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SGL 2021 challenge 8 - All about Orion

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IC 434 in Ha.  2hr ish of 300s subs and largely processed in PI before moving across to DxO PhotoLabs and Nik Silver Efex for final editing.  Kit; TMB 105/650 LZOS, SX674 Mono CCD and Baader 7nm Ha filter.



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Orion and rosetta nebula from Valencia, Spain., New Years Eve 2021.

Captured and live-stacked in SharpCap and the annotated  at astrometry.net

67 x 60 secs, 250 gain


Canon 18-55 EFS Lens (at ca. 33 mm)  attached to a ZWO-ASI 294MCpro  -15 C

L-eXtreme filter, Optolong 1.25"

25 flats

25 darks 

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My attempt on what seemed like the only clear night all year 5th jan

Modded cannon 450 

80 mm meade scope I picked up for 40 quid on an EQ5 tracking ra. 

About 100x 30sec subs


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I didn't realize there was a competition going on for Orion before I posted a thread in the Imaging section. I live in the US so I will completely understand if that disqualifies me due to shipping of physical awards, but I guess there's always the badge to try for. Thanks for looking and good luck to everyone!

William Optics Redcat 51
ZWO ASI290MM guide camera
ZWO Mini guide scope
iOptron CEM40EC
Chroma Ha(3nm) and LRGB 31mm filters
Ha 42x30s, 39x300s
L  21x15s, 22x90s
R 20x15s, 21x30s, 20x60s
G 21x15s, 21x30s, 18x60s
B 21x15s, 21x30s, 20x60s
Just shy of 6hrs total integration (5hr59m15s to be exact)
Captured with APT
Processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop

Data captured Jan. 7, 2022 and processed Jan. 8-9.

M42 - HaLRGB_PS_FB.jpg

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I can't resist doing this popular target every year as it looks so pretty.

Imaged on 05 Jan 2022, from my Bortle 5 back garden.
The core is extremely bright in comparison with the outer diffuse layers so this is a composite of 3 layers of:
- 30 x 2 sec RGB
- 20 x 10 sec RGB
- 60 x 120 sec RGB
(about 2 hours exposure total)
with a Redcat 51 (250mm) and ASI 533C cooled astro camera on an iOptron Skyguider Pro, no guiding.
Processed in APP, StarTools and Gimp.



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Orion over the Carlton Marshes Visitor Centre, Lowestoft ,Suffolk.

The Constellation Orion striding over the southern horizon on the 3rd of January 2022. Image captured  using an unmodified  Canon 600d camera with an Sigma EX 10-20 zoom lens  all on a Star Adventurer equatorial mount. 

18x3minute light and dark frames at nominal f=17mm (APC sensor) and ISO800 were stacked using Sequator freeware and developed using Affinity Photo. . The foreground image was taken during daylight using the same camera and optical set up . "I'm getting too old for ladders and midnight visits to the marshes .  The two images were finally merged to create the composite photograph.  I posted this wrongly first time around. Sorry Mods, I'm definitely getting doddery!

George next the Sea

Orion over Carlton Marshes Visitor Centre Lowestoft small.png

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First ever entry into one of these, as I’m mainly visual I don’t have many images to offer. Nevertheless, here’s a festive Orion over my neighbour's brightly lit house (taken with my new Pixel 4a).



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ooh i have a couple entries for this region. nice and high in our skies right now in new zealand :)  captured in my b5 backyard and processed in PI


Orion/Running man

30mins Ha, 15mins OIII, 15mins SII



Horsehead / Flaming sword

6hrs RGB, 6hrs Ha


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Widefield landscape with Orion

This derelict farmhouse is 800m from home.  A composite.  Sky is 4 x 120s, f3.5, iso800 tracked from my garden early hours 2nd Dec.  View/orientation/scale and light pollution! same as the farmhouse.  Foreground is 20+ light painted on Boxing Day evening whilst starting on a huge Toblerone...

