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Status Updates posted by Qualia

  1. Still grim in my part of Spain: 17 nights of heavy cloud...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Qualia


      I've had one night out in the desert/scrub lands since it arrived :-( I've got a first light report due and hopefully will have it written up tonight or tomorrow.

    3. foundaplanet


      I doubt it will be cloudy in Spain until September! It's clear here but it is also very foggy.

    4. crashtestdummy


      only 17?think yourself lucky

  2. Sorry about my absence this week. I will make up for it this weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying the Sun this morning :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cotterless45


      Welcome back ! We've a cold front meeting a warm one !

    3. nightfisher


      welcome back rob, i hope you got every thing done in the UK that needed doing, chin up mate

    4. Luke


      Good luck Rob for some Super Solar! I was very happy to catch a few little patches this morning, the forecast was dire.

  3. Got back this Monday morning from the best dark skies I have ever seen. Ever! Still in a state of shock. The days were fabulous as well, up in the mountains, clear skies, running rivers and forests.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nightfisher


      Q, sounds like you had a superb time, im taking the new mrs nightfisher camping to north yorkshire in july, will also take tal100 he he

    3. emadmoussa


      Where was that?

    4. Qualia


      Pyrenees' Mountains, Spanish side.

  4. Astronomy and stargazing really is a very satisfying and beautiful passtime.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rowan46


      Then why am i sitting indoors every night screaming at the sky to clear

    3. AlexB67


      Rpwan, just give your secondary a few jolts, remove the spider, collimate and start again, keeps you sane. Some have even resorted to putting wall paper on their dob mounts :D

    4. cotterless45


      It's the whole Universe !

  5. I think this is the worst weather I've experienced in over 2 years. We're already 12 days into the New Year. Not a single night out under the stars and I've only seen the Sun 5 times!! Absolute rubbish. Foggy all weekend and now it's tipping down :-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jetstream


      Hang in there Qualia,the sky will change,eventhough its frustrating now...

    3. Marki


      Have you moved to the uk ? :-)

    4. Qualia


      Thanks for the comments, guys. Woke up early this morning and it's still raining. Oh well, I guess it's natures way of telling us to do something else in the meantime :-)

  6. Beautiful scene to see a gibbous pink moon framed by Jupiter, Alnath and Aldebara.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Wow! 5am - I hope you have time for a little siesta later.

    3. nightfisher


      of course, just had an hour on the couch

    4. Qualia


      Just had one myself, and I woke up 11am! Good for the complexion, I'm told :-)

  7. Interesting set of active regions, loops, spikes, surges and a hedgerow type prominence some 211,000 km long and perhaps as much as 80,000km high on the Sun today. If you get a chance today the solstice sun is worth checking out :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jabeoo1


      Managed a look, its a spectacular sight. The sun is really flexing its plasma today.

    3. DRT


      Sounds great, Rob - horrible weather here this weekend so no solar for the third week in a row :-(

      211,000km is a very precise measurement - what are you using to gauge that?

    4. Qualia


      Sorry to hear about the weather :-( It's a right pain when it's not clear. Derek, I use a micro-guide from Baader. It's only a guesstimate but it helps frame a general idea :-)

  8. Sun is rather fetching today; huge hedgerow complex on the western limb :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luke


      Nice heads up, Rob, what a fine hedgerow :) I thought the main spot had some nice activity around it too, it looked like there was a little flaring going on when I was out, inbetween the customary weekend clouds :D

    3. jabeoo1


      Nice! Although the haze is not helping the detail. Massive & wide hedgerow. Cheers Rob.

    4. Qualia


      Thanks for the replies :-) Hope you all had a nice session :-)

  9. Not sure if I'll stay up all night, but it's been a cracking evening. 2am, clear skies and still in t-shirt and shorts :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Sounds great Rob, I haven't seen blue sky or stars for a week now.. jus constant wind or rain or both.

    3. Qualia


      A lot of April was like that here; rain, clouds. Looks like summer is beginning now but the weather in 'Valencia' is some of the worse I've seen in Spain. A lot of heat in the daytime and come night, a lot of cloud. Hopefully this year will be better....

    4. scarp15


      Been raining here, looks better for backyard tonight, next two wkends will be looking for a crack at some dark sky, after which perhaps becoming too light.

  10. 1st proper day of the year :-) 37ºC, so went to the beach. Took the sun scope and had a wee session. Very pleasant.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      I guess next week will be hot and muggy here, Shaun but today, the clouds cleared. I have to do the weeks shopping but when I get back I'll post up a few sketches.

    3. Pig


      Sounds excellent Rob, I was in North Italy last week and the weather was lovely...not over warm but some lovely clear days.

    4. JB80


      A couple more weeks of this and the pool will be warm enough for a swim. :) Good to hear you are enjoying the nice weather Rob.

  11. Lovely evening: Jupiter, GRS transit, Galaxies, Double and just sitting back and taking it all in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Nice one Rob :-) We have had two lovely clear nights here but I have been too tired to go outside. Roll on the weekend.

    3. jabeoo1


      You lucky man the forecast here from now is cloud for a week. Hopefully they are wrong like the normal 50% of the time.

    4. Tums


      Got an unexpected break in the cloud for an hour got some Moon shots,just lining up on Jupiter, cloud came back, now inside having a beer. ;)

  12. Lovely night out tonight. Everything in the night sky just seemed so peaceful and so pretty.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Thanks, Gerry, You're a gentlemen. I will try to post up a few report-sketches this morning before work :-)

    3. foundaplanet


      The night sky was a beautiful sight here tonight also.. :) First I've I've taken it all in for a long time.

