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Rocket Launch over UK tonight?


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Does anyone know if there was a launch seen from uk skies tonight, approx 22:15?

My daughter sent me a picture it looked like a comet with a fanned tail 🤔

(sorry for poor image) 😳


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Yep - saw it this evening, while waiting for the scopes to cool down. There were actually 2 fan-shaped patterns - a fainter one preceding it. Very ghostly looking.

At first I thought it was a plane coming in on approach to the airport with its lights showing through fog. But then I could see stars next to it.

The various Facebook astro groups and Twitter lit up afterwards with pics and videos.

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KentOnline are suggesting it was the Landsat9  Atlas V rocket re-entry burn.


Other reports are suggesting a fuel dump [the video of the fan looks like a dump, not a re-entry burn, imho) from the Centaur upper stage of Landsat9 launch vehicle.
In my day an upper stage rocket - that injects the satellite/payload into orbit -  continues in a similar orbit. So is it new practice these days ( space junk minimization ?) to de-orbit the redundant rocket stage along with a (prior?) fuel dump ?? 

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Good explanation in The Daily Record

Not a fuel dump, not a reentry burn-up, 

brief quotes :
"space technology engineer, Dr Malcolm Macdonald said: "Yesterday evening an Atlas V rocket
Centaur upper stage
The exhaust gases from this manoeuvre
was illuminated by the Sun"
end quotes.

I was out observing at the time but didnt see anything, Reason :-  thanks to  @jiberjaber video locating it in a star field,  - way too low in trees on the northern horizon for me 😢

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I saw it (while imaging M33), was inside having a cuppa looked outside, travelling North it was a great sight. Managaed a quick shot on my mobile.

Now confirmed as being the Atlas V Rocket entering the Atmosphere to deliver 9 Satellites, launched earlier from California, last seen heading North across the UK, Centaur upper stage debri burn.



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6 hours ago, Grant93 said:

Saw this myself whilst imaging last night, only had enough time to whip my phone out. Sad I couldn't get a better picture. Was baffled when I saw it though 😆


Same shot i got from W/Yorks on my iphone while I was imaging M33, great sight.

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6 hours ago, Stu said:

I was out at the time but didn’t know it was happening! Must having been too busy looking at Jupiter. Looks amazing, would love to see something like that. Thanks for the pics.

Yes, you were facing the wrong direction, it was travelling North, I was going to have a go at Jupiter myself but decided on M33 instead, glad I did now


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