would look even more impressive under good conditions. The surrounding faculae is pretty bright.
  6. Another great result! Well done. You're certainly putting the LowSpec through its paces.
  7. Grant, I think you'll have to give us a bit more information to be able to help you. I assume it's a refractor (not a reflector with a mirror), any makers details? Size of the lens at the front? Length of the tube? What eyepieces were you using and what were you looking at? When you cleaned the lenses (which ones?) did they look clear? You say "the quality is perfect" Can you explain?
  8. The Backyard Astronomer's Guide - comprehensive, well illustrated guide to amateur astronomy. https://www.amazon.com.au/Backyard-Astronomers-Guide-Terence-Dickinson/dp/1554073448
  9. Well done! Good result. Interesting that the Sodium peak appears to be diminishing, and the Swan bands increasing..
  10. Yeah, that was a "suspect" from 1667.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_supernova_remnants
  11. The list of known supernova for our galaxy is not very long: 1054 (Crab Nebula,-7(max) mag) 1572 (Tycho, -4 mag), and 1604 (Kepler, -2.2 mag) Others have been suggested: 185, 396, 437, 827, 1006, 1181, 1203, 1230 ( Hsi Tze-tsung, "Catalogue of Ancient Nova")
  12. Besides the obvious Swan bands, NEOWISE is showing a very bright emission of Sodium (Na) at 5890 A. Any filter which enhances the transmission in the wavelength should help. (the attached annotated spectrum, based on an excellent spectrum from C Buil may help)
  13. The 1987 SN in the large Magellanic Cloud was a close call............ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_1987A
  14. The tail of the comet is dust which reflects sunlight. The brighter head (coma) seems to be "glowing" and the Sodium atoms are excited emitting a prominent band at 5890A. There's also emission from the Swan bands between 4440 and 5600A, the CH emission at 4300A is also evident
  15. Hmmm Don’t seem to ship to Australia.......
  16. Don, Thanks for the info, appreciated. (The Meade x3 Tele-extender seems to be no longer available https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/385171-REG/Meade_07676_Series_5000_TeleXtender_3x.html) but the ES model goes on https://agenaastro.com/explore-scientific-3x-focal-extender-barlow-fe03-125.html
  17. In my limited experience, I think there are only two sources of "banding" in solar imaging. The major one is Newton Rings caused by the thin (fixed) cover plate on the sensor chip. This is aggravated by the use of barlows/ powermates. The higher the focal ratio the more difficult the problem. The tried and proven "solution" is the T2 tilter. This effectively changes the sensor glass/ chip gap thereby increasing the gap and reducing NR. I measured some tilts I used....up to 1.4 degrees The other is said to be electronic interference. The USB connection v's local power connections? Don't know exactly as I've never had any real experience. Processing in AS3! and ImPPG/ Registax doesn't appear to cause NR, but I suppose it could enhance the low contrast bands.......
  18. I've been using the Baader Hyperion x2.25 barlow for solar imaging for the past year or so. The screwed T thread fitting is a good feature for me. No issue, no drama.
  19. I had a Meade Series 5000 x3 Tele-extender and then acquired an Explorer Scientific x3 Tele-extender. There were identical. Same physical size, finish and with the same optical elements. Definitely came out of the same Chinese factory.
  20. Have you tried a T2 tilter? I have NR issues with both my ASI 174 and ASI 1600MM.
  21. Is it my screen or do I get some horizontal banding??
  22. Hmmm The Ronchi grating - should show lines and gaps of equal widths.... Check your settings.
  23. Yeah, I posted that some time ago. Photographers generally refer to this data, whereas it’s pretty meaningless to astronomers.. Our interest is in actual chip size, pixel size and QE of the sensor. we need to continue our education of traditional daytime photographers.
  24. Yeah, saw this Ad..... I think the external full sized etalon is a good selling point. Just check out the final selling price ( not the current deposit)
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