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The Floor Strikes Back and A New Hope

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The end of the world.

My brand new Tak FC-100 DC slipped from its clamp (presumably too loose) while I was setting up a finderscope. The scope suddenly hit the wooden living floor with a sickening shattering sound. The Flourite element smashed on impact. Other items were damaged too.

This is the only scope I've ever damaged more than minor cosmetic scratches. Oddly enough it looks like the glass front element did not crack but the Flourite died on impact.

Ian at FLO has offered superb support throughout the process and helped me evaluate the damage - scope is beyond economic repair as are a few other items.

Fortunately, I have accidental damage cover on my home insurance, and with evaluations from Ian and plenty of photos of the damage, the insurer has agreed to pay out in full (minus my policy excess, ouch).

So whilst I wait for the pay out to be processed, I have to make a decision - new FC-100 DC and maybe a Feathertouch micropinion, or FC-100 DZ with its slightly better optics and longer drawtube?

The scope would be multirole - sometimes used as a widefield scope alongside a classical cassegrain, sometimes used as a high mag scope alongside a widefield Tak 76, and sometimes used on its own.

I had the 127 Apo and CC8 last night at home in particularly fine and dark Bottle 8 skies, though dodging light cloud. The 127 gave awesome views of the starfields of Cygnus with the CC8 showing colour in the Ring Neb and picking up two of the Leo Triplets and my first view of the Whirlpool.  The 127 is long though and ergonomics weren't good viewing the many objects at the Zenith, the Whirlpool was exactly overhead and very hard to target.

Later I got some great views with the Tak FC-76 and Ethos EPs on phototripod which is much more stable with the centre column down and the legs fully extended. The FC-76 is short enough that zenithal objects aren't an issue. I was actually able to resolve some stars in the M13 Hercules Glob at over x100 without much image shake.

Which got me to thinking that the DC or DF make more sense than the DZ with its slightly better objective - but it would probably only be 3 cm lower down at the zenith?

The DZ would be a kg heavier, too much for my phototripod and AZT6 mini AZ but no probs for my Ercole Mini. It has the longer focuser. I wonder whether the field would be flatter for wide field views and whether at F8 the snap to focus would be such that I'd never bother with a Feathertouch pinion.

Anyone with experience of the DZ care to comment?





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Oh gosh, this is the nightmare scenario that plays in my mind every time I secure my scope to the mount head. It’s a shame you had to loose this one but, hopefully everything works out with the payout and you’re happy with the outcome. Just last night I had a scare after I thought I secured my 102 on my Vixen GP outside in the garden. While giving everything a once over before observing as the sun sank below the horizon I noticed the lock knob was not nearly tight enough, I was able to turn it another 360 with fingertip ease. It seems I had tightened the safety screw and missed the main knob. My heart skipped a beat and I almost kicked myself with anger, I think if I were to break mine, finding another would be a long shot. Now after reading your story I will surely look over my home insurance policy just to make sure I have such coverage, it is worth it. FLO seems like a bit of an astronomy jewel on that side of the pond, I WANT AN FLO TOO!!.

Edited by Sunshine
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Really sorry to hear that this has happened :sad:

I can barely bring myself to look at your photo of the smashed Tak objective :shocked:

At least the insurance is going to come through for you (minus excess).

Did the scope fall out of the tube clamp or was it the dovetail bar falling out of the mount clamp that caused the fall ?


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Oouuuccchh! 😱😱

Really sorry to read about this, what a shocker. Such a relief that the insurance will pay out. Out of interest was it a named item or just covered automatically?

I think @mikeDnight is possibly best placed to answer comparisons between DC and DZ having had both.

I chose the DC (rather than DF), because I always intended to fit a Feathertouch and so it made sense to buy the cheaper scope. I would likely still opt for a DC as I value the light weight and portability and suspect that optically the differences are probably fairly small, although I don’t doubt the DZ is a little better.

