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Everything posted by Stargazer33

  1. Very nice! Is that sequence in white light Steve?
  2. It looks like you've managed to capture some cloud albedo in the top 3 images Pete
  3. Nice informative video Sara. 1 minute of my life well spent at the moment! 😊
  4. My comment would be: exceptional. My suggestion would be: don't do anything different! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
  5. Hi Tony, what capture software are you using? I will have a look at the Skyris manual and see if I can see some basic setting suggestions regarding gain.
  6. Hi Tony, you should see something akin to what you see through the eyepiece; depending on your screen resolution. Does your capture software record a log file of your imaging videos? If it does then could you post a copy here. Then we can see if there is anything obvious standing out. The Moon is very bright so exposure, gain, gamma etc need to be set correctly. Just as an after thought do you know what the binning was set to?
  7. First of all hello and welcome to SGL! You are in an excellent place for help, advice and support. How are you focusing your Skyris camera? When you change out the eyepiece, which I presume you are using to take your iPhone picture, you will have to re-focus for the Skyris camera. The exposure looks way too high too. Try turning the exposure (time in milliseconds ms) and gain down. It's better to be under exposed rather than over exposed. You can always lift detail out of the shadow; but once detail has been burnt out there is nothing you can do to bring it back.
  8. Nice image with a fair amount of detail and well exposed.
  9. Stunning detail and colour!
  10. Saw a stream of these things going right through Ursa Major last night whilst I was looking for the Lyrids. This enterprise of Musk is going to ruin the night sky! 🀬😑πŸ˜₯
  11. That is beautiful! That has got to be an IAPOTY contender.
  12. https://www.celestron.co.uk/technologies/starrynight/
  13. Do marbles count? πŸ€ͺ Haven't found them again though!
  14. QHY5 driver here: https://www.qhyccd.com/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=29&id=1
  15. Hi, I'm trying to go through some of the video files I recorded last night and can't get SER Player to run. I've installed the 32 bit Windows version - SER_Player_Windows_x86_v1.7.2.zip, but when I double click on my .ser files I get the message: F:\...\xxx.ser is not a valid Win32 application. Trying to open SER Player directly gives me the error message: C:\Program Files \SER Player\ser-player.exe is not a valid Win32 application. I am running Windows XP still on my PC so I don't know if that is the issue or if I am doing something wrong elsewhere? Any help/advice would be much appreciated.
  16. That's really nice. Best image of a tail I've seen with this comet so far. Really should get out there tonight but having been humping 2.4m sleepers about making a raised flower bed I'm aching too much to carry all the kit out into the garden. Maybe once I've finished this and the little morning breakfast patio I'll have earned enough brownie points to make a start on a mini observatory!
  17. DSLRs are not ideal for taking astro videos. People use fast frame rate cameras such as the ZWO, QHY, Atik, Starlight Xpress, Celestron, Altair Astro, etc. range of cameras. The principal is the same as what you do in DSS. Using programs like Autostakkert or Registax (freeware), individual video frames are stacked rather than single photo frames. The benefit of fast frame rate video cameras for Luna & planetary imaging is that you capture more 'clean' frames during those brief moments of steady seeing.
  18. Lovely sharp detail and well processed too.
  19. Looks like you've hit the ground running after your 6 year break! I don't think it's too saturated at all; not on my tablets screen anyway.
  20. The top image (20") doesn't look like trailing. It looks like the mount/'scope was knocked during the exposure.
  21. Hi, if you attach your image in .png or .bmp format, then people will be able to look at it on screen rather than having to download an unknown file.
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