Cheers, Paul



Farmhouse in the Snow.jpg

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Flame and Horsehead, taken last night (12/01/2022) from the backyard, 2hr 45m integration with unmodified Canon 250D, Sky-Watcher 72ED Pro, iOptron CEM26, 30 x 300s subs (+ darks, flats, bias), CLS filter, guided, bortle 5.

Resolution reduced by 75% for posting.


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My submission here is M42 it was shot over two nights 04/12/21 RGB 45x60s for each channel and then 09/01/22 I added 145x60s Ha. In processing I realised the Ha was overpowering the RGB and realised I should have done LRGB here. In the end I blended 50% Ha and 50% R and mapped that to R and I think it came out ok. It’s the first time properly trying this and I found it was the hardest image I have had to process as above it took at least four attempts before I was happy probably caused by my rookie mistake. A lot of submissions on this one and some really awesome images good luck to all and the judges! 

R 45x60s, B 45x60s, G 45x60s Ha 120x60s

1600mm pro, WO RedCat


editing image as original was a screen shot another rookie mistake.DAB7414D-1126-4344-9742-0FBC428F05CC.thumb.jpeg.e59ce8de2e902986409e97e3de733519.jpeg


Edited by Simon Pepper
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IC434 (4K).tifIC434 (4K).tifHello Everyone, a newbie here. This is my entry and my first "proper" Astro photograph. I live in a Bortle 7 (Cadiz in S.Spain) and have tried the Horsehead nebula over the past year without success using a modded Canon 6D (with Ha filter) then a Atik414ex,  but with horrible sky pollution here, its always a barely recognisable mess. The scope is an eBay special, a Meade 6" Schmidt/Newt 762mm  and mount is again a second-hand Skywatcher EQ5. Was almost about to give up after seeing the uTube successes from AstroBiscuit and AstroBackyard, but rather than give up I decided to bite the bullet and got a mono ASI2600mm and H-a 3nm filter.

Taken from the balcony of my flat. 40x Subs at 180s at Gain120. Lesson learned! No star reduction or any other post-processing, just stretching in GIMP.

I have aggressively cropped  the photo down to 3840x2160 for display on my 4K TV. I hope you like it.

Original is available as a downloadable TIFF, the Web image (below) is displayed much too dark, so is losing some of the subtle gas trails, so any suggestions gratefully received on how to present it better. Thanks Steve.


IC434 (4K).png

Edited by QuantumRelief
.jpg image is showing graduations, trying a .png instead
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So many beautiful images here!

An entry for Category 1.  Orion and the Wicken Fen wind pump.

📷 Canon 6D (astro-modded) with Samyang 24mm f/1.4 lens at f/2 (sky) and f/4 (foreground) on a SKywatcher Star Adventurer tracker
🔧 Foreground 1x98s. Sky 14x60s (5 of which used a Kase Starglow filter).  All at ISO800
🎞 Sky stacked in Sequator.  Edited in LR and PS.


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And an entry for category 2 (unusual for me not to include a foreground!!)

📷 Canon 6D (modified) with Samyang 85mm f/1.4 lens at f/2.8 on SKywatcher StarAdventurer tracker

🔧 120x 90s + 77x30s + 6x30s with Kase Starglow filter at ISO800

🎞 Each set stacked in DSS and edited in PS, LR and Starnet++


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Another post from a newbie. This time I processed the core of the Orion Nebula seperately, using a series of 30 shorter 15 second subs, to avoid blowing it out with long exposures. The rest of the image is 64 x 180 second subs, resulting in a 3 hr 20m integration (excluding the time again for darks, bias and flats). Started at 7.12pm and finished at 4.51am 🥶 I think this is my best one so far. But I guess that’s the nature of any hobby when you start off … things should improve each time 🤔

Well done everyone, it's comps like this that give me the motivation to try harder. Thanks and good luck 👍



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Okay, it's not going to win any prizes, but just thought I'd share this single sub of the Horsehead taken 5th January 2022 from the New Forest here in the UK. I had been imaging M33 that night and just thought I would slew to Orion for one last shot of the night.