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30 minutes ago, John said:

Really sorry to hear that this has happened :sad:

I can barely bring myself to look at your photo of the smashed Tak objective :shocked:

At least the insurance is going to come through for you (minus excess).

Did the scope fall out of the tube clamp or was it the dovetail bar falling out of the mount clamp that caused the fall ?


Dovetail slipped from the clamp. Tube rings remained very secure and have actually survived with minimal cosmetic damage 🙂

The rings actually protected most of the tube from damage, problem is the objective is actually in the dew shield so not protected. In this respect the DZ might be slightly more robust as I believe the dew shield slides over the objective? So possibly more protection?

Edited by Commanderfish
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12 minutes ago, Stu said:

Oouuuccchh! 😱😱

Really sorry to read about this, what a shocker. Such a relief that the insurance will pay out. Out of interest was it a named item or just covered automatically?

I think @mikeDnight is possibly best placed to answer comparisons between DC and DZ having had both.

I chose the DC (rather than DF), because I always intended to fit a Feathertouch and so it made sense to buy the cheaper scope. I would likely still opt for a DC as I value the light weight and portability and suspect that optically the differences are probably fairly small, although I don’t doubt the DZ is a little better.

I had accidental cover which not all policies have, it wasn't a named item, but it didn't fall under any of the categories of items to which a limit per item is placed, e.g. laptops only covered to £500, glass collections limited to £1000.

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I've actually decided that whichever scope I buy, I won't replace the entire focuser with a Feathertouch. I might put an FT pinion on, but not a whole focuser. This is for cosmetic reasons.

So then I need to decide whether the DC has enough travel. It does have enough for all my 2" EPs, but once I put on binoviewers with a Tak prism I might need more back focus?

This can usually be solved with extensions though... Just wondering is switching from 2" to 1.25" prism and binoviewers will.be a nuisance.

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14 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

Dovetail slipped from the clamp....


I had that happen with my Vixen 102 ED a few years ago. I was very lucky with that because the fall was onto a stone patio but somehow the damage was restricted to the end of the dew shield and the focuser. I was able to patch it up reasonably easily.

Horrible noise though, a scope hitting the floor :sad:

Edited by John
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Regarding the DC vs DZ decision, presumably you already made this call once when you bought the DC? Has anything changed which would mean you would make a different decision this time around?

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1 hour ago, Sunshine said:

Oh gosh, this is the nightmare scenario that plays in my mind every time I secure my scope to the mount head. It’s a shame you had to loose this one but, hopefully everything works out with the payout and you’re happy with the outcome. Just last night I had a scare after I thought I secured my 102 on my Vixen GP outside in the garden. While giving everything a once over before observing as the sun sank below the horizon I noticed the lock knob was not nearly tight enough, I was able to turn it another 360 with fingertip ease. It seems I had tightened the safety screw and missed the main knob. My heart skipped a beat and I almost kicked myself with anger, I think if I were to break mine, finding another would be a long shot. Now after reading your story I will surely look over my home insurance policy just to make sure I have such coverage, it is worth it. FLO seems like a bit of an astronomy jewel on that side of the pond, I WANT AN FLO TOO!!.

Will they ship to you in Canada? Might be worth it for some items....I've got things from Ontario Telescope before.

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1 minute ago, Stu said:

Regarding the DC vs DZ decision, presumably you already made this call once when you bought the DC? Has anything changed which would mean you would make a different decision this time around?

Yes, my willingness to throw money at Flourite has increased 😈 😄 

I didn't really even consider the DZ before due to price.

Also having had a DC, it's nice to buy a different model. But the DC/DF are lighter with shorter tubes, very practical.

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I had the 150PL slide down the dovetail recently, when aimed near-zenith, clearly not sufficiently tightened. Saved by the limit bolt, not far it could have fallen from that position and onto grass...and it's not a Tak. Ouch, I feel for you!

