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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I have some upgrades to do on the obsy and also more on the Ha solar scope and imaging setup.
  2. Amazing!!! You never cease to amaze me Chris 😀
  3. Yes, I too had lots of trouble setting up EQMod & ASCOM etc. in the old days. This is so much easier to get working properly - mostly it "just works". I have been surprised and delighted.
  4. I wouldn'y say INDI on an RPi is difficult or a "steep learning curve" - it's just a matter of copy and pasting Terminal code lines. Initial setting up of an RPi is the same as any computer and simply a matter of following the instructions.
  5. Beautiful image.
  6. I checked that the colours were correct with my DMM. What I didn't check was that my brain was plugged in the right way round!! 😁
  7. That was it!! It's now WORKING!! I can go to bed happy!
  8. Goodness gracious me - I believe you are right!!! Thank you very much. I'll swap them over.
  9. Conversely to cloud not necessarily meaning rain I have known it to rain when there hasn't been any cloud overhead, often accompanied by a rainbow!
  10. Seems I have another of those inexplicable problems to solve!!
  11. I needed a right-angle A plug to go in the RPi and still fit in the box.
  12. Connected a USB2 cable from the duff socket to the other RPi which has the shield connected to the common Gnd. Still no joy. I'm sure it's got to be the cable. It's a new unused one so I don't know if it worked before.
  13. That wouldn't agree with the USB2 spec though. But I guess ZWO might not adhere strictly to the spec. I'll try a separate Gnd.
  14. Yes, thought of that and done it.
  15. Still doesn't work with that USB cable
  16. Change of plan regarding USB2 cable. Drilled hole in side of camera case to take the cable with heatshrink sleeve to cover braid and avoid shorts. A fairly tight fit. Makes unshielded wires much shorter and no awkward bends in the cable.
  17. I've connected the camera to the RPi using the USB3 cable and it's working so the USB2 contacts are working with this lead though they weren't working with a USB2 cable/plug. This proves the camera is alright so I'll re-do my USB2 cable.
  18. I've connected the camera with a USB3 cable to a USB3 port on my desktop machine and the USB is recognised as shown by lsusb in Terminal. I thought when I had the problem with the ASI120MC-S that I ran an image capture software but now can't find what I did. This is in Linux Mint.
  19. Definitely!! I agree - don't touch it!
  20. I don't think I'd get the old one off without damaging the board. The metal body is soldered on with two huge lugs and then there's 9 thin pins
  21. No smoke - just not working - not detected. I'll take it apart again and see if I can see what's wrong.
  22. Hmmm... Not working. I'll investigate.
  23. Now the "nail biting" part - testing...
  24. The job in pictures :- This is the broken USB3 connector. The centre spigot on the connector has broken off leaving the USB2 connections floating. A USB2 cable cut and stripped and the wires fed through one of the holes where the removed ST4 connector was fixed. Fixed in placed with hot-melt glue. Wires stripped and soldered to the USB2 connections. Main PCB fitted back in case. Sensor PCB and Main PCB screwed back into case and sensor reconnected.
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