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patrick moore from a beginners perspective


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hi all,,

having just really started with astronomy , cant wait to use my new 15 x 70 binos... i thought i would watch the sky at night , but im sorry for saying this but i cant understand what SIR patrick moore says,,he talks to fast for me,,or is it just me , does anybody else struggle to understand him ,, hey i know hes the main man , but i feel its time for prof brian cox to take the show onwards with a modern touch, or perhaps another programme with a presenter i can understand ,im not sure

your views please

russburslem, staffs:icon_salut:

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He can sometimes be hard to follow and occasionally stumbles over his words, but if I'm that sharp when I'm 87 I shan't be too displeased. He's much easier to follow once you've got more used to hearing him. I usually record S@N and then it's easy enough to skip back if I can't make out something he's said.


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He always has spoken quickly - somebody once did a survey, and he came out as the fastest-talking presenter on TV. He said he got into the habit because he wasn't given much air time, and had a lot of information to pack into it.

However, as he's getting older, I agree that he is harder to understand. But I don't want to see him disappear altogether, because I'm fascinated by the idea of a programme that has been running continuously since 1957 with the same presenter. Maybe it's worth checking to see if subtitles are available for Sky at Night? (I haven't tried, but I use the subtitles on Dr Who, because I find the sound effects and music so loud that I can't follow the dialogue.)


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Russ, Patrick Moore is a legend. He has done so much for amuteur astronomy.

BUT I agree with you. Without meaning to cause anyone offense, he is not a figure to encourage the younger people who maybe interested in astronomy.

Yes, for years he has done wonders, hence the Sir.:)

But I believe it is time for a 'changing of the guard'.

Again, I don't mean to offend PM fans (I am one myself after all).

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Hehe. With[out] prejudice, I still think of Brian Cox as a <cough> particle physicist. ;)

The "rankin' Sir P", will remain an archetype, for us old 'uns, whatever? Though I DO like the evolving S@N emphasis - Towards "back garden" observation (even if it's cloudy!) and the dramatis personae - whose names I SHOULD doubtless know. They are probably members here! But then, I do have a tendancy to doze off and lack concentration these days... :)

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I understand what you mean.. but it's much the same as needing to "tune" the ear into any regional dialect, or focusing your scope for that matter. One you "lock" on you're away. But then again he's always been quick and enthusiastic with his delivery.

As for replacement... As much as I really like Brian Cox and think he's probably the best way forward to make the science "sexy" for the future generations. I wouldn't want Sir Patrick to be replaced, that should be left for him to decide. He's Astronomy's royalty for goodness sake!! .. :)

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Like others, I've been listening to Sir Patrick for a number of years and don't find it difficult to follow him. I'm also used to listening to people with from various areas with various 'speedy' accents without difficulty .. as mentioned, it's simply being able to tune in to the rhythms of speech, it comes with practice

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Brian Cox is great, I enjoy his programs and hope he makes many more but, IMHO, Patrick Moore should do Sky at Night for as long as he wants to do it. Theres just some things you don't mess with.....;O)

In total agreement, If the baton was passed IMHO Chris Lintott would be a prime candidate.

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If and when Patrick Moore quits, Chris Lintott is the man, he's pretty much what Patrick Moore was forty years ago (bringing astronomy to joe public). Brian Cox as said above is great but he has a major career outside of broadcasting and would not do well in such tight confines.

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Patrick has always said he would give up presenting when the programme was not up to scratch. He has wisely passed on much of the presenting to others such as Chris and Pete but remains as the perfect master of ceremonies.

He is a true English gentleman and a hero to many of us.

Patrick and Sky at Night are a perfect match and long may it continue.

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I Think Sir Patrick is so synonymous with The Sky at Night that if he ever steps down the program would have to be re-invented with another name.

On Prof Cox, he is a great presenter and I look forward to his new series of Wonders of the Solar system in the near future (not sure when they air but I think it is soon).;)

I notice on Brian May's site he has been filming for the 700th edition of the Sky at night BRIAN'S SOAPBOX

Also there is Prof Cox.

Look forward to that airing.:):)

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I don't know if the S@N would carry on without Sir Patrick at the helm but Chris Lintott would get my vote to carry on with Pete continuing the back garden astronomer role.

It would be nice to think that the BBC grasps the nettle and exploits the new popularity in astronomy spawned by stargazing live and that the S@N is one of a number of related programmes with, dare I think it, regular time slots.

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I Think Sir Patrick is so synonymous with The Sky at Night that if he ever steps down the program would have to be re-invented with another name.
I agree with that, Sir Patrick is an icon within the astro community worldwide, it would be fitting to revamp the programme after he hangs his scope up :)
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