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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. It was left out in a damp observatory for years.
  2. I have one cable house to obsy and a network switch in the obsy.
  3. I bought a ready made outdoor rated CAT6 cable from Amazon many years ago to connect house to obsy. I run it as a catenary so the the rats can't get at it. Being UV shielded it's fine out in the open (and the birds like it). I can get a WiFi connection but since the two RPi systems that are mounted on the imaging rig can be at all sorts of angles, I prefer the much more reliable Ethernet connection - it's faster too.
  4. The issue no longer concerns me as I use the Raspberry Pi for imaging and control.
  5. CAT6 Ethernet cable is what I use between the observatory and house for remote imaging.
  6. Single camera bracket for Ha only rig.
  7. This was an attempt using the Losmandy style dual mounting bar but it doesn't actually make any difference when eyeballing the line-of-sight of the imagers. However, a smaller rig on the top end of the dovetail bar would.
  8. No, not yet. I see what you mean about the horns 🤣
  9. The hole for the focuser is big enough for me to get my hand in. As for taking the end off, the screws were rusted in!!
  10. I cleaned the mirror in my MN190 Mak-Newt in situ. Didn't want to disturb anything. Took the focuser off to get at it. And yes, it certainly did need cleaning!
  11. Binnning: The differences between CMOS and CCD by Atik describes the difference between CCD and CMOS sensors very succinctly IMO. With read noise being very much lower on CMOS sensors as produced by ZWO, binning is definitely worthwhile on very faint targets.
  12. Put a draw string through before assembling the bands to the straight part. You'll find it difficult or impossible to push cables through.
  13. Yes, just a subjective approach. There's probably a way of measuring it but I haven't bothered. That is just looking at individual subs - I use darks and flats to calibrate the light images.
  14. I run at -20°C or -25°C. I've found lower temperatures definitely give better results. I used to run at -30°C or -35°C but haven't managed that over this mild winter. Now it will have to be -20°C or warmer as the ambient temperatures increase.
  15. I think pinched optics too. A dirty mirror wouldn't do that and I can't see that you could have done it any damage in cleaning that would give that effect..
  16. Repeated in just over 5 mins on BBC4.
  17. I usually shutdown the RPi properly but not always. Doesn't appear to matter. I use KStars/Ekos/INDI with INDI drivers and indiserver on the RPi and KStars/Ekos on desktop indoors.
  18. Some day I might get round to finishing off my latest version! 🤣
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