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JWST images


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18 minutes ago, DaveS said:

This an image from a few years ago. 2 mins each RGB with the Liverpool Telescope on La Palma


I think the likelihood is I saw 4 of the 5, including the interacting pair. (Bortle 2 skies) 

I really should keep better notes, but I become a lazy astronomer on that front as I lose myself in the skies.

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6 hours ago, Zermelo said:

Just to pick out one small area as a comparison between HST and JWST:



I think that's just about identical, but the frame is rotated a bit between the two.

You can see just how much more is in the JWST, both in terms of extra detail in the JWST and whole objects that aren't shown in HST at all.



Thanks for this. It really does show the improved performance in the red shifted galaxies, presumably now in the infra red that Hubble just didn’t pick up.

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To be fair, they were clear in their timetable: images at 15.30 our time, preamble before that.

I think it's only right that they have some public recognition. I've worked on a few long-running programmes (nothing like this scale) and there are always some dark days along the way. Many of them fail, and it often takes some serious determination from people who aren't necessarily involved in the details (the administrators, sponsors, politicians) to keep them alive. Webb was at serious risk of cancellation and some of the people on stage no doubt had a hand in saving it.

And I think it's reasonable that NASA marks the leading role they have had in making it all happen. They have been very effusive in their namechecks to other organizations so far.

Now for the pics!

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37 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

To be fair, they were clear in their timetable: images at 15.30 our time, preamble before that.

I think it's only right that they have some public recognition. I've worked on a few long-running programmes (nothing like this scale) and there are always some dark days along the way. Many of them fail, and it often takes some serious determination from people who aren't necessarily involved in the details (the administrators, sponsors, politicians) to keep them alive. Webb was at serious risk of cancellation and some of the people on stage no doubt had a hand in saving it.

And I think it's reasonable that NASA marks the leading role they have had in making it all happen. They have been very effusive in their namechecks to other organizations so far.

Now for the pics!

funnily enough I was doing some online admin so never fired up the stream. Next thing Sky News switched across at the point they started to show the images and analysis so I didn't have to do anything or listen to any early rambling 😄 

Impressive images, very nicely done!

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1 minute ago, Dinglem said:

is it me or have they got the apprentice on the camera in the studio?


Apprentices on the mixing gallery too I would say.

Also, they've tried to do some live interaction, but someone didn't realise that streams are buffered so live interaction is going to be very awkward with delays etc...

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3 minutes ago, Dinglem said:

is it me or have they got the apprentice on the camera in the studio?


Not the best production is it. The can put a man on the moon but can't make a decent TV stream.

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