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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Screenshot of the relevant parts of datasheet for a USB3 PCB connector as used in the camera. I only need to connect to the USB2 part as the RPi 3B is USB2 only. USB2 wire colours.
  2. I've managed to get the colour camera apart by destroying the ST4 connector. I can do he same mod I did on the ASI120 that had a broken USB connector - solder on a USB cable to the USB2 connections inside the camera, running the cable out through the hole where the ST4 connector was. I think I would prefer a colour image from the ASC. Colour seems to be the consensus of opinion amongst ASC users.
  3. My experience is that the only filter that cuts down moonlight appreciably is H-Alpha and the narrower the better. I use an Astrodon 3nm Ha filter but they are very expensive. Previous I used a 5nm Ha but the 3nm is significantly better. I also have OIII and SII filters but don't use them when there's a bright moon.
  4. Well done Dave!! Cracking job. Nothing wrong with that image IMO. Several much more distant galaxies can also be seen in that image.
  5. The tec 1- 12706 is a cheap Chinese Peltier TEC and very inefficient. Better to get a lower power one from RS-online or Farnell at several times the price. They actually work!
  6. Astrodon 3nm for me every time - you need deep pockets though! But boy!! Do they perform!!
  7. Not really other than on here but I should do - I'm not very organised!
  8. PI does everything for me and I love it. Very well pleased with the purchase! It does have a steep learning curve and I think you need to give it longer than the trial period but I could see it's potential and thought it good value for money. I have never looked back! I also highly recommend Warren Keller's book "Inside PixInsight" (now in Second Edition) and looking forward to the new book.
  9. I've stayed in Caithness in the north of Scotland over the summer solstice and it was quite strange - the boys played cricket on the sands (Dunnet Sands) at midnight - it was light enough. We could see the sun shining on the cliffs of the Orkney Islands. Something I shall never forget.
  10. You can't do plate solving with an ST4 cable AFAIK!
  11. Still haven't quite decided to go for a mono or colour camera. The colour camera will need the broken USB connector replaced or bypassed.
  12. My imaging electronics is right beside the cameras on the dovetail bar but I'm using the Raspberry Pi.
  13. I'm using a Vivitar 200mm f3.5 telephoto lens of film SLR vintage. I agree the mono version should be better but I only have the colour one.
  14. Best lens I had was a Fujinon Fish-Eye 1.4mm f1.8 but I had an accident with it and that was the end of that!! I bought a replacement but it was nothing like as good with distortion round the edge. This is the lens I'm using now :- All Sky Lens for QHY5-II and 1/2 Inch Cameras with ASI178 camera. Covers almost a full 180 degrees of sky (or trees etc.).
  15. I have the ASI174MM camera for Ha solar imaging. I have also used it for guiding but changed to an ASI120MC-S camera which I also had, for guiding and got much better results.
  16. Very interesting! I have Warren Keller's book (both editions) and love it but I can see that I shall want to go beyond that in the future. I like proper printed books though which I can read at the same time as running the software on the computer and monitor.
  17. That's fine. Zalman are very good coolers/fans.
  18. Your Facebook link isn't working Stu.
  19. Some STL files can be pretty big so storing them elsewhere and linking from here would be best. I guess smaller files encapsulated in a ZIP archive would be alright posted here.
  20. I think I may have seen it once but it could have been something else. I have taken thousands of images with my two ASI1600MM-Cool cameras. I too only knew of it from other posts.
  21. If you're planning an all-sky camera, a flat window is not suitable. You will get gross distortion round the edge. An acrylic hemispherical dome is used for all-sky applications.
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