So, this is a SINGLE 300 second Ha sub taken with an ASI1600MM and William Optics GT-102. It was first light for the scope that night.

The strange diffraction spikes are due to me imaging through a neighbours tall bush peeking over the fence! I was amazed I captured anything.

Due to this I only took the one frame and just stretched it in PI and applied a bit of noise reduction.


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Failed Upload
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I've tried to image IC 434 properly for the first time. I live in North Cornwall and I was using my sw 72ed AzGti eq mode and it was my first light with my new zwo asi294mc pro. Processed in Startools and photoshop then a slight tweak in denoise it's 180secs guided subs at 120 gain - 10° for a total of 2.5 hours of data over 2 consecutive nights under a 70-80 % lit moon sitting right above Orion on 11th and 12th January. Calibrated with 30 darks, flats and dark flats. So washed a lot of nebulousity out, but still so happy to get anything like this on my first attempt. I'm hoping to add more data to it soon. If you've ever seen my first attempt with IC434 this is a billion times better. So so pleased. 


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Here's mine IC434 (Horsehead), NGC2024 (Flame) and barely (NGC2023), guess it comes under (3)?

Usually put the info on the photos as per my Flickr account but I felt it was time for the image to take centre stage as I haven't been doing this long. Not brilliant by all accounts but it was my first time using my 183mm camera on 5th January after more than a month of cloudy skies so seeing what it was capable of, and just managed to get autoguiding working on this wonderful little mount that could. Always wanted to do the Orion targets with it, this time of the year however the constellation is fairly low in altitude and running around the south it becomes blocked by a roof as well as the constellation Orion rotating slowly as the night progresses so the angle is not ideal. I managed to take this photo in time after planning around doing another target once it reappeared into view, quickly had to remove filters, refocus, and manually plan as it couldn't plate solve. Stack of 4 or so mono images 60 seconds exposures autoguided prior to it disappearing for the night. Post processed manually in PS, masked, blurred, gradients added, cropped.

AZGTI > WO Z61 > ZWO 183MM Pro.


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I happened to have taken the nebula last month and so why not enter.  All subs have been taken between 07 December and 05 January 2022.  It consists of 50 minutes of each RGB filters, 90 minutes of luminance and 2.5 hours of Ha blended in. 


Taken using a WO GT81 APO, ASI 1600MM Pro, Baader filters, HEQ5 (rowan upgrade) and ASI Air Pro.

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Another attempt from me taken yesterday evening.

25 x 180s lights, 15 x darks, dark flats, flats and bias.

I think something is wrong as I had to increase shadows to drown out a weird elliptical vignetting. Also a number of stars are slightly elongated towards the bottom left?  Anyhow, overall i am reasonably pleased with it when compared with my first ever attempt of Orion :)

Equipment used: SW Esprit 100ED, ZWO 2600 MC, evogude 50ed and ZWO 120 MM mini on a AZ EQ6 GT. An ASI AirPro is controlling the lot.



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The Horsehead and Flame Nebula.

* 6:40 hours of H-Alpha from 80x300s subs
* 4:54 hours of RGB at ISO800 from 38x300s + 4x240s + 16x180s + 20x120s subs (shorter subs while object going over light polluted area, progressively longer as it moves up/across the sky)
* Bortle 4, Moon average 5% phase, 15° height
* 25 flats, 25 dark flats, 50 darks
* Sky-Watcher 130PDS with primary baffle, NEQ6 with Rowan belt, EOS1000D minus IR filter, 7nm H-Alpha filter, 0.9x coma corrector, APT, PHD2, APP, StarTools, Photoshop, Topaz DeNoise AI


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Been playing about with five three minute lights at ISO800 captured in my backyard using my Canon 600d and a Canon 90-300 zoom lens at f=90mm - all mounted on a Star Adventurer.  I captured the lights at the beginning of this month. Have been trying out AffinityPhoto  which Mrs H gave me as a birthday present. This image which I have named 'Belt Up' is the result.


Belt-up best.png

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