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My Neighbours 1) Really 2) really 3) really like security lights.


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3 minutes ago, JamesF said:

I now have visions of a large motorised parabolic mirror burning the words "Turn the lights off" onto their living room wall :D


And followed by an “Oops I think we’ve over done it” when the offending house is reduced to a smoking ruin. 😁

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14 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Or how about mirrors angled to shine the light back into their windows.🤔 😁😁😁

I've wondered before if , say , a cheap 'space blanket', the (?) mylar silver flimsy things (for emergency use, sometimes available from £ shops) pasted on to a proplex sheet from a builder's merchant might make a lovely, lighweight, easily mounted 2mx1m  mirror surface for this purpose ...


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1 minute ago, Tiny Clanger said:

I've wondered before if , say , a cheap 'space blanket', the (?) mylar silver flimsy things (for emergency use, sometimes available from £ shops) pasted on to a proplex sheet from a builder's merchant might make a lovely, lighweight, easily mounted 2mx1m  mirror surface for this purpose ...


Hmmmm……or one way mirror film on all of the windows facing the house.? 🤔

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1 hour ago, Astro Noodles said:

People who do things without considering how their actions will affect others may not be prepared to be reasonable when challenged. I would go straight to the council myself if I couldn't live with it, without confronting the neighbours directly. I wouldn't feel bad about not approaching the first as they are the ones bein inconsiderate.

I quite understand your point of view, but for me I'd like to be able to think that I gave them the opportunity to resolve the problem (albeit anonymously if necessary) before getting medieval on their donkey.


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Did they give Chris the opportunity to voice his concerns before turning on the floodlights ?

I mean, you could say treat people as you would like to be treated yourself. But, some people are just unreasonable. I suppose the worst that could happen is being told to [expletive deleted] off. Approaching the neighbour first, and then bringing in the council, then the neighbour would know who it was who grassed them up.

I hope that Chris will make his own mind up about how to deal with this situation.

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8 minutes ago, Astro Noodles said:

Did they give Chris the opportunity to voice his concerns before turning on the floodlights ?

I mean, you could say treat people as you would like to be treated yourself. But, some people are just unreasonable. I suppose the worst that could happen is being told to [expletive deleted] off. Approaching the neighbour first, and then bringing in the council, then the neighbour would know who it was who grassed them up.

I guess I'm just more of a "Here, I brought you some rope.  Look, I'll even tie the noose for you" kind of guy, Noodles.  I absolutely understand that some people might not want to get involved with a neighbour if there was any concern at all that there might be a difficulty though.  People sometimes do stupid stuff and it shouldn't have to be up to their neighbours to explain that to them.  (Or perhaps it could, but then they should also be smart enough to realise they'd got something wrong, which is far from a given.)


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1 minute ago, johninderby said:

Sorry Chris but this is the view just now out of my conservatory door looking at the back garden. 🙂

I'd be complaining about those damn huge trees getting in the way of my view of the sky for a start! :D


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1 minute ago, johninderby said:

Fortunately the trees aren’t on the south side or north side or west side. 🙂

Well, if you're ok with it that's fine.  Otherwise me and my friend Mr Stihl have a solution for these kinds of problems :D


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3 hours ago, johninderby said:

Fortunately my neighbours don’t like security lights. 🥳🥳🥳  

Only one in the area is on a garage and too low down to be seen over my fence. 

I wonder if that's my light between my garage and my door! 🤣 

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2 hours ago, Tim said:

Looks like the neighbour I had at a "dark site" recently.....

My neighbour at home is similar, massive floodlights on all night, I spoke to him about it once and he did angle them down a bit, but then upgraded to even brighter, much worse ones.  They drive you mad don't they 😕

I think that there is a strand of the libertarian movement that feel a desperate need to demonstrate their personal freedoms by being as antisocial as they can and demonstrate their concept of personal responsibility, by determining themselves what the consequences their actions should be, i.e. i've been a complete ar*se, ive decided that there should be no consequences... so were all good.

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14 hours ago, Chris said:

hmmm? now you mention it, it could be because I sometimes press my face up against their patio window whilst they're having dinner? 🤔😄 

They must have a very fancy patio if it has a window 😀. On a more serious note I think some people are so wrapped up in their own world they just don’t consider anyone else, sadly.

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15 hours ago, Chris said:

They have just upgraded from their two security lights to 3 security lights. I thought it was the Full Moon glaring through the curtains!



Its all getting out of hand now, there should be regulations limiting the light output of security lights, can you not complain to the council under 'Statutory Nuisance'. Its not so bad if the lights are just sensor activated and on intermittently, but increasingly they are often on continuously. 

Its not just astronomers that are affected, these lights also have an adverse effect on wildlife.


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I reckon many people do this kind of thing in pure ignorance. Perhaps it's time they came with a mandatory warning on the packaging, along the lines of "Warning: incorrect installation may lead to prosecution, read the instructions fully". Said instructions would include a bit about light trespass plus the environmental aspect.

If, instead, folk installed things that led to toxic chemicals running into a watercourse, I bet the authorities would be all over it like a rash. But it's "only" the nighttime environment and minorities like ourselves that suffer.

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When I see houses with that much lighting, drawing attention to themselves, I always assume they are sending out a very public message to all local burglars to please come and visit as many times as possible!

Even the washing line in that house seems to be left up too, and it is so well lit I guess maybe they are hoping a burglar may fancy to do a load of washing and put it on the the line at the same time. A very friendly household indeed.

With the hike in energy prices perhaps it is a pity those led floodlights use so little electricity or people maybe more tempted to turn them off! I have noticed more garden lights being turn off recently though.

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I read some official advise that low mounted bulkhead lights are better than flood lights as they give a more even illumination and eliminate the dark shadows that people could hide in plus of course the light isn’t as likely to bother neighbours. Of course this begs the question as to why you would need to light up your garden while you are inside your house. 🤔

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"Sea Change" (I sense not Seed?!? lol) in UK society... "It is my RIGHT"! etc. 🙄
I once chatted to a neighbour about my Astronomy... "Light pollution" etc.
He actually tries HARDER to P*** me off MORE now he KNOWS about it? lol

Local CRIME rates are about *half* the national average, but everyone is
obsessed that "bad people" will "steal their stuff"...  without floodlighting. 😬
The UK MEDIA "fear induction" has something to do with this, I sense...

Edited by Macavity
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A well known UK DIY store has 63 variations of idiot lights on offer. 

This is how they are selling the idea of outdoor lights "Recreate that feeling of arriving at a stylish hotel every time you pull onto your driveway with our range of outdoor lighting. The welcoming exterior lights of home, proudly showcasing your castle in all its glory; there really is nothing more inviting than a well-lit outdoors in the evening."

I believe in the US they have a rather more effective law of Light Trespass.

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