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What did you see tonight?


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Today I spent the whole of the day in the garden enjoying the sunshine thinking how clear the sky would be tonight.

I wasn’t disappointed and set up around 6 o’clock.

This was my first visual session for a few weeks and after a very accurate alignment managed to view:

Andromeda galaxy

Orion nebula





Double Cluster

And much more

Simple stuff but very enjoyable. Temperature was a balmy 9 degrees with no breeze. Also used the binoculars on tripod which was great fun sweeping the sky and finally my own eyes!

it was very nice to just sit there and look at such a great sky.

Also now understand why people like double stars so much! 😁



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I spotted the 19km wide asteroid (540) Rosamunde in Cancer last night. Really faint at mag 13.1 but really thrilling seeing this tiny speck of light faintly glimmer in and out of averted vision. I get a kick out of observing faint, distant objects! Nearby M 67 also looked great.


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Just back in from a hugely satisfying session with my 12". I used only my Ethos 13 (141x) and later on the Nagler 31 (59x). Just about everything went right for a change and no dew to speak of. I'll write it up for a proper report tomorrow, but I saw (again) all the main galaxies in or near the main Ursa Major asterism: M51, M101, M102 (first time), M63, M94, M1109, M108, M97neb, NGC 4036. Dammit going through my list I realized I missed out M106 (not viewed before) - next time, hopefully later this week.

In Leo: the Triplet all very prominent: M65, M66, NGC 3628, also framed in one view later on with my Nagler 31. Similarly another triplet-lookalike nearby: M105, M95, M96 again also later framed beautifully together in the N31. Also M98.

I then found myself trawling the Virgo Cluster (in Coma?), and managed to identify NGC 4216, 4212, 4237 and 4262, plus several others that I didn't look up.

With the Nagler 31 in, I moved to Auriga where of course I saw M36, M37 M38 and finally remembered to look for the lovely little cluster NGC 1907 near M38.

I finished off with the Double Cluster which for some reason I take for granted and never view. In the 12" with 1.6 degs FoV I actually gasped, what an amazing sight.

Fantastic night.

Edited by Captain Scarlet
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8 hours ago, Captain Scarlet said:

finished off with the Double Cluster which for some reason I take for granted and never view. In the 12" with 1.6 degs FoV I actually gasped, what an amazing sight.

Agreed, never seen this before and it was the highlight of the night 👍

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Last night was a little disappointing - with poor transparency and very average seeing conditions. Started with Theta Aurigae and could barely make out the secondary as it winked in and out of sight.

So I moved on to some faint fuzzies, but I was not as successful as last week. Started at the cluster NGC226 - which I had never observed before. However, it was faint and most of the dimmer stars hidden in the murk. The globular cluster M67  was ok, but I cold only just see the 2 brightest members of the Leo triple M65 and M66. 

So back to doubles again. The seeing had improved a little. Tegmine (Zeta Cancrii) just about revealing the tight component at x300 and showing as notched between fuzzy spells. Algeiba (Ganma1 Leonis) was a clear split at 75x but little colour difference.

Omega Leonis and Kappa Leonis were too tight for the seeing conditions.

54 Leonis was an easy split though. Nice colour difference showing blue/green-grey.

Ended on Iota Leonis. The tiny secondary trailing to the east of the primary just barely visible.

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Was out with the 12" f/5 Dob yesterday evening from 20.10 to 21.30 CET under average conditions. Started with M 42 and enjoyed this celestial albatros wing it's way - perhaps the last view until September mornings will come. The E star in the Trapezium was visible, F could not be separated (seeing conditions). Over to a tougher target - the galaxy NGC 1875, a member of the Hickson 34 group. It's location is easy to make out, just 1° West to Bellatrix. As with 13.7 mag the "brightest" one, it appeared as a very faint, diffuse patch only in averted vision. More easy was once more the "collarbone nebula" 2022, a planetary, that showed it's slightly oblong shape quite readily at mag 140x (Seben Zoom). The central star was not visible.

Another attempt to spot the Horsehead followed, for the third time this season, again to no avail. Despite knowing the exact location, and using a H beta filter, a 25 resp. 34 mmf Ortho and the observing hood, I was just able to make out the outline of IC 434, but not the "thumbprint". A real nemesis!

M78 with it's "headlight" pair of stars, together with the companion reflection nebula 2071, finished the session.

Thanks for reading


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First night out with the new finder setup alongside my TS102 F7 ED last night. 100% clear but seeing was a bit wobbly at higher powers. 

I'll write up a proper report later, but overall a great evening. Targets were:

- All six components of the Trapezium - first time seeing them all! Delighted.
- Tried Zeta Ori again and succeeded this time at 200x - secondary seemed very orange
- Struve 790, found but very faint secondary 
- Lambda Ori, very easy and a lovely view
- Rigel - itself a bit wobbly but secondary a surprising pinpoint
- Mizar - very easy split 
- Uranus - maybe! Not totally sure if I got it, very low on the horizon and very orange/brown
- Pleiades - 17mm and 35mm EPs, but a little underwhelming in both. A much nicer target in my ZS73

Edited by badhex
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I just got back in from galaxy observing in mostly Ursa major and Leo. I will write a full report tomorrow but the highlight was my first sight of M51 and NGC5195! An omg moment seeing the two galaxies together and I am very confident I saw the arms between them. Buzzing with excitement!

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2 hours ago, Captain Scarlet said:

Clippety-Clop Clippety-Clop! Giddy-Up Giddy-Up! Hi-Ho Silver! Neeeiiigghhh!

No prizes for guessing what I finally bagged tonight!