    4. Qualia


      Glad to see you foundaplanet! How's everything going?

  13. Gorgeous spotty sun today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Thanks, David. I have to go to work right now, but I'll quicky post up a rough sketch in the solar section :-)

    3. Qualia


      Ok, all done. Now I must dash :-)

    4. Pig


      The weekend is looking promising here, so fingers crossed it stays that way :-)

  14. Gorgeous banner. The Halloween theme really stands out and is very inviting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia
    3. Ant


      That's what the sky looked like from my old house :)

      Wasn't supposed to be LP though!

    4. foundaplanet


      Well I thought it was the glow of all the bonfires but then LP is not something that is on my mind much around here..:)

  15. Fascinating time around the Moon's Ocean of Storms tonight. Any suggestions of damping down wind vibration of frac on AZ4?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foundaplanet


      I have hear that some folk hang sand bags from thm or even fill the legs with sand.

    3. cotterless45


      I filled my legs with wet mortar !

    4. Qualia


      Thanks for the tips. I might give those sand ones a try.

  16. It's so hot today. 40ºC and climbing. I deliciously melted while viewing the sun today. The tripod was impossible to carrying back indoors without my winter glooves on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foundaplanet


      Delightful..:) It's not bad here either for a change and it may even last the entire weekend..:)

    3. Marki


      Yup mid020s here Rob - pretty nippy by comparison to your neck of the woods! I have two bottles of Pinot Grigio delle Venezie in the Fridge to cool me down later! Was looking forward to a good night at the scope, but looking a wee bit hazy out there now... .

    4. Marki


      Mid 20s that should say!

  17. RE: Double Post. I've seen this problem arising. For the time being, just click 'post' once when submitting and even if it looks like it hasn't gone through...it has. If you click twice, you'll get the double post.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bingevader


      I'm sure some one will sort it soon, but in the meantime, if you hit refresh after posting, that does the trick!

    3. nightfisher


      admin are working behind the scenes to deal with this. Qualia, thanks for posting this

    4. Qualia


      Thanks Nightfisher.

  18. Did anyone else see a small black dot over Jupiter this morning; about 10 o'clock-ish on the edge of the surface? I don't think it was my EPs for I went through the 5,6,7mm and each showed the same thing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Thank you, Cotterless. The dark spot wasn't around the equator and the more I search I cannot find anyone else seeing the same thing. I will clean my OTA and look again tomorrow.

    3. Qualia


      Finally worked out the mystery. It was Io's shadow crossing over. A very pretty and spectacular sighting.

    4. tingting44


      wow so it was a moon then?

      and i did not know you could still see jupiter gone past 10am!!!! REALLY?? :D did u get any pics

  19. Freezing but a gorgeous night out.

    1. chiltonstar


      Yep, same here. Minus 3, stunning seeing - shame about the Moon!


    2. YKSE


      Not that cold here, but only short sessions between clouds.

    3. Qualia


      Good to hear you both got a session in :-)

  20. Discovering something as frustrating as a cloudy night. Crystal clear nights with chronic seeing conditions. Stars looking like head lights, craters all a blur and Jupiter like a smeary blob. Not even the little 4" could win :-(

    1. cotterless45


      Yep, we get the very same. So clear to the eye, then wobbly wobbly fuzz !

    2. Marki


      Seems like every "clear" night for the two weeks has been like that for me...hoping we'll get some crisper nights in winter proper.

    3. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      I think the Jet stream is above us at the moment.

  21. Active sun woth seeing today, if you get a chance :-)

    1. toilandtrouble123


      Ordering some Baader solar filter sheets in a fortnight, with the other half promising to make me a filter for my refractor and DSLR's :) Never tried solar obs before

    2. Pig


      You are not kidding Rob, its a cracker for both Ha and white light.

    3. jabeoo1


      Damn I have been busy DIY today, missed the whole show. Looks good for the week though so hopefully tomorrow :)

  22. Had a nice night last night - good clear skies.

    1. foundaplanet


      Grand :) Still draeming about them here

    2. Marki


      Nice Rob! FOrgotten what they look like myself, but the weather forecast is vaguely promising for tomorrow...after yet more snow, that is!

    3. nightfisher


      good to hear you got a good session in

  23. Gutted. 45 days of morning sun and evening stars broken by clouds :-(

    1. foundaplanet


      Oh dear, that's tragic...:D

    2. Qualia
    3. foundaplanet


      Ha, I think I have only seen the sun about three times in the last six weeks....;)

  24. After a week of storms at last not a cloud in sight, a brisk -2 C, slight wind...perfect night? No, the seeing was awful. Packed up and came home :-(

    1. crashtestdummy


      Ditto fella,rubbish transparency and the moon was a pain.

    2. Marki


      Shame Qualia - would have thought the cold desert skies were just ideal...?

    3. Qualia


      Yeah, it is wierd, but even the forecast page said seeing would be bad and I couldn't work out why this would be so. I think it may have had something to do with the winds. Anyway, tonight was a lot better, but soooo cold. Desert-arid lands really do get chilly. Anyway, a fun, if short evening was had around Lyra.

  25. At last the delicious pattering of heavy rain. No such thing as bad weather, just different kinds of good.

    1. laser_jock99


      I preffer to think of it as 'image processing weather'.

    2. Marki


      Reading and posting on SGL all night weather fo rme :)

    3. rory


      well the uk has had alot of good kind of weather this year then !

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