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Rob wright

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Hi from me in sunny Weston-super-Mare

been interested in the night sky for as long as I can remember but didn't know where to start.

Bought a tasco 114 mm a few years ago and stared at the planets.

I know most frown on a tasco but it gave me plenty of views of Staurn Jupitor, mars and the moon.

I knew nothing of dso's even though I read books, even sold some on astronamy.

Then last year my daughter decided she wanted a telescope for Christmas we researched and decided on a starblast 6.

This prompted a renewed interest and on looking for info finding this forum.

I have been a info sponge soaking up as much as I can from this site and others.

I am a forum addict and am a member of several but always lurk for a while to get the feel.

Recently i took the family to our work unit where there is better viewing of the sky and after a couple of evnings trying, found our first DSO, m31 of course, but the sight of that first through my small 10x25 binos then the starblast was a revalation to me.

I want but can't aford a larger Dob but will have to wait so just took delivery of a pair of Celstron 15x70s and the cloud comes lol

Hope to be around learning from everyone and would love to join some locals on a evenings viewing.


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Hi Rob and welcome to the forum.

Those binos are a really good start and should keep you going for a bit. I spent the early part of my life living in Weston - never saw the sea (is it really there? :eek::D) Have you been on that new pier yet and is any better than the old one?

This forum is a really good resource for info so I hope there is a bit more of that sponge left because there ALWAYS stuff to learn and understand. The membership here is above 8,000 yet it still retains a very friendly feel which is great for those starting out.

Clear skies in the meantime


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thanks all for the warm welcome

Not been on the new pier yet but the family went on day 1 and say its awsome.

I have found a dark sky location I am eager to try my new binos on but it will be a family outing as although I do the research they all want to have a look too which is great in my books :eek:

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