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Everything posted by Merlin66

  1. OK, update report. Opened Nebulosity, opened WDM camera, the drop down list showed the DMK51, selected that. Took a image with the camera to verify it worked - it did. Left Nebulosity open on the screen, opened ASPS, set camera to "Nebulosity ASCOM driver". Asked to "click, solve and sync" - Nada! Then this error message "Property read sensor type not implemented in this driver" Still looking for a solution. ( Haven't managed to make contact with Giovanni - the author of ASPS.....)
  2. Baader has a "help" illustration.... Looks like your diagram matches the "too close" option.
  3. Iver, Thanks for your continued interest. That's basically what I did - opened Nebulosity and then ASPS, opened the Nebulosity ASCOM and the WDM option - no success. I didn't open the camera in Nebulosity first.... I'll try again later today.
  4. Sylvain Weiller has details - down the bottom of this (very interesting) page http://sweiller.free.fr/ATM/PST-EOS.html
  5. Vlaiv, In FireCapture I haven't had any issues/ concerns about darks etc. Flats for solar are a completely different ball game. Do you honestly think setting an offset would benefit solar imaging??? Typically 0.009 sec exposures .....
  6. I contacted IS to see if they could help - they could only recommend using Genika Astro - but again this doesn't have ASCOM drivers for the DMK....... Seems like a lost cause.....
  7. Using the ASI 1600 for solar imaging, don’t use offset either.
  8. Unfortunately the PST was designed for visual observing, not for imaging. The favourite solution is to use a Barlow lens at the base of the eyepiece holder to push the focus far enough above the eyepiece tube to allow the camera to focus. This seems to work with webcam type camera, your Canon M may require more ingenuity.
  9. That’s the one I use with both my ASI 174 and ASI 1600. works for me.
  10. Mike, No, that didn’t work for me either. ASPS opens the “Nebulosity ASCOM” then just looks at the drop down list, no option to use the DMK via Nebulosity or anything else.
  11. OK, no success.... The Nebulosity native camera drivers are not recognised by ASPS. Selecting ASCOM camera, just brings up the listing of installed ASCOM drivers - which doesn't include the IS DMK.......
  12. Iver, Thanks for that... I'll download Nebulosity and the camera drivers...see if the DMK is "recognised" and then try in ASPS. Keep you posted. Ken
  13. Neil, I updated my Synscan from V3 to V3.27 (that was good enough for me) I use a Keyspan Serial> USB adaptor to allow the original SW Upgrade cable to be used with my laptop. Connecting this to the hand controller and providing a 12V power supply to the hand controller allowed the Upgrade to go through. Don't know what could be the issue with your set-up........
  14. Adam, KISS Try the “basic” settings for a few images and then assess the differences. I use x2 Barlow’s, x2.5 Powermate and ES x3 telextenders. I have NR issues with them and both the ASI 1600 and ASI 174. A T2 tilter certainly helps. The post processing is critical.
  15. Not sure what the issue or problem is, but your eye is normally placed very close to the eyepiece. If the eyepiece fits securely in the focuser, and the focuser moves smoothly all the way inward and outward, then a focus should be found somewhere in between.
  16. Been there, done that that web link does help....no usable DMK ASCOM drivers. James, after all my searching I can only but agree with you.....there are no ASCOM drivers for IS DMK51 cameras.
  17. I stick to unity gain (139) for all my solar imaging. I think of gain as a signal multiplier....the signal hasn't changed just they way it's presented. Just my 2c
  18. For the novice, eyepieces are a minefield! IMHO until you've trained your eye to see detail in the object being observed stick with the ones that came with the scope or cheap alternatives. Do don't need $$$$$ Nike running shoes to enjoy a stroll in the park. By working with what you have, you gain experience and knowledge which later will help guide you to a "better" eyepiece - why? because by then you appreciate the limitations (and what impact they have on you) which you hope to solve. Softly, softly..........
  19. Back in the 1980's I did visual SN searching to verify the charts being prepared by Greg Thompson (The Supernova Search Charts- CUP) Using a 12" f5 with both a UO 12.5mm and 25mm ortho eyepiece, from a site 15 Km from Melbourne CBD I could regularly pick up and identify stars down to 15.5 mag around the target galaxies.
  20. Valerio, Welcome on board. Good to see other LowSpec instruments being built. It has great potential and allows the amateur to get involved in spectroscopy and the science. Look forward to seeing your results. Stay safe.
  21. Adam, Well done mate! Looks good.
  22. Tooth_dr, I see from your screen dump you're using zero gain and gamma 100 with the 290MM. The unity gain is 110 for this camera. I also use gamma at 50 (in Firecapture) and just vary the exposure. I think what you're seeing is a result of the longer effective focal length, not the inherent performance of the Barlow.....
  23. I agree using a Barlow or powermate certainly aggravate the NR.
  24. Brian, You can use the recent GONG image to give the orientation. To me it’s much easier to spend a little time looking at your mount and camera alignment and setting the FOV to bring north to the top and East West is verified by the drift in the field. You can then mark the camera and focuser to allow you to easily repeat the positioning.
  25. Julian, yes, I already use the DMK under AstroArt and FireCapture. The issue is getting ASPS to recognise the camera to take the plate solving to the next level.
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