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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Hold fire read, Making every photon count by Steve Richards you make save yourself a lot of grief and money , https://www.firstlightoptics.com/books/making-every-photon-count-steve-richards.html Decide what your after and have a look on https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?minprice=0&maxprice=1000000000000000&cur_page=0&sort=id+DESC plenty of good used equipment for sale .
  2. Yes once apt updates to cover dslr , I’m in no rush .
  3. I intend to run indigo sky ,apt has updated to run on indigo 👍 details on APT forum, pi4 came yesterday awaiting SD card with noobs preinstalled and a case which is out of stock though RS will deliver when back in stock .
  4. Okdo .com have stock but you need to order power supply bundle RS NOT expecting stock until September
  5. Does Claus say if he uses infusion moulding , 7mm is quite thick , I would have thought infusion would half that and be stronger and lighter
  6. @alexwolfDo you think stellarium scope will ever be integrated into stellarium
  7. It may also be worth asking @Yoddha aka Ivo on Apt forum if you are still having issues
  8. Also helpful is ps polar scope align app info here https://astro.ecuadors.net/polar-scope-align/ at least this should help you align Polaris in the reticule , you can change the reticule pattern to what ever you need in settings .
  9. Dec result showing -10 deg ? Is that right Maybe this has something to do with it not syncing , have you tried parking telescope , weights down pointing at Polaris assuming your in Northern hemisphere , take an image, >platesolve ,sync , are you using CDC’ so you can see where the mount is pointing on star chart (apt can communicate with different planaterium software via settings )
  10. Did you press connect telescope button in Apt ,top right in Apt in tools if I remember rightly if not it won’t talk to mount via Eqmod
  11. I have the d2 certainly makes a difference to me anyway ,our town /county is probably 90 percent led streetlights
  12. Correct, are you using a camera for imaging? If so then platesolving is the best way very accurate, I use APT and use the pointcraft tool .
  13. I have the same qhy camera and I would agree with your comments I don’t think it’s so much a hardware issue more a software issue and I too will move on to zwo when the time comes.
  14. So star wand ,Shining a laser into the sky 🤔 ✈️ Or am I missing something
  15. I have the 8x40 they’re a great little pair of Binos , sharp too , great for the price and widefield.
  16. Apt 3.70 now indi supported so will work via stellarmate
  17. Well done David , very handy and no doubt will be very useful for many I’m sure @Yoddha will give it a thumbs up ?
  18. I’ve changed air flow now sucking after reading this by Peter shah https://www.eastmidlandsstargazers.org.uk/topic/15034-using-cooling-fans-to-improve-an-image/?tab=comments#comment-150797
  19. DriverVer= 04/23/2015,1.0 phd2 -2.6.5 dev version 7 windows 10 running up to date updates
  20. I’ve used qhy 5l for a few years never been impressed by their drivers tbh , definitely getting a zwo next time , I use the miniguide scope and that’s great little bit of kit I would recommend that.
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