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Hello! New to SGL...love stargazing, very amateur astronomer! Had a Skywatcher Catadioptric Reflector 114 for 6 yrs..took it out at dawn this morning to view Venus and Saturn...disappointing result (couldnt even spot saturn to my shame!) Poor image of Venus..wonder if my mirror is damaged..have a 10mm, 25mm and 2x Barlow. Anyone got any pointers on how to gat better results. Had a good view of Jupiter and moons recently through the 25mm, but too small to see detail.

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Hi Tigaroo, how long did you leave the scope out for? I don't think you would get a decent view through it unless you left it to settle to the outdoor temperature if you brought it out from a warm room. A few more eyepieces could help you, what make are the ones you have? I would recommend a 32mm plossl to start with when beginning observations. Once you have your target then you can increase the power to the 25mm.

If you don't have it Stellarium will be a great aid, it will enable you to see what is visable from your location, that will help you to find Saturn next time your out.

Welcome to forum as well!



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If you had a good view of Jupiter recently, i would take heart from that and not be worried about the scope. Venus is a tricky blighter and coupled with some iffy seeing, would give an awful view. So certainly don't read anything into a poor view that planet.

Saturn is due South at approx 6am at the moment. And approx 35deg up from the horizon. A nice yellowish star that won't twinkle like others nearby.

Not surprising the view through the 25mm eyepiece is better than the 10mm. The 10mm has a reputation for being a bit lacklustre, below par. Perhaps invest in a better eyepiece to replace it, you wouldn't have to spend much to greatly improve upon it.

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hi tigraroo i had the 32mm and 25mm in last night, the 10mm with blue 82a filter gave me the best view even tho it shot through the ep it was bright last night (jupiter that is),a did a drawing of this which are in my pics some where, the 15mm with blue filter was ok as well i look forward to hear of what view you get of saturn to date not seen it my self heres to clear dark skies cheers


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Thanks everyone. I havent looked at Venus before so didnt know what to expect, re Saturn, I did spot a yellow star, higher in the sky and to SW of Venus (4.30-5.30am) but couldnt resolve it to a disc through my scope, although I have in the past, so that confused me, my south horizon obscured by trees, maybe it was lower in the sky and out of my view..need to study the charts, thanks for Stellarium tip! Also maybe time to invest in some new ep's! Had a good view of Orion nebula last night :) Was very disappointed to have cloudy skies all through new year as missed the Qaudrantids and Jupiter/Uranus conjunction..but there's always something to look forward too!! I was told I looked very tired at volleyball this morning...haha, only grabbed 4hrs sleep between stargazings :evil6::)

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Hi all, I am new here, I study Geographical Engineer and since I remember I was fascinated by Astronomy, this Christmas I clean my binoculars and took the dust out of my first toy telescope. A very small one 50mm aperture, I could see the Moon and I remember my WOW when I seen Orion Nebula when skies were darker and full of stars. So I got into the net and order a Newton 130mm aperture, a Celestron AstroMaster 130EQ, very low budget but I think it can give me some smiles with the night sky lights, well anyway about the topic, I think you should check if the mirrors are colimated, if your telescope is a reflector of course! My greetings to all, sorry the text format, I am using my phone to write!

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Welcome to Britain's best forum. Wouldn't worry about the view you got from Venus. I have tried with several different scopes and it is bright, blurry and all sorts of colours with each of them. Saturn can be seen at the horizon in constellation Virgo from just after midnight and you can get a fairly good image once it reaches 20' or so around 3am (may differ depending on your location) You should be able to clearly make out the rings with your scope.

Good luck with the hunt.


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Thanks for your warm welcome everyone! O know I'll find the forum really helpful! Yes, Spaceboy...venus was indeed bright blurry and all colours...at least I know not to blame my equipment. looking forward to when saturn is up in the evening!

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