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Great moment


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I just wanted to say what a great feeling it was to locate Jupiter for the first time, when the lens focussed the tremdous sense of pride i felt was amazing, Jupiter in my own garden!!!!! Just hope Saturn and Mars give me the same feeling.

I've just got that feeling that a whole new universe has opened up for me.

Regards a complete novice :)

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Thanks for the warm welcome. I have a Celestron Astromaster 114 Im not sure if thats good, bad or indifferent but its got me hooked on the stars! I managed to see the moons(there were 4, the brightest seemed the furthers from the planet but sometimes only appeared to be 3? confirmation on this would be helpful) very clearly well dots and what i thought was a pattern on jupiter but if im honest the scope would be really clear vision for a second and then it would blur slightly as if the scope wasn't completely still, but it was totally amazing! Im putting that down to being a complete novice.

I located the planet by using the iPhone app 'planets' which was confusing at first but i soon found my way round.

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Hi Paul and welcome to the forum.

The 'blurring' you saw was not created by the scope itself but by you looking through and magnifying the effects of turbulence in the atmosphere ('seeing') which limits magnification at best to x250 but typically x200. There's a fair bit of atmosphere above us which is always moving around, though on a couple of nights, this 'boiling' clears to a minimum allowing you to ramp up the magnification. Sadly those nights are far fewer than we would all like and of course, we are viewing the planets' paths in the lower part of the sky where the atmosphere is thicker anyway rather than compared with the zenith (directly above us).

Congratulations on seeing Jupiter, especially with the moons. Saturn will be something that you will look forward to seeing because it has such an iconic shape! Keep up with the hunting.

Clear (seeing) skies


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Hi Paul,

I'm new to astronomy also and was given a Skywatcher Skyhawk 1145p as a Christmas present (love it) I also saw Jupiter a couple of weeks ago and nearly fell over when I realised I could see the Gallilean moons! I saw three first, however when I looked twenty mins later there were four... Of course I realise now that they orbit Jupiter fairly quickly (comparitively) so will be in different positions when you look...

enjoy the forum...

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