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Does anyone listen to music whilst observing?


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I like to listen to Pink Floyd on my MP3, dancing round the telescope helps keep me warm on cold nights but the neighbours are convinced they live next door to a mad woman or a witch!

With the telescope as your broom !:D

I've never listened to Pink Floyd. EVeryone says should give it a listen. May just do that when i next observe.

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This last week or so, my evening observing has been accompanied by the most musical birdie I’ve ever heard, haven’t seen it, but my better half says it’s a nightingale. Whatever that bird is – it’s lovely to listen to.

Best Regards and Clear Skies


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Yes, at the moment a Nightingale. Fabulous. Observing for me is slightly, erm, spiritual, but I would listen to music while imaging. However, I'm a trad jazz lover and most of the guests would object! I like listening to Radio 4 on the computer though. One little sound I love to hear is a sort of thruuuuuuup in the darkenss. That's Cachou, our border collie, shaking herself and whaking her ears on the side of her head in the process. I like to know she's around but if she comes racing up for a cuddle I have to say sternly, 'Cables Cachou!' She's very good company in the dead of night (and by day as well.)


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No music, but I love listening to the songs and sounds of the birds and seeing bats flitting about as dusk falls. As I wait for the scope to cool down, it's really relaxing to just listen to the nature - that is until the next plane goes overhead on it's glide path to land at Schiphol.

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I live out in the country where there's lots of beautiful nightsounds from the wildlife (Wolves, Owls, etc), but once in a while it gets quiet and that's when i put in the earbuds and listen to Jonn Serrie. :D But when a Fischer, Bobcat or Cougar is making their territory rounds and gets the local farm dogs barking, i have to switch to a more aggressive genre to drown them out. :p

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Talitha, would you not be better off listening out for the sound of approaching cougars????


No, not really.. predators don't make noise when they're stalking something. The only thing i'd hear would be my neck bones getting crushed by the Cougar's jaws a milisecond before i died. :p:D

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Sometimes where i live it is really peaceful so just enjoy the sounds of nature, and because when i go observing, it is mainly on the beach i love listening to the sea, something mesmerizing about looking into space whilst hearing lapping waves. Really quite amazing, however if I'm just in the back garden i will have the MP3 on with some chillout music, Cafe De mar, Sigor Ros, However i also like rock and metal so will sometimes listen to that, a weird combo i know but for me it is soothing to listen to hard rock and metal. Bands like Stone sour, Red hot chilli's and prodigy are just a few of the, shall we say... Lighter ones...I won't go into the other bands because i fear no one will like them :D

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