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What object would you most like to see?


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I don't know if its true but I have read one of the most impressive astronomical sights one could see would be a close approach comet. I reackon the chances of me seeing one in my lifetime are rare but you live in hope!

Clear skies


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I would love to see a dark, clear sky again. Haven't been out observing for over two months now due to cloud cover. ;)

It's no excuse...if I was that committed, I'm sure I could stay up all night, every night, anxiously waiting for those possible post-1am clear skies, but I have a busy life to live during daytime too. :)

Also, observing from a very, very dark site would be great.

A chance to observe the Southern Constellations would be fantastic.

Not asking much....:D

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I'm a little torn on this one - the horses head nebula in all it's glory or something from the southern hemisphere. i've only ever been in the deep dark south once, that was mauritiius and it was my honeymoon so no scope allowed on that trip :)

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I did email all my prospective candidates to ask that very question before the election. The only one of the five who did not reply was the one who got elected, so don't hold out much hope.

[MOds: if you consider this comment to be too 'poliical' pls remove: no offence intended]

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id like to see a dark skies policy in force too... makes sense, it'd save money, cut down on emissions and persuade all night binge drinkers to go home! Bargain!

I did email all my prospective candidates to ask that very question before the election. The only one of the five who did not reply was the one who got elected, so don't hold out much hope.

[MOds: if you consider this comment to be too 'poliical' pls remove: no offence intended]

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This morning I crossed another one off, Uranus! Last trip I managed the southern cross and jewel box, I'd like to get a better view of those though.

As if by some divine intervention, I've just been looking at a rather clear view of the jewel box, which, considering the altitude and humidity, was rather impressive! :)

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Not exactly an object but I would like to see Darkness for once.

Pure Night, No man made light, no moon, just the stars.

I have never seen that. is it possible, the old "cant see my hand in front of my face"?

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Not really an object, more of a policy given the impending government change here in the UK: all street lights shut off between the hours of 12am and 4am!

Should give enough time for the binge drinkers to get home safely too (or find a comfy enough bush to pass out in)... :)

too true

even half of them would help. why they need motorway lights on both sides every 100 yards at night I'll never know - don't people have headlights??

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Number 1 would have to be the night sky from The Nullarbor Plain in Australia, dead flat and empty, imagine the sights.

Number 2 would be another brilliant comet, Hale-Bopp was magical, McNaught was too far south.

Number 3 would be Saturn rising from the surface of one of her moons.

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Hopefully will get the chance to see mine someday;

Aurora Borealis

Close supernova (Betelgeuse maybe :))

Venus/mercury solar transit

But I think we are only just getting started. With the advent of the new uber- telescopes, not to mention the orbiting telescopes that are just limbering up, there's some whole new worlds out there just waiting to dazzle us ;)

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Not exactly an object but I would like to see Darkness for once.

Pure Night, No man made light, no moon, just the stars.

I have never seen that. is it possible, the old "cant see my hand in front of my face"?

I've seen more-or-less true darkness, but it's been when I've been way up in the Highlands, or in the middle of nowhere in Hungary. The very best was sleeping on top of a cargo ship's roof as it moored miles from land around the Maldives. WOW!

So darkness is there, but you have to go looking for it.

(Of course, that's darkness with stars in it - the best kind. If you truly want not to be able to see your hand in front of your face then I'd recommend a pothole)

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Staying in a lakeside Bothy near buttermere we had total darkness. As you stepped outside it was almost as if you were bumping into the dark. Having just got into 'Dog Soldiers" and having an old Land Rover also added to the sense of "cripes, it's dark!".

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I am counting the days till July 2061 when Halleys Comet returns, i will be an old man at 78 yrs of age so hope i am alive ;)

Thanks for reminding me I'll be dead. :)

I did see it last time though - so fair enough. ;):D

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