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3 minutes ago, wulfrun said:

I had the 150PL slide down the dovetail recently, when aimed near-zenith, clearly not sufficiently tightened. Saved by the limit bolt, not far it could have fallen from that position and onto grass...and it's not a Tak. Ouch, I feel for you!

Yes, a grass lawn would have been far more forgiving a suspect.

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2 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

Yes, my willingness to throw money at Flourite has increased

So long as your willingness to throw fluorite at the floor has stopped, then I think we can all rest a little easier! 🤣🤣

You say ‘had a DC’, it was relatively brief, so you’ve not had the full experience yet. I think your original ‘brief’ was widefield, although perhaps the 76 has that covered? Still, the DC will give just that bit wider fields than a DZ (3.4 vs 3.2 degrees with a 31 Nag. Doesn’t sound much but is the difference between the Veil fitting comfortably and being a bit snug.

It’s ultimately a balance between portability and a smidge better high power performance. Only you can decide that one based on your priorities I think.

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7 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

Yes, a grass lawn would have been far more forgiving a suspect.

Grass lawns can bite too!

I had a C925 drop down in its dovetail, and only just caught it. So easy to get caught out. These dovetails can sometimes get caught at an angle and feel like they are fully tightened, but then just need to shift a small amount to be come completely loose. Best to keep checking them, particularly as the night chills down as temperature changes can prompt it too.



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Wow, that image of your DC's lens caused me to almost use an expletive.  I'm really sorry your DC is no more, but at least your insurance takes a little of the sting out of it.  I have had  beautiful DC, which I loved, but I couldn't resist the DZ with its claim of better colour correction.  My DC didn't show any false colour and neither does my DZ, so the actual advantage eludes me slightly. The DZ is certainly capable of high power, but I used my DC on occasion at 474X, so it was no slouch either.  I can't honestly say the DZ is noticeably better than the DC as I wasn't able to run them side by side. The DZ seems to be a little cooler optically, and with a better focuser (same as DF). The DZ tube is shorter but the retractable dew shield doesn't extend any further beyond the lens cell than the DC or DF, just 80mm. Can't say I've noticed a flatter field with the DZ but I haven't really looked for it. If you loved the DC you'll almost certainly love the DZ, but whether its worth the difference in price can only be answered on a personal level. You already have a tube clamp so that makes the purchase a bit cheaper. I suppose it makes sense to buy the DZ if you're looking for top end optics in a doublet 4" refractor that's currently in production. I'm just not certain that the DZ will do anything that the DC or DF couldn't also do.


Edited by mikeDnight
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16 minutes ago, Stu said:

Grass lawns can bite too!

I had a C925 drop down in its dovetail, and only just caught it. So easy to get caught out. These dovetails can sometimes get caught at an angle and feel like they are fully tightened, but then just need to shift a small amount to be come completely loose. Best to keep checking them, particularly as the night chills down as temperature changes can prompt it too.



EEK!   I hope the droppsy's isn't contagious ! 

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Isn't there a forum rule about not posting upsetting or disturbing images?

Very sad to see precision scientific instruments in such I sorry state.

As a clumsy idiot myself (I recently dropped my camera). I fully commiserate.


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28 minutes ago, Stu said:

Grass lawns can bite too!

I had a C925 drop down in its dovetail, and only just caught it. So easy to get caught out. These dovetails can sometimes get caught at an angle and feel like they are fully tightened, but then just need to shift a small amount to be come completely loose. Best to keep checking them, particularly as the night chills down as temperature changes can prompt it too.



YOWZA!!! Thats one sad face!


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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Grass lawns can bite too!

I had a C925 drop down in its dovetail, and only just caught it. So easy to get caught out. These dovetails can sometimes get caught at an angle and feel like they are fully tightened, but then just need to shift a small amount to be come completely loose. Best to keep checking them, particularly as the night chills down as temperature changes can prompt it too.



YIKES! it looks like the gaping mouth of a whale shark!

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