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A quick message from me to say hello.

Very much looking forward to the start of hopefully many years of enjoyment from star gazing! My lockdown hobby so far has been upgrading my coffee setup that I started back in 2016. This is now complete, so looking for the next hobby (and one that I can enjoy hot drinks too!). We currently reside in West Yorkshire and far enough away from Leeds/Bradford that the skies are not too bad.

I am not even sure how this happened, but I have absolutely no background or family friends, or any other influence with regards to astronomy. However, back in 2013 I went to visit Kielder Observatory. We lived in Newcastle at that time, and I booked a set of tickets but didn't attend as the weather was awful. Then at the second attempt, the weather was overcast, but I decided to go anyway to listen to the lecture. However, I was incredibly lucky and after the lecture at about 11pm, the skies had cleared and it was absolutely beautiful. I had no idea there could be so many stars in the sky. The staff at the observatory were great and we must have stay until about after 1am looking at various things.

My plan would be to learn the constellations over the summer by eye and maybe invest in some gear later this year. I'd love to get something 2nd hand as my first coffee stuff was second hand and very well looked after. Then eventually I was able to sell that one when I finally upgraded to the higher end of the market. But, I have also seen and understand the 'buy once and buy right' attitude. So, I'm in this for the long run and looking forward to getting started.

I have seen a few book recommendations already, but any other hints and tips would be greatly appreciated!


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Welcome. Hope you have lots of fun - that’s the best tip I can give you, to have fun. 🙂

You may have some late nights ahead looking for stars in the summer 🤔, but hang in there.

Edited by Floater
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Hi and welcome to SGL ...

Taking your time before buying equipment is the way to go . If you have a pair of binoculars you can get some spectacular wide field views whilst learning where everything is . If not then just keep doing what you are doing and keep looking up :) 



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Thanks everyone.

I have a copy of "Turn left at Orion" and have also just bought the "a walk through the heavens".

I read that article as well which was posted too. I self-taught myself how to solve a rubix cube a couple years ago. So I imagine this will be a bit like that, only a bit more depth than just 3 layers!

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Hello and welcome to the site 👍

Can I suggest that you start off by getting yourself a planisphere and load stellarium or similar on your devices. A planisphere is a very simple and useful sky map that you can just take outside and start to familiarize yourself with the constellations and the night sky. Enjoy

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Welcome to SGL, Stephen!

Coffee and stargazing sound like  a perfect fit! Buying second hand and possibly selling it on later sounds like a solid plan. Some of the gear out there has barely been used. And once you have more experience you might think something else fits better or maybe you get the bug and may be willing to up the investment!

 The only thing I can think of advice-wise is just to be a little cautious when buying second-hand as there have unfortunately been a few scammers around.

Oh, and if I did it again I would get warmer clothes for my first year!

Good luck with your star travels!

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Thanks very much everyone.

Walk through the heavens arrived today and I have read the first few pages this evening, whilst it is snowing outside here in Yorkshire! Definitely at the right level for a beginner.

Planisphere seems like a good idea too. I'd prefer to go paper based as I perceive myself to have decent-ish spacial awareness. So hopefully once I get familiar with the layout of things, I should be able to remember it. And to be honest, except for a bit of time on this forum, this hobby is to try and remove myself from the ever invading influence of technology on our lives!

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