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Hello from the west midlands (Halesowen)


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i have always been interested in the night sky and have decided to take it a little further now. I am still looking for some courses and clubs near me. Hopefully will be attending a viewing night on Friday in redditch. Have not got a scope yet as I am still deciding what to buy, hopefully Friday will give me some idea of what I need. Anyway hello and if anyone has any info about courses and clubs close to me that would be great. Also is there a classifieds section on here? I can't find it.



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A warm welcome to SGL, hope you find it informative and enjoyable.

Yes, there is a for sale section but you can't access it until you hit 50 posts, apparently some "professional dealers" were using the forum so now you have to prove your worth!



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Hello Matt and welcome to the lounge. You may want to try Bromsgrove Astronomical Society they meet once a month or Untitled Document who meet once a week. I have been to both and everyone is very helpful and friendly but Bromsgrove offer the better skies. First visit is free at both clubs.


thanks for the info I will look into it. I really need some help buying a scope so need to meet some folk that know their stuff.


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Hi Matt and welcome to the forum.

Turn Left At Orion is an excellent book which is designed for the beginner with a scope of modest aperture. The tables at the back are in fact only valid until this year with a revised edition coming out in spring. I expect your enthusiasm will take you through the book pretty quickly so this won't be a problem. Glad to hear that you are taking your time with buying a scope - no rush, the stars aren't going anywhere! Observing through the kit is also a great way to manage your expectations and to gauge your budget sensibly. It is surprising how many people buy kit having never looked through it or something similar. One extra tip, if you like a particular scope, also jot down the eyepiece they are using because that can also make a difference to the viewing experience. Most of the eyepieces that may come with scopes are satisfactory but not great if you know what I mean.

Wishing you clear skies for your observation night!


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