Well done Magnus 👍👍👍

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51 minutes ago, Kon said:

I just got back in from galaxy observing in mostly Ursa major and Leo. I will write a full report tomorrow but the highlight was my first sight of M51 and NGC5195! An omg moment seeing the two galaxies together and I am very confident I saw the arms between them. Buzzing with excitement!

Sounds like a great night, look forward to reading your report.

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I had a decent little session, if a little unexpected but you take what you can get. FC100DC on the AZ75, so it was a bit of a test session too. All worked perfectly (once I had entered the right number into the encoder steps setting!

First up was the crescent Moon, really beautiful phase with bright Earthshine.

I then did a hop around various targets, testing the push to functionality. Highlights for me were M46 and 47, beautiful open clusters which I don’t recall seeing before although I may have done. Another one I enjoyed was Theta Aurigae which I haven’t viewed for a long time. In the Vixen 3.4 HR it was particularly nice, nice bright primary with clean diffraction ring, and a beautiful faint secondary.



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1 hour ago, Kon said:

I just got back in from galaxy observing in mostly Ursa major and Leo. I will write a full report tomorrow but the highlight was my first sight of M51 and NGC5195! An omg moment seeing the two galaxies together and I am very confident I saw the arms between them. Buzzing with excitement!

Well done Kostas! I will be reading your report with deep envy that you get to see The Whirlpool ☺️

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33 minutes ago, Stu said:

I had a decent little session, if a little unexpected but you take what you can get. FC100DC on the AZ75, so it was a bit of a test session too. All worked perfectly (once I had entered the right number into the encoder steps setting!

First up was the crescent Moon, really beautiful phase with bright Earthshine.

I then did a hop around various targets, testing the push to functionality. Highlights for me were M46 and 47, beautiful open clusters which I don’t recall seeing before although I may have done. Another one I enjoyed was Theta Aurigae which I haven’t viewed for a long time. In the Vixen 3.4 HR it was particularly nice, nice bright primary with clean diffraction ring, and a beautiful faint secondary.



Stu, those are awesome shots of the crescent moon👍

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I saw something amazing last night, even though it wasn't an astronomical object. I tracked the ISS as it passed over last night through my 10 inch dob at 70x for the first time. Wow, I could actually see the panels on both sides. That image will stick in my head for some time to come!


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36 minutes ago, Stu said:

I had a decent little session, if a little unexpected but you take what you can get. FC100DC on the AZ75, so it was a bit of a test session too. All worked perfectly (once I had entered the right number into the encoder steps setting!

First up was the crescent Moon, really beautiful phase with bright Earthshine.

I then did a hop around various targets, testing the push to functionality. Highlights for me were M46 and 47, beautiful open clusters which I don’t recall seeing before although I may have done. Another one I enjoyed was Theta Aurigae which I haven’t viewed for a long time. In the Vixen 3.4 HR it was particularly nice, nice bright primary with clean diffraction ring, and a beautiful faint secondary.



I too noticed the Moon and Earthshine were especially beautiful this evening. Lovely shots.

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Trying out some new eyepieces today. Didn't really get a chance to put them through their paces properly - transparency wasn't great but seeing was good. Using the 8" dob. The neighbour had left his spare room light on and curtains open, though! 😠

Started with M67. Not the best view I've had recently, but the red star to the north of the cluster was showing its colour nicely. Only the 2 bright Messiers of the Leo Triple were obvious tonight, too. M3 was also a little under-par tonight. A high haze I think.

So on to some doubles, then. 

54 Leonis very easily split in the 22mm LVW. Pale blue and steely green/grey. Colours better in the 13mm

Izar (Epsilon Boo) was split easily in the 10mm Vixen NPL (120x) 

Alkalurops (Mu2 Boo)  - the tight pair of the triple was split at 120x also, but variably as the seeing shifted.

Zeta2 Coronae Borealis - Pretty blue and green pair, easily split in the 22mm (55x)


Looks like a few clear nights coming up too! 🥳


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Right now I am out for the first time in a while and marvelling at the trapezium which even at high power looks pin sharp with E&F stars visible which seeing does not allow for usually. 

Just came in to warm up and check on my SGL friends, hello everyone!!

Edited by Sunshine
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1 hour ago, Epick Crom said:

I saw something amazing last night, even though it wasn't an astronomical object. I tracked the ISS as it passed over last night through my 10 inch dob at 70x for the first time. Wow, I could actually see the panels on both sides. That image will stick in my head for some time to come!


One of my ambitions with my 12 inch Dob. I tried a few weeks ago when it went right overhead but just couldn't get it in the FOV no matter how I tried. It does move fast when high up so I will try and get it when it is low down and seems to be moving slower next time and then keep it in view.

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2 hours ago, Geoff Barnes said:

One of my ambitions with my 12 inch Dob. I tried a few weeks ago when it went right overhead but just couldn't get it in the FOV no matter how I tried. It does move fast when high up so I will try and get it when it is low down and seems to be moving slower next time and then keep it in view.

What I did Geoff was catch it as it was rising in my finderscope then looked at the eyepiece. It moves slower when rising but really speeds up towards the zenith! Low power helps capture it in the eyepiece. Good luck!

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I setup the Skymax last night at about 20:30 and ended up not observing a single thing with it. My neighbour and our daughter popped out and we spent about an hour setting the world to rights, then it was dinner time. That crescent moon, with the earthshine was stunning with the naked eye tho.

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Firstly I have to congratulate everyone who is able to get outside and at least see something in a scope or Binos … in the east we have had persistent rain and drizzle for the last 3 nights . It’s so rewarding but at the same time a bit frustrating to read wonderful comments . I too hope that Sunday will bring an end to cloudy skies so I set up my new mount and scope .. hang on , maybe it’s my fault that it’s cloudy here 😕 

Great read and a great thread and thanks to everyone for brightening my day as at least I can share in all your stories . 

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